Lecture 8 Nutrition Supplements Flashcards
Why do athletes believe supplements are needed?
- Supplements are more effective than _______
- supplements can provide a _____ _____
- Their diet is already balanced and healthy, and therefore the next thing to address is the use of _______
- their diet is unbalanced anyway, therefore supplements need to _____ for this
- Other athletes are using supplements to get an __________
quick fix
Considerations before taking supplements
supplements tarts provide essential nutrients may provide _______ where food choices are ________ but this approach to achieving adequate nutrient intake is normally only a short-term option
The use of supplements will not ________ for ________ food choices and and inadequate diet
Athletes contemplating the use of supplements should consider their ______, their _______, the risk to _____ and _______, and the potential for a positive ________ _______
efficacy, their cost, the risk to health and performance, and the potential for a positive doping test
Regulation of nutrition supplements
T or F
There are no strict regulations apply to testing, advertising, and promoting nutrition supplements
Therefore, lots of supplements are what?
not regulated and they can be made, produced, advertised, and sold without testing. Meaning athletes, taking supplements can cause a positive doping test.
Nutrition supplements that work
Few supplements have proved performance benefits, including:
The list of supplements that don’t work is much longer
- protein (whey, soy, collagen)
- Beetroot juice
- Beat-Alanine
- Caffeine
- Carnitine
- Creatine
- Sodium bicarbonate
- sodium nitrate
When maximal exercise is performed for more than 30 seconds, there is an increased acidity of the muscle, so what can you do to reduce the muscle acidity which will improve performance in events where anaerobic glycolysis is an important contributor of ATP resynthesis?
increase the buffering capacity
Beetroot juice and Sodium Nitrate
Beetroot juice which is a good source of ________ ________ may improve ___________ performance in some circumstances
An effective dose is ___-____mmoles of nitrate or ______mg or _____mg/kg/bw However, natural sources of nitrate such as, beetroot juice are preferred because there is far less risk of harmful ________
dietary nitrate
B-alanine and Carnosine
Carnosine is synthesized from ______ _________
B-alanine helps ____ _______ (buffers H+ ions in the muscle)
Carnosine is an intracellular _____ of H+ of skeletal muscle and is responsible for ____% of total buffer capacity
Carnosine ingestion is _____ effective in increase intramuscular carnosine concentration because it is:
B-alanine has been found to increase your ______ levels by ____%. Carnosine increases your ____ _____, thereby prolonging exercise and decreasing ________
intracellular buffering
because it is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and absorption of carnosine is poor.
carnosine 80%
buffering capacity
T or F
Therefore, taking B-alanine supplements is more effective than taking carnosine supplements
Over 4-10 weeks ___ to ____g/day of B-alanine results in _____% to ____% increase in muscle carnosine content
3 to 6g/day
60% to 80%
Sodium Bicarbonate
__________ buffering
Buffering H+ ions in the ______
NaHCO3 increases plasma _________ concentration and improve
H+ removal from muscle, decreasing acidity
_____mg/kg/bw of NaHCO3 ingested ____ to ____ hours before exercise seems do improve performance in most lasting 1 to 10 minutes
The optimum dose seems to be ______mg/kg/bw
1 to 2
Sodium Citrate
Sodium citrate works similarly to NaHCO3. It increases the _____ _______ of the ________ space to increase the efflux of _______ ions from the ________ space
buffering capacity
Sodium citrate is effective in limiting the decrease in _____ ____and improving endurance exercise performance of up to 10 minutes
The typical doses for sodium citrate are ____ to _____ mg per kilogram of body weight
blood pH
200 to 500
Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methylbutyrate (HMB)
HMB can result in increased _____ _____ _____ and _____ _______ but and equal amount of studies show no effect of HMB
HMB seems to reduce the _____ ______ ________ and stimulate ______ ________
Some studies indicate that doses of ____ to ______g/day of HMN increases muscle mass and strength
lean body mass
muscle strength
lean muscle mass
breakdown of protein and stimulate protein synthesis
1.5 to 3.0g/day
What is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world
Caffeine is readily ______ after ingestion
Caffeine should be ingested _____ hour preexercise as the blood levels rise and peak after approximately _____ minutes
Its main mode of action is as a ______ stimulant
1 hr
60 minutes
Caffeine in ____-____mg/kg/bw has an ergogenic effect in endurance exercise (1-2hrs) and exercise around 100% of VO2max lasting approximately 1 to 5 minutes.
At exercise intensities of about 85% of VO2 max, improvements of _____% to ____% in time to exhaustion are typically found
10% to 20%
Ingesting Carnitine + carbohydrates can _______ fat oxidation
a low carbohydrate diet + carnitine will ______ fat oxidation by about 30%. This is a little paradoxical as a low-carbohydrate diet usually enhance fat oxidation.
Creatine Monohydrate
Oral creatine supplementation of _____g per day for _____ days increases total muscle creatine content in men by about _____% where 30-40% of the increase is __________________.
Can split 20g ____ times per day
A subsequent daily dose of ____g is enough to maintain the creatine concentration after the 20g for 5 days.
This quantity allows for an increase in the amount of ______ done performed during single and repeated bouts of short-term, high-intensity exercise but may also result in ______ _______ from ______ ________
weight gain
water retention
Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce _______ because they work both as _________ and ________-__________ agents.
antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents
Omega-3 Fatty acids helped _______ in one study with a senior person
T or F
Most people do see an effect when taking these supplements because their diets are low in Omega-3
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Because muscle soreness reaches it’s peak about 24 to 48 hours after exercise, it is commonly referred to as delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS
Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are sold as a supplement ro replace normal fat because MCT is said not to be stored in the body and is suggested to help athletes lose body fat. This is ________
MCTs do ________ appear to have the positive effects on performance that are often claimed
Glutamine helps to increase ______ and ________ synthesis, but, the mechanism of how this happens is understudied
MPS, glycogen
T or F
Glutamine is not a naturally occurring nonessential amino acid (it cannot be synthesized in the body)
Glutamine is a naturally occurring nonessential amino acid (it can be synthesized in the body).
Branched Chain Amino Acids
BCAAs help enable faster ________ from high-intensity training sessions when consumed in relatively _____ amounts
Other studies found that consumption of a small dose (5g) of BCAAs prior to high-intensity exercise session significantly reduced ________ when compared to a placebo
One size does not fit all when it comes to BCAAs and that dosage should be linked to ______ _______.
5g is sufficient to produce a benefit for females, so 10 g may be a sufficiently high dose for males. This could easily be provided through consumption of _____ ______ _______ added to a ______ _______ before and after activity
body weight
whey protein isolate, carbohydrate beverage