Leg Process HoC V HoL Evidence Flashcards
Lords stepping back example
EU Withdrawal Agreement Act 2020 was sent back to the HoC with five amendments, however the HoC rejected all of these amendments and the Lords backed down, recognising the democratic legitimacy of the HoC and Brexit.
Example of parliamentary ping pong
2021 Trade Act
HoL sought to introduce an amendment, supported by some in the Commons, to prevent UK governments from agreeing trade deals with countries that had committed genocide.
Was introduced in Common in March 2020 and the Lords in July 2020. After this, it went back and forth between the two houses 6 times before receiving royal assent on 29 April 2021.
How does the Salisbury Convention Limit the HoL?
Shouldn’t block any bills that fulfils a pledge in the government’s manifesto by voting against it in the second of third reading.
Example of secondary legislation
Statutory instruments are used to ban new substances by adding them to a list under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
Confidence and supply agreement example
In 2017, Conservative minority government used a confidence and supply agreement with the DUP, in which the DUP agreed to support the conservatives in votes of confidence and over budgets, in return for £1billion of money pledged to Northern Ireland.
Delaying non-financial legislation example
In 2001 ten defeats in the HoL led the government to remove incitement to religious hatred as an offence from its anti-terrorism legislation as the HoL argued it would’ve threatened rights.
Delaying non-financial legislation example
In 2001 ten defeats in the HoL led the government to remove incitement to religious hatred as an offence from its anti-terrorism legislation as the HoL argued it would’ve threatened rights.
Of the …… appointments made between 2000 and 2014, …… were from a minority background
(Becoming increasingly socially representative)
Example of how the HoL has become more professional
Lord Andrew Adonis is a Labour peer who served as Secretary of State for transport under Gordon Brown.
Example of a specialist life peer
Julia Elizabeth King is an engineer and a Cross bencher - she is the current chair of the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology.
Tony Blair - defeats in commons vs lords
HoC - 4 (all in his last term)
HoL - 353 times
Boris Johnson - defeats in commons vs lords
Hoc - 4
HoL - 243
HoL having more time, energy and expertise to devote to scrutinising gov policy example
2020 agriculture act
32 hours in the commons
96 hours in the lords
The 2018 EU withdrawal bill
Introduced by Theresa May
Gov suffered 15 defeats from the Lords
1 was accepted by the government and 8 saw some form of compromise