Lectures 4-6 - Global Radiation Flashcards
a measure of energy
a function of the response of an object to the heat or energy absorbed
amount of kinetic energy the molecules possess, rate of vibration
Heat capacity
efficiency of conversion of heat to kinetic energy
differs based on material
large heat capacity means it takes a large amount of energy to increase the temp of the substance
specific heat
ex.) winter in Montreal versus in Vancouver (Vancouver is near the ocean and its temp is influenced by the very high heat capacity of the ocean)
heat transfer from faster to slower moving particles
stick touching fire
emitted by matter as electromagnetic waves due to pool of thermal energy from all matter with temperature
on side of fire
transfer of heat through fluids
hand on top of fire
Kelvin to Celsius conversion
T(K) = T(C) + 273.15
Habitable zone
optimal area for life given distance from sun
Goldilocks Principle
Wavelength and frequency relationship
longer wavelengths have lower frequencies
Wave speed equation
c (wave speed) = λ (wavelength) ν
elementary particle responsible for carrying the energy of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths
can only interact with matter by transferring the amount of energy given by E = hc/λ
(Solar) flux
amount of energy or material that passes through a given area
In the case of the Sun, it is the number of photons that pass through a given area per unit time
changes based on angles –> seasons
Inverse Square Law
Radiation spreads out as it leaves its source and the area increases proportionally to the distance traveled
number of photons does not change, they just spread out
S = S0 (r0/r)2
something that emits or absorbs electromagnetic radiation with 100% efficiency at all wavelengths
has a characteristic wavelength distribution dependent on body’s absolute temperature
Planck Function
there will be a wavelength of EMR where flux is maximized
Wien’s Law
an approximation of the Planck function
wavelength where maximum flux is emitted is inversely proportional to temperature
λmax≈2898/T where lambda is in micrometers and T is in Kelvin
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
energy emitted is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature
F = σT^4
Contributors to Earth’s surface temperature
1) solar flux of radiational energy
2) albedo
3) Greenhouse Effect
Energy absorbed
equal to energy intercepted - energy reflected
πr^2earthS - πr^2earthSA
The earth absorbs energy as a DISK
Energy emitted
4πr^2earth x σT^4sub(e)
emits as a SPHERE
Temp of blackbody if it were to radiate what it absorbed
T = fourth root of S(1-A)/4σ
Greenhouse gases
H2O (water vapor and clouds), CO2, CH4 (methane), N2O, O3 (ozone)
Radiation balances
100 units - top of atmosphere
133 units - surface
154 units - atmosphere
Effects of clouds
difficult to quantify
variations in types
variations in coverage
variations in heights and thicknesses