Lectures 21-22 Cholesterol Metabolism Flashcards
made in liver from acetyl-CoA
transported by large lipoproteins
used to make steroids
fatty acid derivitaives
precursors to other blood clotting molecs and stuff
What is cholesterol derived from
ALL from acetyl-CoA
What IS cholesterol?
a lipid
its hydrophoibic
Generation of cholesterol: major points
rate limiting step: enzyme HMG-CoA reductase makes HMG-CoA into mevalonate
uses two NADPHs and releases a conezyme A
carbons come from acetyl CoA
regulation happens early!
its a complicated process
what enzyme does statin drugs target?
HMG CoA reductase
Is cholesterol metabolism hard or easy
Compound… we start with a 2 carbon compound (acetyl CoA)…
go to a 6 C to a 5 C put two together to get 10C then add 5C so we get 15C then 2 of those makes 30C lose a few carbons: end up with 27C
3 fates of cholesterol
- combined with fatty acid to make cholesterol ESTER
esters can be stored or exported - Cholesterols can become bile acids (less hydrophobic!)
Bile Acids can…
Solubelilze dietary fats
reabsorbed so they can can lower cholesterol
be excreted as waste
one way to lower cholesterol levels
use bile acid resins
bile acid resisn bind to bile acids
bile acids secreted instead of reabsorbed
Explain how eating bile acid resins can deplete the body of cholesterol
you need to make more bile acids from cholesterol
if we excrete them, more cholesterol will be used up in creating bile acids
resins bind up the bile acids to break down and excrete them
What do bile acid RESINS do?
aid in binding up and excreting bile acids
particles that choleseterols are solublized into so they can circulate
all have hydrophobic core
surfaces have at least one apolipoprotein
Why do we solubilize cholesterol into things like VLDLs, HDLs, etc
so that they can circulate in the blood!
very few cholesterol esters (3)
lots of triacylglycerols (85)
some cholesterol esters (12) some triacylglycerols (50)
Lots of cholesterol esters (37) little triacylglycerols (10)
More cholesterols esters (15)
VERY little triacylglycerols (4)
How do we ID good and bad cholesterols???
amount of cholesterol esters
Consider that circulating plasma cholesterol is probably bad, then is it better to have high or low levels of LDL? HDL?
LOW levles of LDL good
HIGH levels of HDL good
structure of the cholesterol lipoproteins
cholesterols inside w/ triacylglycerols
lipid bilayer
protiens on outside
Which class of lipoproteins are responsible for the gross blood plasma that appears w/in one hour of eating the triple burger