LEG: Muscle Groups and Nerve Roots Flashcards
NERVE: Femoral
ROOT: L2, 3, 4
Adductor Longus
NERVE: Obturator
ROOT: L2, 3, 4
NERVE: Obturator
ROOT: L2, 3, 4
Rectus Femoris
NERVE: Femoral
ROOT: L2, 3, 4
Vastus Lateralis and Medialis
NERVE: Femoral
ROOT: L2, 3, 4
Anterior Tibial
NERVE: Peroneal
ROOT: L4, 5
Extensor Hallucis Longus
NERVE: Peroneal
ROOT: L4, 5
Extensor Digitorum Longus
NERVE: Peroneal
ROOT: L4, 5
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
NERVE: Peroneal
ROOT: L4, 5, S1
Peroneaus Longus
NERVE: Peroneal
ROOT: L5, S1
Internal Hamstrings
NERVE: Sciatic
ROOT: L4, 5, S1
Ext. Hamstrings (Long head)
NERVE: Sciatic
ROOT: L5, S1
Ext. Hamstrings (Short Head)
NERVE: Peroneal
ROOT: L5, S1, 2
Gluteus Medius
NERVE: Superior Gluteal
ROOT: L4, 5, S1
Gluteus Maximus
NERVE: Inferior Gluteal
ROOT: L5, S1, 2
Posterior Tibial
NERVE: Tibial
ROOT: L5, S1
Flexor Digitorum Longus
NERVE: Tibial
ROOT: L5, S1, 2
Abductor Hallicus
NERVE: Tibial (Medial Plantar)
ROOT: L5, S1, 2
Abductor Digiti Quinti Pedis
NERVE: Tibial (Lateral Plantar)
ROOT: S1, 2
Gastrocnemius Lateral
NERVE: Tibial
ROOT: L5, S1, 2
Gastrocnemius Medial
NERVE: Tibial
ROOT: S1, 2
NERVE: Tibial
Tensor Faciae Latae
NERVE: Superior Gluteal
ROOT: L4, 5, S1
Fourth Dorsal Interosseus Pedis
NERVE: Lateral Plantar
ROOT: S2, 3