Lecture: Endocrinology Flashcards
affects the producing cell
affects neighboring cells
secretion from a neuron to a cell
“true” endocrine
affects distant cells
secretes basally towards CT
secretion goes into the vasculature to be carried to a distant organ
Common endocrine features
always have fenestrated capillaries in endocrine organs in order to pick up the endocrine compound
‐ even in pituitary, despite BBB
disturbed cell polarity, lack of an “apical” domain
‘carrier proteins’ that facilitate transmission in blood which happens for lipid soluble hormones
‐ SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)
‐ corticosteroid binding globulin
‐ GHBP (growth hormone)
‐ thyroxine‐binding globulin
‐ transthyretin
Types of hormones
protein (peptide, amino acid)
‐ from epithelial‐origin glands
steroid (derived from cholesterol)
‐ from mesenchymal origin glands
T3 and T4 are in between steroid and protein, on a continuum
Types of receptors
cell membrane
nuclear membrane
If a steroid hormone is made, it will just diffuse out of the cell that made it. So if you want to control how much of it is in the circulation, you control how much of it is made as opposed to other hormones that control how much is released. Rate limiting enzymes at each step of pathway control how much steroid hormone is produced
For a protein hormone, the receptor has to be located on the extracellular surface. For a steroid hormone, if you want to affect DNA transcription, steroid hormones are good because it can cross the nuclear and cell membranes so the receptor can be in the nucleus.
Steroid hormones
Intracellular cholesterol is the precursor for all steroid hormones. It can come from…
- extracellular uptake
- intracellular mobilization:
- synthesis
They need binding proteins
- albumin
- sex‐hormone binding globulin
- corticosteroid binding globulin
Control of hormones
releasing factors ‐ positive feedback
inhibiting factors ‐ negative feedback
Endocrine axes: 3 separate organs that control the amount of circulating hormones. They communicate chemically by + or - feedback
- Hypothalamus: secretes hormones that affect the pituitary
- Pituitary: secretes hormones that affect the target hormone
- Target organ:
Endocrine Axes
Hypothalamus: CRH (cortisol -)
Pituitary: Corticotroph (cortisol -) (CRH+)
Trophic hormone: ACTH
Target organ: Adrenal glands (ACTH +)
Target hormone: cortisol
Action: Cell homeostasis and function
Hypothalamus: Somatostatin, TRH
Pituitary: Thyrotroph
Trophic hormone: TSH
Target organ: Thyroid gland
Target hormone: T3, T4
Action: Thermogenesis, protein synthesis
Hypothalamus: GnRH
Pituitary: Gonadotroph
Trophic hormone: LH and FSH
Target organ: Ovaries, testes
Target hormone: Estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, inhibitin
Action: Ovulation, spermatogenesis
Hypothalamus: GHRH
Pituitary: Somatotroph, somatostatin
Trophic hormone: GH
Target organ: Liver –> chondrocytes
Target hormone: IGF-I
Action: Linear and organ growth
Hypothalamus: Dopamine
Pituitary: lactotroph
Trophic hormone: PRL
Target organ: breast
Target hormone: ??
Action: Lactation
___troph = the cell in pituitary that targets ____ organ
Nucleus (in brain)
a region of the brain that has cells of a given type.
ex: paraventricular nucleus, supraoptic nucleus
2 types of hypothalamic projections
Magnocellular system: sends axons to neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) and those axons secrete hormones.
- ParaVentricular Nucleus (PVN)
- Supra‐Optic Nucleus (SON)
Parvocellular system: secretes releasing hormones that affect adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary). Secretes its hormones right there in the hypothalamus
- ParaVentricular Nucleus (PVN)
- arcuate nucleus
- pre‐optic nucleus
Magnocellular neurons are large cells that primarily project to the posterior pituitary gland to release hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin into the bloodstream, while parvocellular neurons are smaller cells that project to other brain regions to regulate various physiological processes through releasing hormones locally within the central nervous system
Magnocellular - bloodstream directly
Parvocellular - released in CNS
The adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis are two distinct parts of the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, that differ in their embryonic origin, anatomy, and function:
Also known as the anterior pituitary, this part of the gland is made up of glandular tissue and is responsible for releasing hormones like growth hormone, prolactin, and thyroid-stimulating hormone. The adenohypophysis is controlled by hormones released from the hypothalamus.
Also known as the posterior pituitary, this part of the gland is made up of neural tissue and is responsible for storing and releasing hormones like oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone. The neurohypophysis is controlled by nerve stimulation from the hypothalamus.
Function of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH), somatostatin
control release of growth hormone
Function of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH)
control release of ACTH
Function of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
control release of LH and FSH
Function of Thyroid Releasing Hormone (TRH)
control release of TSH
Pituitary hormones
Pituitary anatomy
If you pick up brain out of skull, you will cut the stalk to the pituitary because it sits separately in a bony cavity
- pars nervosa (posterior lobe, synonymous with posterior pituitary): bottom bulb part, where hormones are produced, magnacellular axons descend here
- infundibular stalk: connecting part
- median eminence: upper part of pituitary that connects it to hypothalamus
Adenohypophysis: looks like ball of cells
- pars distalis (anterior lobe, synonymous with anterior pituitary) : anterior bulbous part, ball of cells located here
- pars intermedia: part of anterior lobe that hugs the posterior lobe
- pars tuberalis: part that hugs/wraps around the stalk
Pituitary - portal circulation
we have a microcirculation between the hypothalamus and the pituitary
Portal veins convey blood from capillaries near the hypothalamus to the pituitary pars distalis capillaries.
Hypothalamic “releasing hormones”:
reach the pituitary in relatively high concentration & cause release of pituitary hormones, which then circulate to the body.
Consequence of this: the concentration is high the first time around, but low the second time around because it gets diluted by the bloodstream
Pars Distalis Hormones
growth hormone (GH, somatotropin)- acidophil
prolactin (PRL)- acidophil
adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)- basophil
gonadotropins: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)- both are basophils
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) - basophil
chromophobes are not seen
Components of the neurohypophysis:
neuropil ‐ descending axons from hypothalamic neurons
capillaries ‐ sinusoidal by anatomical size ‐ walls are fenestrated
pituicytes ‐ resident glial cell, controls blood‐brain barrier
Herring bodies ‐ dilated endings of axons, containing hormones for release into circulation
The way to tell you are in the neurohypophysis is to see that the protein hormones pile up at the end of the axon (in Herring bodies) until they are told to be released
Neurohypophysis hormones and their function
anti‐diuretic hormone (ADH): water retention in kidneys
oxytocin: milk “let‐down”
Pituitary embryology
The pituitary is formed from
two separate tissues:
- neural ectoderm generates the neurohyphphysis and
- oral ectoderm generates the adenohypophysis
Adrenal Gland
Has two parts with different embryonic derivations. Adventitial gland- sits in CT, has capsule that separates it from surrounding CT.
Cortex has 3 layers (ZG, ZF, and ZR) which contains cholesterol drops
- Zona glomerulosa
- Zona fasciculata: most amount of cholesterol, frothy root beer float appearance, many white vacuoles which are the cholesterol containing droplets
- Zona reticularis
Cortex- steroid hormones
Medulla- epinephrine and nor epinephrine which are NTs in the brain, but hormones in the body (fight/flight)
Adrenal gland - embryology
Adrenal cortex forms out of mesenchymal tissue
Medulla origin is the same as that of the sympathetic ganglia which is ectomesenchyme/neural crest cells
Adrenal gland - blood supply
Arteries (suprarenal) come through the capsule. two things can happen to the blood. 1) gets dumped into capillary bed that feeds the cortex which will percolate through the cortex and then the medulla and will get picked up by the centromedullary vein. 2) blood can go straight to the medulla so that the first time it hits a capillary bed is in the medulla
The reason for this is because the medulla is controlling the fight/flight response so there needs to be a way to get blood there quickly
Adrenal cortex - corticosteroids
What are the principal hormones, layers, and functions?
Principal Hormone (class): aldosterone (mineralocorticoids)
Layer: zona glomerulosa
Function: blood pressure, Na
Principal Hormone (class): cortisol (glucocorticoids)
Layer: zona fasciculata
Function: fat, carbohydrate, protein mobilization, ACTH influence
Principal Hormone (class): dihydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA), (androgens)
Layer: zona reticularis
Function: secondary sex characteristics