Lecture1 Introduction Flashcards
Zero Day Attack
One for which there is currently no fix available
- code for these types of attacks advertised on special websites
Ping sweep followed a day later by a port scan…
administrators know their systems may soon be under attack.
Hacking tools are really just …
software tools that carry out some specific types of procedure to achieve a desired result.
- The tools can be used for good (defensive) purposes or for bad (offensive) purposes.
- good and bad guys use the same exact toolset; the difference is their intent
During a vulnerability assessment, some type of automated scanning product is used to …
to probe the ports and services on a range of IP addresses
The problem with most vulnerability scans is, ….
although they indicate the severity of a vulnerability, they rarely indicate its impact.
Vulnerability scanning allows you to identify a piece of software as being vulnerable to exploit; a penetration test takes this further by ….
exploiting vulnerabilities and, for example, accessing sensitive information.
Most vulnerability scanners indicate what might be vulnerable based on versioning and some more invasive checks, but a penetration test indicates …
whether the vulnerability scanner finding is real or a false positive.
Penetration testers leverage identified vulnerabilities until …
until they own the domain or environment.
Being “owned” means …
means either having root privileges on the most critical Unix or Linux system or owning the domain administrator account that can access and control all of the resources on the network.
Statement of Work (SOW)
written agreement, including scope, signatures, and legal requirements
2 - Passive Scanning
gather as much information about the target as possible while maintaining zero contact
- also known as Open Source Intelligence (OSINT),
3 - Active Scanning and Enumeration
probe the target’s public exposure with scanning tools,
- War dialling, Wireless war driving, DNS zone transfers, Sniffing traffic, network mapping, Banner grabbing
4 - Fingerprinting
Perform a thorough probe of the target systems to identify:
- Operating system type and patch level
- Applications and patch level
- Open ports
- Running services
- User accounts
5 - Select Target System
Identify the most useful target(s).
6 - Exploiting the Uncovered Vulnerabilities
Execute the appropriate attack tools targeted at the suspected exposures
7 - Exploiting Privilege
Escalate the security context so the ethical hacker has more control.
8 - Documenting and Reporting
Document everything