Lecture 8: Rise of the Imperial Presidency Flashcards
what did the constitutional powers fear (branch) and hwy
feared executive power (most likely to expand, to become conspiratorial, and become abusive)
what was the solution of a fear of the executive
• Original Constitutional Solution: Assign largely unspecified and symbolic powers to the presidency,
o // Article 19 = Flexible (weak vs strong president wanted by federalist vs anti)
= reactive powers
what r two key influences on the expansion of presidential power
rise of mass media
post war economic expansion/war power
what does the rise of mm guarentee
o Guarantees personalisation politics
= preseident= symbol of politics
what does the symbolic role of president as face of politics mean
Image credibility: trustworthy political voice
Allows president to put voice above congress via media
• Magnifies president agenda
• Reversing initial constitutional intention of reactive to initiating role
• Places congress on back foot
• Leverage public authority to pressure other branches
original constitutional solution to war powers
President power to initiate defensive war (to defend nation) and to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces; Congress power to initiate offensive war/power to declare war
deployment of troops stat
• US troops have been deployed overseas over 150 times
• War has been declared by Congress only 5 times
o Example: Donald Trump: US cruise missile attack on Syrian air force base