Leg Med Halo-halo 6 Flashcards
what to bring on exam day
1) NOA
2) Official receipt
3) Health Forms
4) Cert of Quarantine / neg RT-PCR
5) 1 long brown envelop
6) 1 long transparent envelop
7) 2 or more pencils (No 2)
8) Ball pens with BLACK ink only
requriements for PRC application for prelims only
- PSA birth cert
- PSA Marriage contract
- GMC from Dean
requirements for Final complete PLE in PRC application
- PSA Marriage contract
- 2 GMC
- Diploma of MD
- Certificate of Internship
refresher is done after failing how many times
11 y/o, what teeth are present
(4 first molar which appeared at 6 y/o)
- 4 central at 7 y/o
- 4 lateral at 8 y/o
- 4 1st bicuspid at 9 y/o
- 4 2nd bicuspid at 10 y/o
Persons who cn give consent (IN ORDER)
Patient himself (must be of legal age and of sound mind)
Nearest of kin
Legally appointed guardian
State or government (Doctrine of Parens Patriae)
if patient is minor, consent must be obtained from:
*Legally appointed guardian* Parents ª(Father > Mother) Parental grandparents Maternal grandparents Eldest brother of sister (provided he/she is of age)
Guardians Teachers and professors Heads of chldren’s homes, orphanages or similar institutionts Directors of trade establishent Court of law (last resort)
ªmother takes precedence IF child is illegitamate or <7 y/o
When does incompetence become a ground for reprimad, suspension, or revocation of registration certificate
when it results in an injury to or death of the patient
Rights of patients
- to disclosure of information
- to give consent to diagnostic and treatment procedures
- of privacy
- to confidential information
- to treatment
- to choose his/her physician
- to refuse necessary treatments
- to religious beliefs
remarks on a minor waiving a right
A minor cannot waive a right
who is the guardian and owner of the medical record
if private clinic, then the private physician
medical records can only be disposed after
10 years - oPD/ER
15 years - in-patient
When may the contents of the record be disclosed?
- when requested by the PATIENT or by someone who could act in his belahf
- when the LAW requires such disclosure
- birth cert, death cert
- cert of immunization - when a SUBPOENA is issued by the court and other gov’t agencies
shapes of entrance wound
contact: large, circular, or oval short range: inverted (1-15 cm) medium range: inverted (15-60 cm) >60cm: circular or oval
ordinary handgun: <3 inches
rifle: about 6 inches
conditions in the principle of double effect
- The act must be GOOD, or at least morally neutral.
- The agent INTENDS only the good effect. The bad effect can be foreseen, tolerated and permitted, but it MUST NOT BE INTENDED.
- The bad effect must not be a MEANS to the good effect
- The good effect must OUTWEIGH the bad effect.
Anti-Child labor
RA 9231
ameds RA 7610
Children below 15 y/o shall not be employed, except
- directly under the sole responsibility of his/her parent or legal guardian and where only members of his/her family are employed
- cinema, theater, radio, television or other forms of media, sbuject to agreement of child and approval of DOLE
A child below 15 y/o work hours
not more than 20 hours a week
not more than 4 hours at any given day
15-18 y/o work hours
not beyond 40 hours a week
not more than 8 hours a day
not morme than ___% of the child’s income may be used for the collective needs of the family