Lecture Exam 4 Flashcards
What is the most posterior organ in the abdomen?
The Kidney (p.145)
What are the functions of the kidneys?
Remove water, salts and products of protein metabolism from the blood (p.145)
What does retroperitoneal mean?
It means that the given organ lies posterior to the peritoneum and are only covered by peritoneum on their ANT. surface (p.145)
Where is the kidney located relative to a given vertebral level?
TV12 to LV3 (p.145)
Where is the right kidney located relative to the left kidney?
The R. kidney is slightly lower than the L. kidney due to the large size of the R. lobe of the liver (p.145)
The hilum of the kidney transmits what structures? (4 items)
- The renal vein (anteriorly)
- The renal artery (b/w renal v. and ureter)
- Ureter (posteriorly)
- Autonomic and sensory nerves
(p. 145)
The kidneys lie where relative to the vertebral column?
Lateral to the vertebral column w/n the para-vertebral grooves (p.145)
Strain of the psoas major is sometimes mistaken for kidney pain. Why?
B/C the kidneys lie ant. to the psoas major muscle (p.145)
The hilum of the kidney is located where on the organ?
On the medial surface of the organ (p.145)
The renal pedicle is known collectively as?
The structures which enter the hilum are known collectively by this term (p.145)
The inner portion of the kidney known as the renal medulla contains approximately how many renal pyramids?
8-12 (p.146)
How many minor calices are present in the kidney?
8-12, 1 for ea pyramid. (p.146)
The renal pyramid terminates in an apex known as?
The renal papilla. (p.146)
How many major calices are present in a kidney and where do they empty in to?
2-3 major channels which the minor calices empty in to. The major calices empty into the renal pelvis. (p.146)
Which renal v. is longer, the right or left?
The left is longer and has many tributaries. (p.146)
In the situation of an anatomical nutcracker, what structures may be compressed between the aorta and sup. mesenteric artery?
The left renal v. and the 3rd or inferior part of the duodenum. (p.146)
The kidney receives its innervation mainly from what nerve of the renal plexus?
The least splanchnic n. (t12). (p.147)
What purpose does fat around the kidney have?
Functions in protection, insulation, and support. (p.147)
List the layers covering the kidney from innermost to outermost. (4 layers)
Renal capsule
perinephric fat
renal fascia
paranephric fat (p.147)
A membranous layer of extraperitoneal tissue which splits to enclose the kidney is called?
The renal fascia. (p.147)
What does it mean if an organ is extraperitoneal?
It means that the organ lies in a portion of the pelvis and abdomen which is not within the peritoneum (p.147)
Renal calculi are composed primarily of?
Calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, and uric acid. (p.147)
What artery supplies the pelvic portion of the ureter?
The superior vesical A. (p.148)
What retroperitoneal structure descends on the psoas major muscle?
The ureter. (p.148)
The upper part of the ureter lies in the ____ and the lower part lies in the ___.
abdomen; pelvis (p.148)
What are the three sites in which kidney stones can become lodged?
The ureteropelvic junction, the pelvic brim, and where the ureter enters the wall of the bladder (p.148)
What five arteries supply the ureter?
renal a., gonadal a., aorta, common iliac a., superior vesical a, (p.148)
The renal plexus and the hypogastric plexus supply innervation to what structure in the abdomen and pelvis?
the ureter (p.148)
The suprarenal gland consists of two parts that secrete two different hormones. Name the parts are their corresponding hormones.
Medulla - Secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
Cortex - Secretes corticosteroids
What retroperitoneal organ lies on the superomedial aspect of the kidney?
The suprarenal gland. (p.148)
What three arteries supply the suprarenal gland?
Superior suprarenal artery from the inferior phrenic A.
Middle suprarenal artery from the aorta
Inferior suprarenal artery from the renal A.
How does the drainage of the right suprarenal vein differ from the left suprarenal vein?
R. suprarenal v. drains directly into the inferior vena cava.
L. suprarenal v. drains into the left renal v.
What is unique about the innervation of the suprarenal gland?
The suprarenal gland relative to its size has the largest autonomic nerve supply of any organ because of the fight or flight response and the need for rapid response to environmental stimuli via the hormones it releases
Suprarenal innervation is?
Primarily sympathetic from the celiac plexus and the thoracic splanchnic nerves
Pain from the kidney or suprarenal gland is often referred to what region?
The paralumbar region, or flank.
Remember from the loin to the groin
Kidney infection is more common in males or females and why?
Females because of the short urethra.
This part of the abdominal diaphragm originates from the upper three lumbar vertebrae and splits to surround the esophagus.
Right Crus.
Weakness of the right crus is cause for a hiatal hernia.
What ligament forms the border of the aortic hiatus?
The median arcuate ligament. (p.150)
The medial arcuate ligament connects the body of LV1 to the TVP of LV1 and passes over what two structures?
Psoas major and the sympathetic trunk
A positive psoas sign is indicative/suggests?
The psoas minor muscle is present in approximately what percentage of people?
Name the functions of the iliacus muscle. (2 of them)
Flexes the thigh and tilts the pelvis forward
What muscle associated with the abdominal diaphragm functions in forced expiration and coughing?
The quadratus lumborum muscle.
The lumbar plexus is formed by what nerve rootlets?
The anterior primary rami of L1 2 3 and PART of L4
This nerve of the lumbar plexus accompanies the spermatic cord in males and round ligament of the uterus in females through the inguinal canal.
The ilioinguinal n.
The iliacus muscle is the landmark used to find what nerve?
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (L2,3)
Which two nerves of the lumbar plexus are common to the L1 APR and exclusive to it?
The iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves.
What nerve supplies the cremaster muscle?
The Genital branch of the genitofemoral n.
What is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus?
The femoral n. (L234) Supplies the muscles and skin of the thigh.
The sacral plexus is formed from the?
Anterior primary rami of L4-S4.
The abdominal aorta is a ___ structure whereas the thoracic aorta is biased towards the ___.
Midline; left
The abdominal aorta passes through what before it descends anterior to the vertebral bodies?
Aortic hiatus
At what point does the abdominal aorta bifurcate into the right and left common iliac arteries?
Anterior to LV4
The right and left common iliac arteries bifurcate into?
The external and internal common ilia arteries.
These arteries are synonymous with the posterior intercostal arteries.
Lumbar arteries (there are 4 pairs of them) (p.152)
Name the branches of the abdominal aorta.
Come, Celiac Trunk See, Superior mesenteric a. It, Inferior mesenteric a. In, Inferior phrenic a. My, Middle suprarenal a. Race, Renal a. Go, Gonadal (testicular or ovarian) a. Low, Lumbar a.'s (4 pairs) Man, Median Sacral a. (p.152)
Why are the ilia laterally flared?
To support abdominal structures and prevent them from falling out the bottom of the pelvis
Protection of the pelvic viscera occurs exclusively within which portion of the pelvis?
The true pelvis
The pelvic cavity projects where relative to the abdominal cavity?
What two structures of the pelvis lie in the same vertical plane when the pelvis is in anatomical position?
The ASIS and the upper margin of the pubic symphysis
The tip of the coccyx and the upper margin of the pubic symphysis lie in the same ____.
Horizontal plane
The pelvis is formed by what four bones?
Left Hip Bone, Right hip bone, sacrum, and the coccyx
Name the specific borders of the Pelvic inlet. (5)
Sacral promontory, sacral alae, arcuate line, pecten pubis, and pubic crest.
What is the difference between the pelvic brim and the pelvic inlet?
The pelvic inlet is like walking through a door, the pelvic brim (linea terminalis) is like a door frame.
What stucture of the pelvis divides the pelvis into a true and false pelvis?
The pelvic brim, True pelvis below it and false pelvis above it
Name the two functions of the false pelvis.
- to serve as an attachment site for muscles 2. To support abdominal viscera
(p. 154)
The lower part of the GI tract, urinary bladder, lower part of the ureter, and internal reproductive organs are all contained in the?
True or lesser pelvis
The boundaries of the pelvic outlet are?
Pubic symphysis, Ischiopubic rami, ischial tuberosities, sacrotuberous ligament, and the tip of the coccyx
What fills the pelvic outlet?
The perineum
The pubic arch is formed by the?
Pubic symphysis, ischiopubic rami, and ischial tuberosities
What type of pelvis is present in some males, 20% of females and characterized by a long a-p diameter and a short transverse diameter?
Anthropoid pelvis
What is the ideal pelvis for childbirth?
Gynecoid pelvis
This type of pelvis is rare in males and present in 2% of females.
Platypelloid pelvis (p.155)
The male pelvic inlet is usually heart shaped whereas the female pelvic inlet is usually___.
Oval shaped
The subpubic angle is larger in males or females?
This joint is the least mobile synovial joint in the body.
The Sacroiliac joint
The pubic symphysis is a fibrocartilaginous joint and contains?
An interpubic disc.
This joint contains an intervertebral disc and is often fused.
Sacrococcygeal joint.
What hormone causes the joints of the pelvis to become more lax during pregnancy?
Both ligaments of the pelvis extend from the sacrum and coccyx. Where do each of them go?
Sacrotuberous lig- ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous lig- ischial spine
The greater and lesser sciatic foramen each open up where relative to the pelvic floor?
Greater sciatic foramen opens up above the pelvic floor
Lesser sciatic foramen opens up below the pelvic floor
What structures are common to/ pass through both the lesser and greater sciatic foramina?
The pudendal nerve, internal pudendal vessels, and the nerve to the obturator internus pass through both the greater and lesser sciatic foramina. (P.156)
Almost all structures transmitted by the greater sciatic foramen lie on top of what muscle?
The piriformis muscle. (P.156)
What sciatic foramen transmits the tendon of the Obturator Internus muscle?
The lesser sciatic foramen. (P.156)
What are the intrapelvic causes of sciatica?
Piriformis syndrome, Compression by the fetal head during pregnancy, and pelvic tumors. (P.157)
The lateral wall of the pelvis is covered primarily by ____ and the lateral portion of the posterior wall of the pelvis is covered by ___.
Obturator internus muscle and Obturator fascia; Piriformis muscle and Coccygeus muscle
The bony framework of the posterior wall of the pelvis is comprised by?
The sacrum and coccyx.
The bony framework of the lateral wall of the pelvis is comprised by?
The portion of the hip bone which lies below the pelvic brim.
What structures give support to the abdominal and pelvic viscera?
Peritoneum (above) and the pelvic diaphragm (below). (P.157)
The ____ is the lowest point in the peritoneum in males whereas the ____ is the lowest point in the peritoneum in females.
Retrovesical pouch; Rectouterine pouch
The ____ is the major support structure support structure for the pelvic viscera which consists of the coccygeus and the levator ani.
Pelvic Diaphragm
This opening within the pelvic diaphragm is present in both sexes.
The anal aperture.
What does the urogenital Hiatus transmit in males and females?
The urogenital hiatus transmits the urethra in males and the urethra and vagina in females. (P.158)
If someone is performing kegal exercises, they are utilizing what muscle?
The levator ani. (P.158)
What condition may occur in two of the peritoneum pouches?
Ascites may occur in the rectovesical pouch and the rectouterine pouch.
What parts of the levator ani function in micturition?
The puboprostaticus in males and pubovaginalis in females. Specifically they stop the flow of urine.
What division of the levator ani relaxes during defecation and also aids in parturition by directing the fetal head?
Puborectalis muscle.
At approximately ____ vertebral level the abdominal aorta bifurcates in to the left and right common iliac artery.
What structures does the external iliac artery supply in the pelvis?
This artery is crossed anteriorly by the ureter at the pelvic brim.
The internal Iliac artery.
What branch of the Internal Iliac artery supplies the psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles?
The lumbar branch of the iliolumbar artery which is a branch of the posterior trunk of the internal iliac.
Between the lumboscral trunk and the 1st sacral nerve we would expect to find what?
The superior gluteal artery.
Between the 1st and 2nd, or 2nd and 3rd sacral nerves we would expect to find what?
The inferior gluteal artery.
What arteries exit the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen?
Superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, and internal pudendal arteries.
What would we expect to find exiting the pelvis between the piriformis and coccygeus muscles?
Internal pudendal artery.
What artery in the female specimen is synonymous with the ductus deferens in males?
The uterine artery.
What other branch comes directly off of the abdominal aorta besides the left and right common iliac arteries?
The gonadal artery
This artery arises from behind the bifurcation of the abdominal aorta.
The median sacral artery. (Unpaired) (p.161)
The superior rectal artery is a branch from the?
Inferior mesenteric artery.
Most structures from the pelvis drain into the ____ system except the Rectum and anal canal which have some ____ drainage.
Caval system; portal
The inferior vena cava is comprised of the union of the?
The left and right common iliac veins.
Which portion of the sacral plexus enters the pelvis through the anterior sacral foramina?
Anterior primary rami of s1-s4.
What muscles prevent the pelvis from slumping to the unsupported side during gait?
The ant. Gluteal muscles.
What nerve enters the perineum through the lesser sciatic foramen?
The nerve to the obturator internus muscle.
What large muscle that we typically think of as a powerful hip extender actually is more involved with getting up from a seated position?
The gluteus Maximus.
What nerve of the sacral plexus plays an integral role in the ability to maintain the integrity of the pelvic floor?
Nerves to levator ani and coccygeus muscles (s3 s4)
What nerve is thought to play a role in sexual dysfunction?
The pudendal nerve (s2-4)
What nerve roots comprise the coccygeal plexus?
The ventral primary rami of S4, 5 and the coccygeal nerve.
What joins together in front of the coccyx to form the ganglion impar?
The left and right sympathetic trunks.