Lecture Eleven Flashcards
How do we know what the internal structure of the Earth is?
Volcanic activity.
Deeply eroded mountain belts.
High pressure laboratory experiements.
Seismic waves - natural and man made.
How are we going drilling into the Earths crust?
Deepest ever drilled is a little over 12km deep (continental crust).
20 year effort to do this.
Bottom of the hole is 190 degrees C.
Have drilled 2.111km into the oceanic crust.
What have volcanic erruptions told us about the structure of the Earth?
Materials from the lower crust and upper mantle are brought up through volcanoes.
Parts of the mantle at the surface are called “xenoliths” which literally means foreign stones.
What have mountain ranges told us about the Earth’s structure.
As mountains erode, the rocks at their base, formed deeper in the crust, are exposed at the surface.
What are Gneiss’?
Surface sediments that have been almost melted under mountain belts. They are a type of metamorphic rocks.
What are seismic waves?
Caused when an earthquake occurs (or an explosion is set off).
Vibrations travel though the Earth.
The speed they travel at, and the path they take is determined by the rock types, temperature and pressure of the rocks.
What are the main types of seismic waves?
P waves = primary waves.
Faster than S waves there for get to you first.
Particle motion in the direction of propagaion.
Travel though solids and liquids.
Typical velocity:
4-6km/h in the crust
8-14km/h in the mantle (because this has higher temperature and pressures).
S waves = Secondary waves (or shear waves).
Particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
Slower than P waves.
Travel through solids only.
Typical velocity:
3-4km/h in the crust.
6-8km/h in the mantle.
How to P waves and S waves move though the Earth?
What is the composition of elements in the Earth?
What are the chemical and physical properties of the Earth regarding its structure.
Chemical property layers:
Physical property layers:
Mesosphere (lower mantle)
Outer core
Inner core
Describe the characteristics of the continental crust.
35-40km deep on average.
Al, Ca, K-rich sillicate (although all the elements that make up the crust originally came from the mantle).
Density ~ 2.7-2.8 g/cm^3.
Buoyant = topography (although some continental crust is below sea level).
Base of the crust is called the MOHO.
Describe the characteristics of the oceanic crust.
7-10km thick.
Fe, Mh rich silicate.
Density ~3.0g/cm^3.
We called oceanic crust Ophiolite.
Created at mid ocean ridge due to melting of the asthenosphere.
Recycled intot he mante because it is less buoyant than continental crust.
Describe the characteristics of the mantle.
2885km thick.
Fe, Mg rich, silicate poor.
Ultramafic e.g. peridotite.
Density ~ 3.5 g/cm^3 at the top and ~5.5 g/cm^3 at the base.
Increase is not gradual - related to layers
1) Upper mantle down to a depth of 400km.
2) Transition zone down to a depth of 670km.
3) Lower mantle to the core boundary.
Soid and not molten as often percieved.
~2% of the mantle is molten and exists between solid grains.
Hot and soft enough for it to flow a few cm a year.
The mantle convects with hot mantle rising and cold mantle descending to the core boundary.
Describe the characteristics of the Lithosphere.
Whole of crust and the upperer most part of the mantle.
Total thickness of 100-150km.
Ridged and relatively strong - its layers do not flow.
Moves as the convection in the lower mantle occurs.
Describe the characteristics of the Asthenosphere.
Mantle beneath 100-150km and the bottom of the transition zone.
Relatively soft and flows.
Relatively weak layer.
Weaker than the underlying lower mantle.
Boundary between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere is between 1280 and 1350 degres C.