Legal and Regulatory Framework 2 Flashcards
The place you can get a Name search
The Registrar:
Companies Office Of Jamaica
What is a TRN
Tax Registration Number
Benifits of Registering a Business
- Needed for applying for credit cards for the business
- Clients and Investors will be attracted
- Enables continuity of the business
- Facilitates attractive agreements between the business and its suppliers
Random Permits
Food Permits
Environmental Permit
Liquor License
TCC [ Tax Complience Certificate]
Why are labour laws important
Businesses must know the Labour Laws that are applicable to them in the territory in which they are situated and understand how to appropriate them. Their adherence to the laws promotes professionalism and reveal their ethics.
What are some Labour Laws of Jamaica
Trade union act 1919= Steps of how to become a Trade Union member
Labour Relations and Indistrual Disputes= Outlines the rights of workers as members of a trade union when there is industrial action
Employee termination and reduandy act= Procedure for calculation of payments, Terms of Qualification for reduancy, Minimum standards of Payments
Holiday with Pay act= Conditions for sick leave and paid vacation
Minimum Wage act= A set wage for workers
Maternity Leave act= Geared towards women who are pregnant
Industrial Relations
Refers to the interactions and relationships between management and employees. The Trade Union and the government will play an important role in these interactions
Collective Barganing
When a worker’s representative & management negotiate in order to arrive at an agreement on the terms and conditions of employment
Settlements of Disputes
Management and the employees represenative should agree on the procedure for the settling of disputes, it must be in writing and state the level at which an issue must be raised first.
Human Resources
Human resources (HR) is a function that serves as a link between employees and managemen.Written rules and guidelines that direct the behaviour of employers. They are important for the smooth running of the business.
Examples of HR policies
Attendance Policy
Break and Lunch Periods
Safety and Health
Standards of Conduct
Discrimination and Harrasment
What are Taxes uses for?
Repay public Debt
Attract foreign investors
Improve Balance of Trade by reducing imports
Increase or reducse consumer spending
Financial welfare programms
Equity= Taxes should be levied according to a person’s ability to pay. The tax must be progressive. The rich must pay more than the poor
System of taxation must be simple to understand, it will encourage compliance.
Locations of Tax collecting Offices must be convenient to tax payers. Also improves compliance