Lecture 9 - Transcriptional Regulation 1 Flashcards
Ways in which gene expression is regulated in prokaryotes
- Downregulate transcription
- Hydrolyze mRNA, preventing translating
- Prevent mRNA translation at the ribosome
4 Degrade the protein after it is made - Inhibit the function of the protein
Selective gene transcription
Not all genes are transcribed any given time. A ‘decision’ is made about which genes to activate
Two types of regulatory proteins
- Repressor proteins
2. Activator proteins
Negative regulation
In negative regulation, the gene is normally transcribed. Binding of a repressor protein prevents transcription.
Positive regulation
In positive regulation, the gene is normally not transcribed. An activator protein binds to stimulate transcription.
Compounds that stimulate the synthesis of a protein
Inducible proeins
Proteins that are produced once inducers work
Constitutive proteins
Proteins that are made all the time t a constant rate
Allosteric regulation
Feedback from the end product of a metabolic pathway can block enzyme activity
Transcriptional regulation
Feedback from the end product of a metabolic pathway can stop the transcription of genes that code for the enzymes in the pathway
Structural genes
Gene that encode the primary structure of a protein not involved in the regulation of gene expression. Can be transcribed into mRNA.
A cluster of genes with a single promoter that are transcribed together into a single mRNA
What does a typical operon consist of?
- Promoter
- Operator
- 2 or more structural genes
Short stretch of DNA that lies between the promoter and the structural genes. Can bind very tightly with regulatory proteins that either activate or repress transcription
Three ways to control the transcription of operons
- An inducible operon regulated by a repressor protein (deault is ‘off’)
- A repressible operon regulated by a repressor protein (default is ‘on’)
- An operon regulated by an activator protein (default is ‘off’)
Inducible systems
The substrate of a metabolic pathway (the inducer) interacts with a regulatory protein (the repressor), rendering the repressor incapable of binding to the operator and thus allowing transcription.
Turned on only when the substrate is available
Repressible systems
The product of a metabolic pathway (co-repressor) binds to a regulatory protein, which is then able to bind to the operator and block transcription.
Turned on until the concentration of the product becomes excessive
Catabolite repression
A system of gene regulation in which the presence of the preferred energy source repressed other catabolic pathways
Activator protein
Can stimulate the frequency of initiation of transcription by RNA polymerase
Three proteins involved in uptake and metabolism of lactose (a B-galactoside)
B-galactoside permease: a carrier protein that moves sugar into the cell.
B-galactosidase: an enzyme that hydrolyses lactose (to glucose and galactose).
B-galactoside transacetylase: transfers acetyl groups to certain B-galactosides.
When does E. coli synthesize the three lactose enzymes?
If lactose is predominant and glucose is low it synthesizes all three enzymes
What do Operons allow for?
Operons allow for genes to be co-regulated. Each operon usually encodes genes involved in the same overall function/pathway
Explain the lac operon when Lactose is absent
- The repressor protein encoded by the regulatory gene prevents transcription by binding to the operator
- RNA polymerase cannot bind to the promoter; transcription is blocked
- No mRNA is produced, so no enzyme is produced
Explain the lac operon when Lactose is present
- Lactose induces transcription by binding to the repressor, which then cannot bind to the operator.
- RNA polymerase binds to the promoter
- RNA polymerase can then transcribe the genes for enzymes
What type of mRNA is made from the lac operon?
Polycistronic mRNA. Meaning this mRNA codes for more than one polypeptide separately within the same RNA molecule
Example of an inducible operon
lac operon
Example of a repressible operon
trp operon
Example of an operon regulated by an activator protein
If high lactose but low glucose, CRP (cAMP receptor protein) binding to the lac operon promoter makes the sigma factor-RNA polymerase promoter binding more efficient, and increases (‘activates’) transcription
Example of catabolite repression
If there are high levels of glucose and some lactose is present
1. When glucose levels are high, cAMP is low and CROP doesn’t bind the promoter. RNA polymerase cannot bind effectively
2 Transcription of the structural genes for lactose-metabolizing enzymes is reduced