Lectures 1-8 Flashcards
Who created ‘la gazette’ and when ?
Théophraste Renaudot in 1631
What newspaper was first printed in 1863?
Le Petit Journal
Which 3 facets of the press overlap?
general information, various facts, opinion press
When was the golden age?
the end of the 19th century to the end of the First World War
When did the National Assembly proclaims freedom of the press?
Name a weekly newspaper in 1600s
Le Journal des Savants (1655)
Name a monthly newspaper in 1600s
Mercure Galant (1672)
When did the second empire end?
4 september 1870
The press between 1630-1870 is marked by:
- an artisanal character
- low readership
- little independence from political authorities
Why was the press easier to access from 1830s?
printing is faster and cheaper thanks to the advances of techincal
The 4 big newspapers in 19th century
- Le Petit Journal
- Le Petit Parisien
- Le Matin
- Le Journal
When was the most rapid evolution of the press?
What was the first daily newspaper to become popular in france?
Le Petit Journal
Describe the 1881 law that protected the press from administrative menaces
Law drafted between February 1879 and January 1881
Complete release of printing and bookseller – nothing can be anonymous
Who chaired the 1881 law that protected the press?
Émile de Girardin
When was the press officially launched and by who?
Émile de Girardin in 1836
Who created the Petit Journal and when?
Moïse Millaud in 1863
How did Émile de Girardin intend to catch the attention of a wider readership?
- Prominence given to advertising
- New Entertainment Topics
- lower prices
How much did Le Petit Journal sell for ?
1 sou
How many daily newspapers were there in 1812?
How many daily newspapers were there in 1832?
How many daily newspapers were there in 1870
When was a union created for journalists created?
When was there a shift in the style of reporting
How was the war presented in the press?
the war was presented in an optimistic way - bourrage de crâne
Give 3 Economic and political changes to the press during the war
- Supply and cost of raw materials issue
- Creation of the group of economic interests of the press it is decided to increase 6 to 4 pages the publications
- Decrease in advertising resources
What British newspaper was ‘Paris Soir’ inspired by?
The daily express
When did the television press appear?
What challenges did the press face between the 2 wars?
unstable market, competition, economic challenges
What caused an unstable economic situation between ww1 and WW2
- France struggling to recover from war
- Supply and cost of raw materials issues
- Modernization of manufacturing techniques with high cost
- Tough competition between securities and types of securities
How did the press adapt to economic difficulties between ww1 and ww2
- Introduce new technologies
- More announcements
- More illustrations / photographs = attract the reader
When did censorship of the press return ?
What were the 2 types of press during ww2?
The official press and the underground press (clandestine)
How was the media reshaped as of 1944?
- Authorization of publications to newspapers scuttled or suspended at the beginning of the meeting
- Guarantees for the independence of press companies
What is the PQN
Presse quotidienne nationale française
What was the PQN replaced by ?
Presse quotidienne regionale française
When did website newspapers begin to appear?
When was the online press editor status created?
When was Radio Tour Eiffel’s first broadcast ?
When was Radiola launched
What was created to stabilise the financing of radio stations
A levy in 1933
What year was Pétain’s announcement of the armistice with Germany
How was BBC radio used during ww2?
used to transmit coded messages to the resistance but also to support the morale of the French with entertainment programs (“Les Français parle aux Français”)
How was Radio Paris used in ww2?
in the occupied zone, broadcasting German propaganda
When was the RDF created?
What is the RDF?
Radiodiffusion Française
What condition was the radio in after the war?
the broadcasting network is in poor condition: destruction, sabotage state monopoly, private radio stations are nationalized by withdrawing all concessions granted before the war
What is the RTF?
Radiodiffusion télévision Française
When did the RDF become the RTF?
When did the RTF gain public status ?
What happened on 27 June 1964
Birth of ORTF (Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française)
When does radio Belgium become a success
When is RMC created and what is it?
Radio Monte Carlo is created in 1942
What was the La Guerre des ondes?
la radio devient une arme stratégique durant la 2nde GM: Radio Londres et Radio Paris
Who first launched news on a private radio Station?
Europe no1
Which major event in the 60s was covered by the radio?
Guerre d’Algerie en mai 68
The radio was in partnership with what in 1965?
Institut de sondage pour l’élection de 1965 : « fourchette d’estimation »
Why was the radio attractive for young people?
It was accessible and had content aimed that them that television had not yet created
Which 2 major radio stations covered the 1968 war in Algeria?
Europe no1 et RTL
What was the ORTF renamed during the Algerian War?
la voix de son maître
When were pirate radio stations developped?
The 70s
Why were pirate radio stations illegal?
elles émettent sans autorisation en utilisation des fréquences de la bande FM
Name 1 english and 1 french pirate radio station
Radio Caroline (Angleterre) Lorraine Cœur d’Acier (France)
When did the ORTF breakdown?
What radio stations were created in 1974?
TF1, Antenne 2, FR3 et Radio France + Télévision France (TDF) et l’INA
What happened on 9 November 1981
les radios libres ont l’autorisation d’émettre à condition qu’elles ne se constituent pas en réseau et qu’elles ne diffusent pas de publicité les radios pirates subissent puisque la réglementation ne permet pas réellement aux radios libres s’être viables
Which president promised liberalization?
Francois Mitterand
When was the Haute Authorité de la communication Audiovisuelle created?
When could commerical radio stations start advertising?
What group was created in 1989?
Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA)
How many hours of radio were broadcasted per week in 1939?
What were the 4 missions of the ORTF?
Informer, éduquer, distraire, cultiver
What happened on 29 juillet 1982?
fin du monopole public de programmation à la radio et à la télévision : libéralisation du marché de l’audiovisuel français
What film and television company was launched in 1984?
Which radio station was privatised in 1986?