Legacy Persistent Organic Pollutants Flashcards
What are POPs?
- POPs= persistent organic pollutants
- There are 12 initial pops, or legacy pops, that got on the Stockholm convention.
- These were pesticides, industrial chemicals and chemicals produced accidentially:
- They all contain the halogen chlor in the chemical structure.
- Examples:
• Aldrin: insecticide
• Endrin:
• Chlordan: pesticide
• DDT: used to combat malaria and tyfus
• Dieldrien: pesticide
• Heptachlor
• Mirex: pesticide (insecticide-fireants). Also used as flame-retardant, in plastic and rubber.
• PCBs: industrial chemicals. Used in electronics and in building materials. Used as sealants around windows as to keep the sealant soft.
• Toxaphene: Pesticide
• PCDDs: dioxins
• PCDFs: similar to dioxins
What are the physical-chemical properties of POPs?
• Common for all compounds: they contain the halogen chlor. Several of them are aromat-
ics/contain a benzene ring, others are cyclic. The molecular weigh is 200-500 g/mol.
• They are semi-volatile. That means that they partition back and forth. They have low water
- Dissociation does not play a major role, as they are neutral substances.
- Kow: kow is usually on the very high end.
- Bioaccumulation: as logkow is high they have potential for being bioaccumulated.
• Degradation: low degradation of these chemicals, which highligts that these are rather persis-
tent chemicals.
• Toxicity: different from compound to compound, but there are some toxic issues.
Explain POPs in relation to Transportation.
- POPs undergo longe-range transport due to primarily their Semi-volatile nature. (explain LRT)
- It is a criterium to be on the Stockholm convention then they have to undergo longe-range transport
and be a PBT com.
Explain POPs in relation to Distribution.
- Distribution is the most dominating process for legacy pop.
• They are both hydrophobic and semi-volatile i.e. that they can distribute in several media.
• Due to their persistent nature they had/have the time to distribute into the environment.
whereas we look at something as hydrocarbons in a e.g. oil-spill then one year later these
compounds are gone, most likely being degraded.
• Bioaccumulated in several organisms. Also see several studies show a biomagnification of the
compounds in higher trophic levels.
Explain POPs in relation to transformation.
- PCBs can be anaerobically dechlorinated by organohalide respiring bacteria in sediments.
• Low chlorine number, more water soluble and easier to cut out.
• Some bacterial strains can degrade PCB congeners