Lecture | Neoplasms (part 2) Flashcards
Cancer grading is subjective and semi-quantitative. T/F
Is based on the degree of anaplasia and number of proliferating cells
Cancer grading
Is based on the shape and regularity of cells, presence and distinct differentiated features
Degree of anaplasia
Is based on evidence of rapid growth, which includes large number of mitoses, presence of atypical mitoses, nuclear pleomorphism, and tumor giant cells.
Number of proliferating cells
Tumor marker that can also be used yo quantify how much of these cells are actively proloferating
Correlation of cytological grade and biological behavior is variable. T/F
The higher the anaplasia, the poorly differentiated the tumor, and the large number of mitosis correlates with a higher grade. T/F
Refers to the extent of tumor spread; influence choice of surgical approach or treatment modalities
Cancer staging
Criteria used in cancer staging:
- Tumor size,
- Extent of local growth,
- Presence of lymph node metastasis,
- Presence of distant metastasis
The bigger the tumor, the most likely it will be resectable. T/F
… will not be resectable
One global scheme to address cancer staging; has a specific staging for particular malignancies in the different organs of the body
TNM cancer staging
What is TNM cancer staging?
T stands for Tumor - evaluates tumor size and the extent of its growth in relation to the structures that is located.
N stands for Nodal metastasis - pertains to the regional lymph nodes
M stands for Metastasis - refers to the distant metastasis
Most cancers arise from a single transformed cell. T/F
True. (Evidence-based)
Malignant change in the target cell is referred to as
Stage 3 usually involves
Nodal metastasis
Stage 4 usually means that there is already
Distant metastasis
Transformation is the last step in the natural history of a malignant tumor. T/F
It is the initial step
Accompanied by mutations of the DNA/genome of the cell
Diagnosis should be early when the tumor is still small, when it is still amenable for resection. T/F
Additional treatment modalities if a tumor is very hard to manage due to late diagnosis.
Chemotherapy and radiation
Literally means abnormal growth
Malignant transformation is a single-step process. T/F
It is a multistep process
Precursor lesion of cancer
In dysplasia, some features of malignancy are present microscopically. T/F
Dysplasia may develop into malignancy such as:
Uterine cervix and colon polyps
Dysplasia is irreversible like neoplasia. T/F
It is still reversible unlike neoplasia
What is needed to remove in dysplasia so that the cells will go back to a normal state?
Instigating stimuli
If stimuli is not removed, dysplasia would eventually develop into malignancy
Dysplasia is graded as _, and what are its involvement?
Low grade - involves the lower portion of the epithelium
High grade - involves the entire layer of the epithelium
Dysplasia may not develop into malignancy. T/F
It may not develop into malignancy if there is an early diagnosis and early treatment. If diagnosis and/or treatment is late, it may develop into malignancy.
When abnormality of the cells involves the entire thickness (or almost the entire layer of the epithelium), it will now become ____.
High grade dysplasia
If cell abnormality incorporates all the layers of the epithelium (or full thickness of the epithelium) and there’s no invasion of the basement membrane, it will now be called
Carcinoma in situ
Once basement membrane is breached, it will now become
Invasive carcinoma
The problem with a transformed cell is that it will not be under the tight regulation of the cells because once the tumor is malignant, it becomes a cancer cell and it will now have an ___
Autonomous growth
What lengthens as tumor grows?
Doubling time of tumor cells
Tumor cells actually needs ________for the cell to become space occupying lesion
10 more doublings ([1kg] lethal burden)
30 doublings (?) = ?
30 doublings (10^9 cells) = 1g
Fraction of tumor cells in replicative pool
- May be only 20% even in rapidly growing tumors
- Tumor stem cells
Rate / cellular processes at which tumor cells
are shed or lost
- Apoptosis (when cells signal the arrest/suicide of these tumor cells)
- Maturation (cancer cells are unable to grow further)
The rate of the tumor growth may be loss or it will stabilize, otherwise the tumor cells will cease to grow. T/F
… tumor cells will continue to grow until it becomes very very big
The bigger the tumor, the chances of invasion and metastasis will be increased. T/F
Transformed cell will divide forming this genetically abnormal cells; these are ?
Clone cells
In sun exposure, what causes injury to the DNA of the cell?
Ultraviolet radiation (basis for skin cancer)
___ tend to be prone to develop skin cancer compared to ___
Caucasians ; blacks / heavily pigmented people
Blacks have low incidence of melanoma, so do normally pigmented areas like ___ on white people
Geographic and environmental factors that may promote tumor growth
- Sun exposure
- Smoking and alcohol abuse
- Body mass
- Environmental vs. Racial factors
- Viral exposure
Overweight = __% increase in cancer
For females, there’s an increased risk of ____, while for males, there’s an increased risk of ___
Breast cancer; prostate cancer
What plays a role in breast carcinoma
Testosterone and estrogen
What plays a role for the growth of prostatic carcinoma
There are also viruses that are ___, example pf this viruses include ___ which causes a cancer of uterine cervix
Oncogenic; Human Papillomavirus (HPV)