Leg & Soc Test 2 Flashcards
Mitochondria case
2 people have 1 DNA strand; baby will live no longer than 10 years; Britain–> can take a healthy DNA strand from 3rd party and put into cell of parents
Contracts Law
“invisible backpack material”; known as k; a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law provides remedy
Elements of Contract
1) offer; 2) Acceptance of offer; 3) Consideration
effected by 1) Capacity–VOIDABLE 2) Legality–VOID
Express Contract
manifest our agreement either orally or in writing
Implied contract
parties don’t write anything down and don’t say anything; contract created by conduct. ex. April Cleaning yard
Unilateral Contract
1 party makes a promise and the other party performs ex. paint without setting up a date
Bilateral Contract
both parties make a promise Ex. tree cutter
Uniform Commercial Code
uniform set of laws that are passed in identical form in every single state except Louisiana; ex. state law
Nepolianic Code
Louisiana; practices French Law
Legality of a contract
VOID; if object of contract is illegal– contract is void (as if it never existed);
ex. Kill Riley, NFL paying people for injuries
2 parties to a contract understand the nature of consequences of their actions
Defects in Capacity
VOIDABLE; but only on the part with the person on the defect
Types of Defects in Capacity
1) Infancy; 2) Mental Incompactiy; 3) Intoxication
until 18 years old; reasonable period of time after turns 18; decide case by case; ex. give kid back money after crashes car just after buying it
Nonvoidable infancy
if minor marries at the age of 14; Rent a place to live; Divorced at 16
make payment after turn 18 (sign that you chose to keep the contract) ex. pay monthly credit card payment
Mental Incompacity
mental illness, alzteimers, dimensia, or any kind of mental disability; part of voidability—sign when on or off meds?
unsympathetic to judge; ex sign car away while drunk–probably excused
high go wire cars–liable
the manifestation of consent to the terms of an offer in the manor required by an offer
-by any commercial reasonable means
Clerical Error
might be able to get back; if misplace decimal point
benefit of the bargain for both parties; both parties have to get something of value
Is the promise to make gift enforceable?
No lacks consideration on 1 side
What type of contract is it when someone hangs up posters offering a reward for whoever finds their dog?
Unilateral Contract
Uncle made a deal with his nephew if he stayed out of trouble in college he would give him $10,000. What kind of contract?
Case #1 Hooters
waitress in Panama City Beach, FL–beer sales contests–highest beer sales will win Toyota–Unilateral accept by doing it. Jody wins–day of award she is given a Toy Yota from Star Wars; they settled and let her pick out any Toyota ($40,000)
Davenport, IA Case
give 10,000 to whoever got numbers tattooed on their forehead–Unilateral
Lucy vs Zehmer
Supreme Court of Appeals Virginia 1954; eating dinner Zehmer says to Lucy Fergusen sell farm to her for $50,000. Lucy says yes would love to buy it. Wrote note on back signed by Zehmer and Wife. Lucy tries to give him $20. No I am not selling you Furgesen farm. Sues him.
2 prong test
1) objective test; 2) subjective test
Objective Test
court analyzes if three elements of contract are present: offer, acceptance, consideration effected by Capacity and Legality
Subjective Test
has to be meeting of the minds
–defects- intimacy, emancipated, intoxicated, “as high as Georgia pines”
look from person who is at a disadvantage
Specific Performance
have to give up something (farm) found meeting of minds
-had to sell farm to Lucy
Contingency Contracts
agree to take case if its is settled get 30%; goes to trial and win 40%; trial and lose nothing–gambling ex. Buffalo Creek
1) Duty; 2) Breach of Duty; 3) Causation (Actual & Proximate); 4) Damages
not to kill or hurt them (duty to be careful with you)
Breach of Duty
go against duty (kill people)
- death - property damages - physical injuries - pain and suffering - funeral - environmental damages
did they cause damages? (damn)
What was the first thing Pittston did?
Said the most that anyone could get according to West Virginia State law is $10,000. So he said he would write people checks for that amount but no more.
Ford Pinto
mother killed in accident designed a car with gas in the back; cost $15 to recall all of the vehicles or less cost if they just pay when bad things happen
Pittston’s Defenses
1) Act of God (Parkersberg; Hurricane; Earthquake)
2) BCMC/wasn’t even us
3) State’s Fault
4) People’s Fault–> can move; no money
5) State of the Art
State tort claims act
can’t sue state
State of the Art-Custom & Usage
doing it best way we know
-Do we know how to build a dam?
Do we have evidence it didn’t work?
Settlement prices
Started with $64 million-->Stern $3 million--> Pittston $32.5 million--> Stern $3 million --> Pittston $13.5 million--> Stern (13,500 per person)
Contingency fee
Para hours
Secretary hours and legal hours (misc hours)
Reason doesn’t take it to trial
- hard for witness on stand
- 64 million might break Pittston
- Pressure from people to settle it
- bankrupt (last group paid plaintiffs)
Power of Gov’t Regulation
found in Constitution Article 1 section 8 interpreted by US supreme court
Market Failure 4 areas
1) Imperfect information
2) Monopoly
3) Externalities
4) Public Goods
Imperfect information
- gov’t mandates nutrition on bottle
- forced franchise calorie (McDonald’s)
- know to make informed decisions
- most of the time don’t get accurate information
bad in US
believe competition greater benefit
not all costs of a good or service are paid for by those responsible (pollution)
Public Goods
things that can’t be provided through the market (ex. hwy, national defense)
Interstate Commerce
commerce between states; 1964 when Civil Rights of 1964 passed
1954 Supreme Court Case
Brown vs Board of Education; Plessy vs Fergusen
- -set up principle–Separate but equal
- could segregate public schools as long as equal schools
Brown vs Board of Education
1954; struck down separate but equal
-1954-1964 King Speeches, lunch counter, Rosa Parks
Title 2 of Civil Rights Act of 1964
you can’t discriminate in a place of public accommodation (any place serves public) against people based on 5 factors
5 Factors
1-race 2-color 3-sex 4-religion 5-national origin
My place of private accommadation
yes can discrimminate
Landmark Case
-use in bakery refused to serve gays
Heart of Atlanta motel 1964
- large multipart holding
- don’t have to serve blacks because don’t have anything to do with interstate commerce
- so are all of their customers locals?
- no therefore interstate commerce is in effect
Title 2 of Civil Rights Act of 1964
valid exercise of congresses power under the commerce clause
-saying ya they can do that
the interstate movement of persons
is commerce which affects more than 1 state
-driving to Chicago buying gas in other state-interstate commerce
The protection of interstate commerce
is within the regulatory power of congress under the commerce clause whether or not the transportation of persons between states is commercial
-even if its not congress can still regulate it
Congresses action in removing the disruptive effect which it found racial discrimination has on interstate travel
is not invalidated because congress was also legislating against what it considered to be “moral wrongs”
IntraState Commerce (Alli BBQ)
small restaurant where you getting buns? out of state affects interstate commerce
-Grind own beef
if there were enough little restaurants refusing to serve people based on sales would affect interstate commerce because the black people can’t eat anywhere–affects interstate commerce
goes against religious belief
What can state do?
- state can regulate commerce
- state and communities can regulate because by police power can regulate on health, safety, and morals
Dancing establishment
next to kid establishment
stop them? can you?
State and local regulation of commerce
can both regulate through police power
Police power
anything relating to health, safety, or morals of a community (ex water barricade)
Local morals
strip club
any governmental unit other than the legislature or the courts, usually created by legislature because not all regulation physically can be handled by legislative body
-all agencies pass rules
miniature governments; Department of Home Land Security; if created by legislature have enabling legislature
enabling legislature
unable to exist; created by executive government have to create own guidelines
Executive function of agency
- oversight of agency
- implementation (gov’t enabling legislature) (President creates rules)
- Control for enforcement of their rules
Legislative function of agency
rule making
1) interpretative rules
2) procedural
3) Legislative important
Interpretative rules
interpret the enabling legislative
noncontroverseral–> layout internal procedures
Legislative important
express policy and are treated exactly like laws
Pocession of Marajuana
Drivers license 6 month; legislative rule
Informal Rule making
write in and see what you want about change
Formal Rule making
hearing, can show up, voice concern
Exhausting administrative remedy
go through all of their appeals
Administrative law judge
3rd room speaker phone; not a real judge–> lawyer
gang to lose hearing-bias
3M TA3
can’t have sub-seen license plate
-under Iowa law if name is sub-seen– word let him have it
FCC vs Pacifica Foundation
words considered dirty- George Carlin 7 words can't say on TV 1972 turn off if you don't like hearing it.. what if you turn it on halfway through? Dad and 6 year old boy
Federal Communications
in charge of fines; sued over Janet Jackson “nude” disclosure which was on for 1.5 seconds
marketing brass nipple gaurd
-8 years in hearing + tax $
George Carlins case
monologue on air 1972 couldn’t play now; 6 year old child was listening when aired
1st amendment issue? can you do that?
power to regulate content of obscene material
content that is meant to get you sexually aroused
obsence material is anything prurient
“Supreme court said we know it when we see it”
Supreme COurt
indecent FCC can regulate your context only between 10pm and 5am can be played
ex. Comedy, HBO, Serious (have to purchase them)
most formal; require a filing of articles (articles of incorporation) in state in which you want to incorporate
Filing fee: get money out of you
-should hire lawyer
-have to file minutes of meetings with secretary of state
Centralized Managment
benefit; elect board of directors; elected by shareholders
Board of Directors
appoints officers
run operation day to day
Business Judgment Rule
if Corp makes bad decision–can’t sue Ex. Coke
Martha Stewert
insider trading–stock broker called her and told her President is dumping his stock; she also falsified document Stocks went from $40 to $2
can sue if based on criminal act
Shlensky vs Wrigley 1968
Wrigley owned 80% of cubs; doesn’t want to put lights in wrigley field; stockholders approach wrigley with white socks financial figures; more $ not at night because tradition in day; Shlensky and minority shareholders sue–comparable to Coke
Shareholder Derrivative Suite
sue on criminal not if on decision
Perpetual Existance
exists till intellectually taken apart
Corporations have to have transfer ability of shares
Tax @ Corp
taxed at Corporation level and individual level
Double taxation
taxed at Corporate level and individual level
join up in law practice or account; going to be someone doing less than everyone else
Benefits of Partnership
- don’t have to file anything (not required)
- partnership agreement: including planning for failure
Downside of Partnerships
- unhappy
- joint and several liability: forget to file $300,000 lawsuit; screw up; other partner responsible
- criminal activity liable?–New or should have known
Durration of Partnership
dissolves and reforms every time a new person is added or dropped
usually unknown to public
Fiduciary Duty
- loyalty
- Accounting
- Non Competition
Breeched Judiciary Duty
Veale vs Rose; Partnership Agreement
can have outside business interest as long as it doesn’t compete with accounting partnership
One of the men owns a grocery store
-partners performance of accounting duties for grocery store
-yes breaching judiciary of loyalty and non competition
Sole Proprietorship
0 formality; bough a sign -life is dependent on owner -have to know personality type (type A) -taxes (suck) --> Federal State 46% pay quarterly taxes-- math error $125 put tax $ in separate account -schedule great
Limited liability;
Subchapter S
part of internal reveunue code
small up to 100 shareholders
taxes as pass through
S Corporation
- pass through
- up to 100
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
terminology changes
- not share holders–members*
- file articles of Corporation
LLP Partnership
- big Accounting firms
- for partners who are in a different country
- limits liability in country
Securities Law
New 1) Securities Act of 1933
Old 2) Securities Exchange Act 1934
1933 Securities Act
initial public offerings (new)
-new securities on market- FB
information to investor
1) information on Company and what it does
2) audited Financial statements which include (income statement, statement of cash flows, and balance sheet)
prepared by management given to accountants
1934 Securities Exchange act
traded on open market; required disclosure of information through quarterly and annual reports (cash flows, income statement, Balance sheet)
Insider trading
any person with knowledge not available to the public; tippers and tippees all insiders
Civil Actions
securities exchange commission can civil oppose 300% of profit or falsified document $750,000 per person
Willful violations Criminally of 34 and 33
- up to 20 years of jail time and
- up to $25 million of fines
- additionally of 300%
Antitrust Law
restraints of trade
we like open free markets because we think that competition increases quality decreases cost
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890
persevering competition; forced by federal trade commission
Clayton Act 1914
forced by federal trade commission
Sherman Act
- restraints of trade
- Monopoly (1 seller or firm has more than 50% of market)
- passed over oil and railroads
make you stop doing what you are doing
-primary weapon
Clayton Act
-closes behavior gap leading up to monopoly and restraints of trade
Big Cement Co vs Little Cement Co
LCC 1 plant- family owned
-Big–many and came into small town manufactured under manufacturing cost
Predatory pricing
lower costs to drive out and then go back up
insulin drug bought from Walmart
cheaper than from distributor
International ethics and law
1997 Globe Shrunk because of internet
contracts with international failure
specify in contract where going to be heard or stuck with international law
International Law
derived from treaties, conventions, and customs
should follow treaties and customs you agree to because it is the ethical thing to do, if failed to plan for failure alternatives go to international court of justice-not bound
International Court of Justice
very loose, not unified
ex. France
- offer and Acceptance
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
prohibits bribery-illegal in US
American Business men work in Russia and they are suppose to bribe them what do you do? can’t bribe but can greece
regulatory expected payment to government official
ex golf in Japan for $2000 no too much
place we get international law from
exists when 2 conditions are met
2 conditions under customs
1) when an action is followed consistently and repeatedly
2) considered binding by the nations observing it
Direct Contract
not evidence of multinational enterprise
living in separate countries form contract together
Evidence of Multinational Enterprise
1) foreign Representation
2) Joint-Venture
3) Branch office or Subsidiary
4) Licensing
5) Franchising
Foreign Representation
American Party sells in a foreign country through a representative agent or distributor
2 parties enter an agreement for one project for a specified time period (ex John Deer and Yamar (Japan))
Branch Office or Subsidiary
division liable for branch office in foreign country not liable for subsidiary in foreign country
Very adaptable to cultural taste; sell license for representative to sell products
Last evidence of multinational enterprise
tel you where to buy supplies
pays franchiser for a license to use trademarks, formulas, and other trade secrets
Burger King
ex of Franchise
Hawaiian burger
tight franchise
paying for advertising, supplies of company
Government defenses in international law
1) Act of State Doctrine
2) Sovereign Ammunity
Act of State Doctrine
a judge in one country will not question the decisions of another country acting within their own boarders
ex. women in Saudi Arabia
Sovereign Ammunity
A US citizen cannot sue a foreign country in the US court unless 1) the action happened inside the US 2) foreign nation agrees to be sue in US courts (ex. Germany sued in NY) 3) the action has a substantial economic impact inside US
Martin vs Republic of South Africa
1984; political policy; South Africa out numbered
U of I– a lot of $ invested in South Africa Government
on parents weekend; students made signs and chanted
Martin–dancer; US Citizen, black; got into a car accident and needed medical attention 2 hospitals wouldn’t take him got him on plane to come back to US but permanently disabled because it took too long
lost not substantial amount of impact