Lectures 2 & 3 Flashcards
Good/Strong Rep Benefits
RETAIN - customers, employees
INCREASE - sales, stock price
POSITIVE - media
LESS - regulation
Rep Influences
Primary: personal experience
Secondary: what friends/family say
Tertiary: what mass media says
Reputation and Comms Roles
Attention Generation, Uncertainty Reduction, Evaluation
Attention Generation
Raise profile, increase visibility, get in minds of potential ShH
BY web, SM, ads, networking
Uncertainty Reduction
explain org mission and position in industry, articulate business dimensions BY
pitching story to media, presentations, SM storytelling
attract/retain ShH, display competence/relevance BY measuring, identifying growth opportunities, targeted SM, forging partnerships
Reputation IS
CO-OWNERSHIP of current/future StH
ALIGNING words and deeds
RELATIONSHIPS ever evolving
MIS-STEPS pose risks
Financial Knowledge for Comms
Income Statements (Financial statement)
AKA Profit and Loss
Balance Sheets (Financial statement)
net worth, assets, liabilities
Cash Flow Statements (Financial Statement)
money generated and spent
Revenue (Income Statement)
money from operations before expenses
Operating Income (Income Statement)
Money after operations expenses, before taxes/debt
Net Income (Income Statement)
Money after all expenses including taxes
Costs of Goods Sold (Income Statement)
direct costs to produce product