Lecture 9: Consequences of taxation Flashcards
What is a pareto efficient allocation?D
Draw a pareto efficient consumption in an edgeworth box
Draw a pareto efficient production in an edgeworth box
Production Edgeworth box
Curves are now isoquants. Isoquants are all the combinations of capital and labour that can produce the same quantity of output
It is a two good economy
At point A, the production of good 1 can be increased without any reduction in production of good 2, by moving to point C
What is an allocatively pareto efficiency?
Draw a complete pareto efficient allowances (using a PPF)
What does the first fundamental theorem of welfare economics state?
What 4 points should you discuss wrt FFTWE?
1 Smith’s `Invisible Hand’
2 It derives a relationship between two different things: competitive equilibrium and Pareto effcient allocation of resources
3 FWT holds only under strong assumptions: perfect competition, perfect information, no taxes, all interactions through markets (no externalities, no public goods), no increasing returns to scale
4 FFTWE says nothing about distributional issues Digression: Efficiency of social equilibria (without prices)
What does the second fundamental theory of welfare economics state?
If indifference cures are convex and production functions are concave, any Pareto efficient allocation can be attained as a competitive equilibrium with appropriate selected endowments
the SFTWE says that under certain conditions, it is possible to achieve allocation B by transferring endowment from E to anwhere on line AA
What 5 assumptions are needed for a perfect market?
Draw a supply curve for the market and an individual firm in the short run
Can firms make profit in the short or long run? Why?
Draw out how a quantity tax (excise tax) impacts the buyer and seller
Draw out how a sales tax (consumer tax) impacts the buyer and seller
What is the tax incidence and how is it calculated?s
how is tax incidence and elasticity related?
What happens to the incidence of tax as the demand elasticity becomes more inelastic?