Lecture 8 - SNS Antagonists Flashcards
What are the neurotransmitter molecules at peripheral (rather than ganglionic) synapses in the sympathetic nervous system?
- Noradrenaline
- Adrenaline
- Acetylcholine (sweat glands only)
Describe the release of noradrenaline into a sympathetic synapse and how it acts on a1 and a2 adrenoceptors as well as what these receptors cause.
- Noradrenaline packed into vesicles
- Vesicles move to and fuse with presynaptic membrane
- Noradrenaline is released into and diffuses across the synapse
- Binds to a1 adrenoceptors on postsynaptic membrane
- Also then bind to a2 adrenoceptors on the PRESYNAPTIC membrane
A1 adrenoceptors initiate a sympathetic effect when bound to e.g. vasoconstriction
A2 adrenoceptors have a negative effect on the synthesis and release of noradrenaline from presynaptic terminal when bound to, reduces NA in synapse and thus stimulation of a1 adrenoceptors
What are the 5 types of adrenoceptor?
Alpha 1 Alpha 2 Beta 1 Beta 2 Beta 3
What effects do the 2 alpha adrenoceptors cause?
Alpha 1 - vasoconstriction, relaxation of GI tract
Alpha 2 - inhibition of transmitter release, contraction of vascular smooth muscle, CNS actions
What effects to the 3 beta adrenoceptors cause?
Beta 1 - increased cardiac rate/force, relaxation of GI tract, increased renin release from kidney
Beta 2 - Bronchodilation, vasodilation, relaxation of visceral smooth muscle
Beta 3 - Lipolysis
What are 5 examples of adrenoceptor antagonist drugs and what is their selectivity?
Labetalol - a1 + b1 Phentolamine - a1 + a2 Prazosin - a1 Propranolol - b1 + b2 Atenolol - b1
What are the main clinical uses of SNS antagonists and false transmitters?
There are 4 main areas of use
- Hypertension
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Angina
- Glaucoma
What is hypertension and why is it important?
“Sustained diastolic blood pressure greater than 90mmHg”
BP >140/90mmHg
Ambulatory or home monitoring average >135/85mmHg
Important as it is strongly associated with increased risk of other diseases.
What are the main elements that contribute to hypertension?
There are 3 main elements
- Blood volume, influenced by the kidney
- Cardiac output
- Peripheral vascular tone (total peripheral resistance)
How does the sympathetic NS affect blood pressure and what are its effects on organs influencing blood pressure?
Sympathetic control of the heart via b1 receptors increases cardiac output
Major control of BP is sympathetic drive to kidneys
- B1 receptors stimulate renin release
- Renin release stimulates production of angiotensin II (powerful vasoconstrictor)
- Angiotensin II also leads to production of aldosterone which further increases BP
What are the tissue targets for anti-hypertensives from primary to last target?
Were the first anti-hypertensive beta antagonists non-selective or selective, why was this important and what were they succeeded by?
- Non-selective, targeted both b1 and b2 adrenoceptors
- B1 blockade is what produced the majority of the desired effects, b2 blockade produces most of the side effects
- Non-selective antagonists were then succeeded by b1 selective antagonists due to their fewer side effects
What is another term to describe beta-1 selective antagonists?
Cardioselective drugs
What are the 3 ways beta adrenoceptor antagonists act to reduce blood pressure?
- Act in CNS to reduce sympathetic tone/output
- Act on b1 receptors in the heart reducing HR and cardiac output
- Acts on b1 receptors in kidneys to reduce renin production and indirectly reduce total peripheral resistance
What effect do PRESYNAPTIC beta 1 receptors have and what happens if they are blocked?
- Positive facilitation effect on synthesis and release of neurotransmitter
- If blocked, facilitation effect is remove and amount of noradrenaline being released is reduced
- One of the contributing factors to the anti-hypertensive effect of b1 antagonists
What are the unwanted effects of beta antagonists?
Bronchoconstriction Cardiac failure Hypoglycaemia Fatigue Cold extremities Bad dreams
Why is it dangerous to give non-selective beta antagonists to asthmatics and those with cardiac failure/heart disease?
- beta 2 receptors on bronchial smooth muscle allow for bronchodilation
- during an asthma attack or in those with COPD, if bronchodilation is not possible, due to b2 blockade, patient can suffocate and die
- patients with cardiac failure rely on a degree of sympathetic drive to the heart to maintain adequate cardiac output which is removed if a non-selective beta antagonist is taken = cardiac failure
Why is it a bad idea to give beta antagonists to diabetics?
- Blockade of beta receptors masks the symptoms of hypoglycaemia so the patient doesn’t know they’re having a hypo episode so they won’t get something to boost their blood glucose
- Beta 2 receptors drive glucose release from the liver so when blocked it further worsens the hypoglycaemia
Why do non-selective beta antagonists cause fatigue and cold extremities?
Fatigue - reduced cardiac output and reduced muscle perfusion
Cold extremities - loss of beta receptor-mediated vasodilation of cutaneous vessels
What are the four main conditions in which you wouldn’t give a non-selective beta antagonist?
Cardiac failure/disease
What is the selectivity, what does the effects, and what are the side effects of PROPRANOLOL?
- Non-selective (b1+b2)
- Very little change in HR, CO or BP at rest but reduces all of these during exercise (compared with the normal response to exercise)
- Produces all typical adverse effects due to its non-selectivity and b2 antagonism
What is the selectivity, what does the effects, and what are the side effects of ATENOLOL?
- Beta-1 selective
- Mainly antagonises effects of NA in the heart but acts in any tissue with b1 receptors (kidneys)
- Fewer side effects due to selectivity but still NOT safe for asthmatics
What is the selectivity, what does the effects, and what are the side effects of LABETALOL?
- Alpha-1 and beta-1 selective
- Acts more on beta-1 (4:1 ratio)
- Lowers BP by reducing TPR, reduces HR/CO
- Even fewer side effects of atenolol
How do alpha antagonists cause postural hypotension, what with be the cardiac response and what is this response called?
- Alpha-1 is the main mediator of TPR so when blocked, TPR decreases and BP drops
- When you stand up, SNS kicks in and gives a boost to the blood pressure. This is blocked with an alpha antagonist resulting in postural hypotension
- Cardiac output and heart rate are increased as a response to the hypotension
- This is called “baroreceptor mediated tachycardia” or “reflex tachycardia”
What is the selectivity, what does the effects, and what are the side effects of PHENTOLAMINE?
- Non-selective (a1+a2)
- Vasodilation and fall in BP (a1 blockade)
- However, also blocks a2 receptors which removes inhibitory effect on NA release resulting in an ENHANCED reflex tachycardia to the BP drop
- Other side effects are increased GIT motility and diarrhoea
Phentolamine is NO LONGER in clinical use
What is the selectivity, what does the effects, and what are the side effects of PRAZOSIN?
- Highly alpha-1 selective
- Vasodilation and dramatic BP drop
- Some reflex tachycardia but much less than phentolamine, cardiac output decreases due to fall in venous pressure
- Can cause problematic postural hypotension
- Cause decrease in LDL and increase in HDL cholesterol which has made it regain popularity as an anti-hypertensive agent
What is methyldopa and what does it do in presynaptic noradrenergic neurons?
- Anti-hypertensive false transmitter
- It is taken up by the neurone, decarboxylated and hydroxylated to form alpha-methyl noradrenaline, the false transmitter
- Alpha-methyl NA is not deaminated by MAO in the neuron and thus accumulates in larger quantities than NA.
- It also displaces NA from synaptic vesicles before being released in the same way
What is the activity of alpha-methyl NA on a1 and a2 receptors compared with NA and what does this mean it causes?
- Less active than NA at a1 = less effective at causing vasoconstriction
- MORE active than NA at a2 = more effective at inhibiting NA release
What is the effect of methyldopa on the CNS?
Stimulates the vasopressor centre in the brainstem and inhibits sympathetic outflow so general sympathetic effect is reduced
What are other benefits of methyldopa?
- Renal and CNS blood flow maintained well so widely used in patients with renal insufficiency or cerebrovascular disease
- Recommended anti-hypertensive agent in pregnant women as it has no adverse effects on the foetus
What are the adverse effects of methyldopa and how much is it used?
Dry mouth
Orthostatic hypotension
Male sexual dysfunction
Rarely used
What is arrhythmia and what is its main cause?
Abnormal or irregular heart beats
- main cause is myocardial ischaemia
- damage to the heart muscle can result in re-entry of impulses which interrupts the heart rhythm
There are different classes of anti-arrhythmic drugs. Which class are beta-blockers and how do they help treat arrhythmia?
Class II
- AV conductance is critically dependent on sympathetic activity
- When beta-blockers are given, they increase the AV node refractory period and this interferes with AV conduction in atrial tachycardias which all slows down ventricular rate
- So even if you have re-entry of impulses into cardiac muscle, it won’t stimulate another heart beat as it is now still in the refractory period
Which beta-blocker is given as an anti-arrhythmic and how does it affect mortality?
- Reduces mortality of patients with myocardial infarction
- Particularly successful in arrhythmias occurring during exercise or mental stress
What is angina, what is its pain distribution and what is it brought on by?
“Pain that occurs when the oxygen supply to the myocardium is insufficient for its needs”
- Chest, arm, neck
- Brought on by exertion or excitement
What are the 3 types of angina?
When does pain present in stable angina and why is this?
Pain on exertion
- Due to fixed (stable) narrowing of coronary vessels
- Increased demand on the heart
When does pain present in unstable angina and why is this?
Pain with less and less exertion as it develops culminating in pain at rest
- Atheromatous plaque is starting to rupture
- Platelet-fibrin thrombus associated with the plaque but not complete occlusion of the coronary vessel
- High risk of infarction
When does pain present in variable angina and why is this/
Pain at rest
- Caused by coronary artery spasm
- Associated with atheromatous disease
What effect do beta antagonists have on angina, which beta blocker particularly, and how does this occur?
Decrease the chance of having an angina attack
- Decrease HR, systolic BP, cardiac contractility WITHOUT affecting bronchial smooth muscle
- Overall reduce oxygen demand whilst maintaining the same degree of effort
- METOPROLOL (beta-1 selective at low dose)
What are the adverse effects of beta antagonists being used to treat angina?
Fatigue Insomnia Dizziness Sexual dysfunction Bronchospasm Bradycardia Heart block Hypotension Decreased myocardial contractility
Which groups of patients are b-1 selective agents, such as metoprolol, not used in?
Bradycardic (HR<55bpm)
Patients with bronchospasm
Hypotensives (SBP<90mmHg)
AV block or severe congestive heart failure - beta blockers could increase risk of MI
How do beta blockers treat glaucoma? (how also does alpha blockade treat it?)
Carbonic anhydrase produces aqueous humour in ciliary body
- B1-receptors facilitate carbonic anhydrase so when BLOCKED = reduced activity of carbonic anhydrase and reduced production of aqueous humour
- A1-receptor blockade causes vasoconstriction of blood vessels in ciliary body so reduces fluid volume in aqueous humour
Overall reduction in intraocular pressure as less AH produced
What are 3 examples of non-selective beta antagonists used to treat glaucoma?
Carteolol hydrochloride
Levobunolol hydrochloride
Timolol maleate
What is the word ending affixed to beta-blocker names?
-olol (sometimes -alol)