Lecture Notes 1 Flashcards
Ordered Set
A set A, together with the relation < such that
i. for any x,y in A, exactly one of x<z
example: rational numbers, integers
Upper Bound
Let E be in A, where A is an ordered set. If there is a b in A such that x is less than or equal to b for all x in E, then we say E is bounded above and b is the upper bound
Lower Bound
Let E be in A, where A is an ordered set. If there exists a b in A such that x is greater than or equal to b for all x in E, then we say E is bounded below and b is a lower bound of E.
Least Upper Bound
If there exists an upper bound b0 of E such that whenever b is any upper boud for E we have b0 less than or equal to b, then b0 is called the least upper bound or the supremum of E.
Greatest Lower Bound
If there exists a lower bound b0 of E such that whenever B is any lower bound for E we have b0 greater than or equal to b, then b0 is called the greatest lower bound or the infimum of E.
bounded above and bounded above. Or, you can draw a ball around the set.
Least Upper Bound Property
An ordered set A has the least upper bound property if every nonempty subset E in A that is bounded above has a least upper bound, that is, sup E exists in A.
A set F is called a field if it has two operations defined on it, addition and multiplication, and if it satisfies the following axioms: Addition: 1. if x is in F and y is in F, then x+y is in F 2. x+y = y+x 3. associativity of addition 4. zero element 5. negative element Multiplication: 1. if x is in F and y is in F, xy is in F 2. commutativity of multiplication 3. associativity of multiplication 4. element 1 such that 1x =x 5. reciprocals exist Distributive law: x(y+z) = xy+xz
Ordered Field
a field F is said to be an ordered field if F is also an ordered set such that
i. x0 and y>0 implies xy>0
Archimedean Property
if x,y are in the Reals and x is greater than zero, then there is an N in the natural numbers such that Nx is greater than y
Q is dense in R
if x,y are in the reals and x is less than y, then there exists an r in the rationals such that x<y
inf{1/n: n in N} = 0
let A = {1/n: n in N} . Obviously A is nonempty. Furthermore, 1/n>0 and so 0 is a lower bound, and b := inf A exists. As 0 is a lower bound, then b is greater than or equal to zero. Now take an arbitrary a greater than zero. by the Archimedean property there exists an n such that na is greater than 1, or, in otherwords, a is greater than 1/n in A. Therefore a cannot be a lower bound for A. Hence b=0.
Facts about the supremum
- if x is in R, then sup(x+A) = x+sup A
- if x>0, then sup(xA) = x(sup A)
- if x<0, then sup(xA) = x (inf A)
Facts about the infimum
- if x is in R, then inf(x+A) = x+ inf A
- if x>0, then inf(xA) = x(inf A)
- if x<0 then inf(xA) = x (sup A)
Supremum of an empty set
negative infinity
supremum of a set not bounded above
supremum of a set not bounded below
negative infinity
infimum of an empty set
Triangle Inequality
|x+y| less than or equal to |x|+|y|
Corollary to Triangle Inequality
- |(|x|-|y|)| less than or equal to |x-y|
2. |x-y| less than or equal to |x|+|y|
bounded (function)
suppose F: D to Reals is a function. We say f is bounded if there exists a number M such that |f(x)| less than or equal to M for all x in D.
Cantor’s Theorem
- R is uncountable
2. the set (0,1] is uncountable
A sequence of real numbers is a function x: Natural numbers to Real numbers. Instead of x(n) we usually denote the nth element in the sequence by x sub n. We use the notation {x sub n}
bounded (sequence)
if there exists a B in the Reals such that |x sub n| is less than or equal to B for all n in the Natural numbers
A sequence is said to converge to a number x in the reals if for every epsilon greater than zero there exists an M in the Naturals such that |xsubn -x| is less than epsilon for all n greater than or equal to M. The number x is said to be the limit of the sequence.
a sequence that converges
Convergent Sequence Facts
- a convergent sequence has a unique limit
2. convergent sequence is boundedd
monotone increasing
a sequence is monotone increasing if x sub n is less than or equal to x sub (n+1) for all n in the Naturals.
monotone decreasing
a sequence is monotone decreasing if x sub n is greater than or equal to x sub (n+1) for all n in the Naturals.
Facts about Monotone sequences
- bounded if and only if it is convergent
- monotone increasing and bounded: limit of x sub n as n goes to infinity is the supremum of the set
- monotone decreasing and bounded: limit of x sub n as n goes to infinity is the infimum of the set. 4. if S in Reals is a nonempty bounded set, then there exist monotone sequences xn and yn in S such that the supremum of S = lim xn n to infinity and the infimum of S = lim yn as n goes to infinity
the tail of the sequence starting at K+1
the sequence converges if and only if the K tail converges
the limit of the sequence and the limit of the K tail are the same
let xn be a sequence. let n sub i be a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers. the sequence {x sub(n sub i)} is called a subsequence of {x sub n}
Facts about convergent sequences
- if xn is a convergent sequence, any subsequence is also convergent and the limits are the same
Facts about limits of Sequences
- squeeze lemma: let {an}, {bn} and {xn} be sequences such that an less than or equal to xn less than or equal to bn for all n in the Naturals.
If {an} and {bn} converge to the same limit, then {xn} converges to that limit as well.