Lecture3.2 Flashcards
What is a stakeholder?
Definition: A stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objective.
What is stakeholder management?
Definition: Stakeholder management is the process of managing relationships with stakeholders to create value for them while achieving the firm’s objectives.
What are the key steps in stakeholder management?
- Identify stakeholders
- Map stakeholders
- Prioritize stakeholder interests
- Engage with stakeholders
What are the criteria for identifying stakeholders?
Dependencies: identify prospective Stakeholders directly/indirectly dependent on the firms activities/products/services/performance.
On which stakeholders is the company dependent. - Responsibility: Firm’s economic, legal, operational, or moral responsibilities towards stakeholders.
Urgency: Asses what prospective stakeholders require immediate attention when concerning
economic, social or environmental issues -
Influence: Stakeholders impacting firm’s strategy. Conclude what prospective stakeholders can impact the firm`s strategy or
How to map stakeholders?
- List stakeholders
- Categorize them (e.g., internal (employees, shareholders) vs. external (p: NGO, suppliers, meda, customers, regulators, s: employees families, customers customer, suppliers supplier), primary vs. secondary)
- Visually organize a stakeholder map
Why prioritize stakeholder interests?
- Helps focus attention effectively
- Different approaches exist, such as the Collaboration-Harm Grid Approach
What is the Collaboration-Harm Grid Approach?
- Two dimensions: (high/low)
- Potential of Threat: Power, legitimacy, urgency
Potential of Cooperation
The assessment will be based on a simple “yes” or
“no” answer, after which you can place the
stakeholder into four categories:
- Supportive
- Marginal
- Non-supportive
- Mixed blessing stakeholders
How to engage with stakeholders?
- Communicate: Transparency and honesty (factual information) in discussing issues
- Collaborate: Joint activities with stakeholders and monitor and create value
Why is stakeholder engagement important?
- Stakeholder opinions on sustainability influence actions
- Firms must address complex sustainability issues strategically
name examples for the four categories:
- Supportive
- Marginal
- Non-supportive
- Mixed blessing stakeholders
- Supportive:
- Marginal:
- Non-supportive: reduce level of dependence on them or find new ways to collaborate.
- Mixed blessing: joint-venture merger,
which action is required for the four categories:
- Supportive
- Marginal
- Non-supportive
- Mixed blessing stakeholders
- Supportive: involve
- Marginal: monitor
- Non-supportive: defend
- Mixed blessing: collaborative