LECTURE EXAM 1 Flashcards
What are the six habits of mind that guide our work in this class (U-ABC-IT)?
Use evidence
Ask questions
Be skeptical
Cultivate wonder
Identify confusions
Think like a biologist
How do Biologists Define a Living Thing
What are common functions of living things?
How do Biologists Define a Living Thing
are common structures of living things?
How do Biologists Define a Living Thing
What is the Cell Theory of living things?
How do Biologists Define a Living Thing
Which of the following are
considered to be alive and why:
chemical reactions?
How do Biologists Define a Living Thing
How would you evaluate an unknown specimen to determine if it’s living?
Size and Scale
Which is usually bigger, an organelle or a cell?
Size and Scale
Which is usually bigger, a glucose molecule or a
Size and Scale
Which is usually bigger, a DNA molecule or a carbon atom?
Size and Scale
Which is usually bigger, a virus or a protein molecule?
Size and Scale
Where are organelles
like mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotes thought to have come from?
Altoids and Mad Cow Disease
How would you respond to someone who told you not to eat Altoids because they cause mad cow disease? What evidence were you able to find to confirm or refute this link? From what types of sources did you get this evidence? (primary, secondary, tertiary, hearsay) What kinds of authors usually write the information in these different types of sources? Which type of source is usually more credible? What are prions and are they considered living?
Four Classes of Biological Macromolecules
What are the four main classes of biological macromolecules and their primary functions? What are examples of each of these four?
Molecular Bonds and the Structure of Water
How would you explain the difference between covalent and hydrogen bonds?
Molecular Bonds and the Structure of Water
Draw three molecules of water correctly, including the hydrogen bonds between the molecules.