Lecture 9 - K+ channels and epithelial function Flashcards
What do K+ channels do ??
High IC K+ conc and low EC
- Open K + channel
- Drives Vm to Ek (Nernst)
- Therefore K+ channels maintain negative Vm
- ve mem potential important in chloride secretion
Role of K+ channels in the airway
Drive chloride secretion
K+ channel Families
Voltage gated - Kv
Inwardly Rectifying- Kir
Two pore
What is the structure of voltage gated K+ channels ?
4 subunits= 1 channel
4 TM
What is the structure of Inwardly rectifying K+ channels ??
4 subunits = one channel
What is the structure of two pore ?
2 subunits= 1 channel
-2 TM domains with pore region 4 required for a functional channel
Example of Kv channel
Example of Kir
Kir1.1 (ROMK in kidney)
Example of 2P
If chloride channels open activation of K+ channels will do what?
increase chloride secretion because you increased the driving force
Role of the basolateral K+channel
Set the membrane potential which provides the driving force
Kv channels - Testing the hypothesis K+ maintains cl- secretion
- KCNQ1 - gene
- KVLQT1 - channel protein
- inhibited by chromanol 293B
- fresh nasal epithelium and human cell line -
- effects not conclusive
Chromanol 293B
blocks a small number not all K channels
- very specific
RT- PCR of RNA - NAsal epithelium
-**KvLQT1 mRNA expressed in upper resp tract epithelial cells ***
- Nasal polyps 3 condtions
Ussing Chamber -
Nasal epithelium -
- Block KvLQT1 inhibit Cl- secretion
- All plus amiloride - rid of ENac
- Adding Chromanol 293 B is inhibiting Transport – blocks K channel > less cl- secretion so transepithelial potential becomes less negative - reducing driving force
- Cant measure K+ directly using ussing chamber – cl secretion indirect measurement of K+ because you cant meausre K+ movement
- Cl secretion indriect indicator
- Increase conc of 293 B inhibit the Scc Blocking K preventing cl secretion
Or Barium – K channel blocker - takes it to zero likely