Lectures 1-17 Flashcards
describe the reaction mechanism of glycogen synthesis and glucose formation
UDP-glucose —> glycogen by glycogen synthase
glycogen –> glucose-1-PO4– by phosphorylase
glucose-1-PO4– –> glycolysis
describe the resting state of phosphorylase (structure etc)
- 3 allosteric regulators AMP (active) and ATP,G6P (inactive)
- pyridoxal phosphate = required to catalyse (in AS)
- phosphorylase is a dimer
- 280s loop: regulates occludes AS in inactive
- glycogen BS
describe the mechanism of glycogen phosphorylase
- Pyridoxal phosphate (prosthetic group) + glycogen –> α(1-4 linkage)
- Protonation –> intermediate formation
- Protonation of glycosidic oxygen results in cleavage of α-1,4-glycosidic linkage
- from Pi–>O, breaks bond
- Free cleaved oligosaccharide
describe what residues must be correctly positioned on glycogen phosphorylase in resting state.
Arg must be in right position for Pi to be active
Arg569 responsible for Pi binding (AMP –> allosteric site)
why is AMP an allosteric modulator of phosphorylase
AMP will accumulate as ATP is used to generate energy so AMP is the regulator
glycogen breakdown –> ATP
describe muscle contraction.
- nerve impulse triggers increase in IC Ca2+
- binds troponin C –> contraction
- actin-myosine sliding (ATP hyolysis)
describe activation of phosphorylase
- Ca2+ binds phosphorylase kinase –> active form
- phosphorylase kinase phosphorylates phosphorylase b
- PO4 to Thr, Tyr, Ser
- upon phosphorylation at Ser-14 - locked in ACTIVE regardless of allosterics
- becomes phosphorylase a
- Ser-14 undergoes shift, induces Arg569 orientated properly
- 280s loop movement, doesnt occlude BS
describe activation of phosphorylase in flight or fight situation.
- Adr binds AdrR
- Guanine nucleotide exchange in α subunit allows the exchange GDP–>GTP which is bound to transducer
- GTP binding causes dissoc. and activation of GP subunits
- GTP hydrolysis allow adenylate cyclase to produce cAMP
- 4 cAMP activate PKA (coop binding)
- phosphorylase kinase is activated by PKA
- phosphorylase kinase then phosphorylates phosphoylase
what are the different ways phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase can be activated?
phosphorylase kinase:
- ALLOSTERIC activated by Ca2+ when ACh triggers influx (can be quickly reversed)
- COVALENT activated by phosphorylation when Adr activates a GPCR which –>PKA activation (req. enzymatic inactivation)
- ALLOSTERIC binding of AMP
- COVALENT phosphorylation by phosphorylase kinase
describe the signal amplification when hormone binds receptor.
- Hormone-bound receptor can activate many GPs through GEF
- adenylate cyclase can produce many cAMPs
- PKA can stimulate activation of many phosphorylase kinases
too much cAMP –> tumours.
Describe the modulation of cAMP signals.
- switching off signal by GTPase of G-alpha
- GTP hydrolysis switches off
- degradation of cycloc nucleotide PDE
- cAMP degraded by PDE (cleaves it)
- desensitisation of β-adrenergic receptor by phosphorylation (built in mechanism from sustain stimulation)
- homo/heterologous
what is the difference between heter and homologous desensitisation?
hetero:affect various receptors responding to diff agonists
- β-adrenergic receptor - phosphor of H-R (by PKA), decreases activity
- receptors with other lig’s can be phosphor by PKA from β-adrenergic R
homo:only those receptors activated by same agonist
- will not affect other unbound R’s
- β-ARK phosphor H-R so they no longer activate GPs
- only bind H-R as site is exposed
- arrestin can then bind > internalisation > less R’s
what does arrestin do?
acts as adapter for internalisation
no affinity for unphosphorylated receptors
describe the role of Ga and Gβγ subunits?
- GTPase, interacts with effector and agonist-bound receptors
- ensure desen and localisation, some interact with downstream effects (e.g. Gi)
what is Epac?
IC receptor for cAMP (like PKA)
activates GEF and allows binding to Rap
low affinity for cAMP
what are the 6 ways in general cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations are regulated?
- Phosphorylase kinase activated by Ca2+ (CaM)
- Ca2+ channels (ON mech)
- Ca2+ pumps (OFF mech)
- couple the release of Ca2+ with generation of 2nd messengers e.g. PLC…
- sensing fluctuation of cytosolic [Ca2+]
- Ca2+ buffering proteins
describe the features of CaM.
- delta subunit of phosphorylase kinase
- allosterically activated many enzymes
- cooperative binding - 4 Ca2+ BS
- helix-loop-helix motif
- undergoes conformaitonal change when Ca2+ bound
- homologous with troponin
what are the Ca2+ ON mechanisms?
- Voltage-gated Ca2+ channel
- activated by depolarisation
- dihydropyridine = voltage-gated channel
- receptor-opoerated Ca2+ (NMDAR)
- R is channel
- glu channel
- Ca2+ store-operated channel
- senses Ca2+ levels in store and replenishes
- interactes with IP3 channels and Ca2+ re-enters via IP3
- ryanodine receptors - only excitable cells, IC
- Ca2+ induced-Ca2+ channel
- IP3 receptor, IC, 2nd messenger
desribe the dihydropyridine and ryanodine receptors.
- depolarised by ACh receptor
- propagation of AP to t-tubule
- activation of receptor - Ca2+ influx > stimulation of ryanodine
- efflux of Ca2+ from SR
- conformational changes in dihydropyrindine R inducec by voltage change are propagated to ryanodine receptor, activating it
describe the IC Ca2+ channels
- Phosphatidylinositol breakdown –> DAG and IP3
- PLCβ activated by GPCR, PLCγ activated by phosphorylation by TK
- Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release: both IP3 and ryanodine receptor can further be activated by Ca2+ (induces opening)
how does PKC –> tumour growth?
- DAG activates PKA and translocates to mem > phosphorylates proteins and promotes cell proliferation
- PKC is target of tumour promotor - phorbal ester
- phorbal ester mimics DAG in binding and activating PKC
- promotes tumour formation
describe the Ca2+ OFF mechanisms and the reaction that accompanies them
- SR and plasma membrane ATPase pump
- ATP hydrolysis:
- AspCOO- + ATP –> intermediate
- intermed + H2O –> AspCOO- + Pi
- phospho-asp = intermed’s of ATPase
- induces conformation change after ATP hydrolysis and Ca2+ binds with low affinity (so released)
how are SERCA and PMCA regulated?
- SERCA - reg by phosphorylation of regulatory protein called phosphorlamban
- kinases = PKA and CAMKII
- cytoplasmic portion of phospholamban blocks ATP BS, upon phosphor it no longer inhibits
- PMCA- reg by phosphorylationof C-terminal
- kinase = PKC
- cytoplasmic tail blocks BS
what are the 2 types of Ca2+ binding proteins and their features?
Ca2+ sensors - CaM, tropnin
- bind with high affinity but low capacity
Ca2+ buffering proteins - in ER/SR
- affinity but high capacity: “storage proteins”, can relase Ca2+ if store is low
all have helix-loop-helix binding motifs
in the Phosphotidylinositol (PPT) pathway, how is PPT phosphorylated/dephosphorylated?
- PPT is phosphorylated by PPT kinases
- PI-3 kinase, PI-4 kinase etc
- some isoforms prefer to by phosphor at 3 position only if 4’ and 5’ are too
- it is dephosphorylated by PTEN at the 3’ position but only if 4’ and/or 5’ is phosphorylated
- myotubulanin - dephosphorylates only at 3’ position
describe the signal transduction pathway of EGF-receptor in cell growth
- lig binding > oligermisation (dimer)
- allows activation of TK domain
- autophosphorylation by TK domain
- stimulate multiple signalling pathways
- PI-3 kinase converts PI4P
- binding recruits 2 enzymes to membrane
- PH-domain recruits them together
- PDK1 activates PKB, PKB phosphor’s many molecules
describe the features of Ras
- 3 types of Ras
- Ras = enzyme
- Ras-GDP –> Ras-GTP (active) catalysed by Sos
promotes cell growth:
- binds GTP –> activates
- mutation so no GTPase (always active)
- binds plasma mem
- req assistance of GAP to GTPase and therefore deactivate
- GEF (a.k.a. Sos) alone cannot activate Ras: Grb-2 (adapter) required
- Grb-2 has 2 SH3 and SH2 domains
describe the features of Grb-2 and how it binds Sos
adapter in activating Ras with Sos, it binds EGF>Sos
SH2 domain binds phosphor-tyr sites (from autophosphorylation of Sos)
SG3 domains bind -PXXP- motif in Sos
what are some signalling mechanisms of EGF-receptor?
- one effector of Ras is Raf-1 (Ser/Thr PK)
- MAP3 kinase = Raf-1 (kinase kinase kinase)
- which phosphorylates (act) MEK
- MEK = MAP 2 kinase which can phosphorylate Tyr and Thr at the same time on MAP kinase
- duel specificity
- upstream activating kinase
- MAP kinase phosphorylated at Thr and Tyr (not a TK)
Describe the interaction of NO and PKG (cGMP-dependent protein)
- cGMP is produced in response to stimulation of NO –> smooth muscle relaxation
- Bradykinin receptor stim (GPCR) –> 1P3 formation
- Ca2+ binds CaM
- NOS in endothelial cell = activated
- NO generated
- NO diffuses into smooth muscle cells
- NO bind guanylate cycle
describe the process of phosphorylation by PKA
- requires proper alignment of PKA
- chelation of ATP helps align proper
- γ-phosphate of ATP attacks O: on substrate
- catalytic base (Asp) required to facilitate reaction
- AspCOO- + H+ –> COOH
what are the functions of the PK AS?
binds and positions ATP properly for reaction
binds and positions the target Ser/Thr/Tyr residue
positions the catalytic base properly for reaction
what is the general structure and features of PKA?
- small lobe -high abundance of B-sheet
- large lobe - lots of a-helices
- ATP BS in between lobes
- Gly-rich loop: essential for anchoring PO4–
- alpha-helixC (in small loop) contains essential glutamic acid
- catalytic loop: contains Asp (base)
- Activation loop: governs accessibility of substrate to AS
what are the catalytically critical motifs and residues of PKA?
- Gly-rich loop (ATP binding)
- Lys72 (ATP binding a/b subunits)
- Lys72 and Glu91 (electrostatic interactions)
- Asp for Mg2+ binding loop (req chelation of β and γ ATP subunits for proper positioning)
- pThr197 (inactivation loop for entry of sybstrate)
what are the 2 main functions of the activation loop?
positioning Asp166 in cat loop properly
binding of substrate protein
what is the PKA phosphorylation sequence?
how is PKA regulated?
the R subunit and PKI both mimic protein substrate in binding AS of PKA
Ser replaced with Ala in PKI