Lecture 8 Multiple Alignment Flashcards
similarity that is the result of inheritance from a common ancestor
genes in different species that evolved from a common ancestral gene by speciation. Normally, orthologs retain the same function in the course of evolution.
genes related by duplication within a genome. paralogs evolve new functions, even if these are related to the original one.
An Alignment
an hypothesis of positional homology between bases or amino acids.
Homology versus Similarity
- When two sequences are descended from a common evolutionary origin, they are homologous. When thinking of homology remember pregnancy
- sequence similarity is the percentage of aligned residues that are similar in physiochemical properties (size, charge, and hydrophobicity).
- Sequence similarity can be quantified using percentages (40% similarity); homology is a qualitative statement (homologous or nonhomologous).
What are other set of related terms for sequence comparison
sequence similarity and sequence identity.
Sequence Identity
the percentage of matches of the same amino acid residues between two aligned sequences.
what are sequence similarity and sequence identity synonymous for
nucleotide sequences.
Sequence identity can be calculated in two different ways
1)I=[(Li ×2)/(La +Lb)]×100
La and Lb are the total lengths of each individual sequence.
Li is the number of aligned identical residues.
2) I(S)% = Li/La
where La is the length of the shorter of the two sequences.
What issues are associated with multiple sequence alignments
All sequences show some similarity (even random sequences, 25% for nucleotides, 5% for proteins).
Similarity levels might be high in some parts of the sequence and low in other parts.
Sequences might show substantial length variation and presence/absence of various domains.
What are the 3 main methods of alignment:
- Manual
- Automatic
- Combined
Why might manual alignment be carried out ?
– Alignment is easy.
– There is some extraneous information (structural).
– Automated alignment methods have encountered
the local minimum problem.
– An automated alignment method can be “improved”.
Progressive Alignment
a heuristic method and as such is not guaranteed to find the ‘optimal’ alignment.
Devised by Feng and Doolittle in1987.
What steps are involved in the ClustalW procedure
- Quick pairwise alignment: calculate distance matrix
- Neighbor-joining tree (guide tree)
- Progressive alignment following guide tree
How is the ClustalW Pairwise Alignment done?
- First perform all possible pairwise alignments between each pair of sequences.
- Calculate the ‘distance’ between each pair of sequences based on these isolated pairwise alignments.
- Generate a distance matrix.
What is the Neighbor-joining method
*The neighbor-joining method is a greedy heuristic which joins at each step, the two closest sub-trees that are not already joined.
*One of the important concepts in the NJ method is neighbors, which are defined as two taxa that are connected by a single node in an unrooted tree
Multiple Alignment- First pair
- Align the two most closely-related sequences first.
- This alignment is then ‘fixed’ and wil lnever change. If a gap is to be introduced subsequently, then it will be introduced in the same place in both sequences, but their relative alignment remains unchanged.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of ClustalW
- Advantages:
– Speed. - Disadvantages:
– No objective function.
– No way of quantifying whether or not the alignment is good
– No way of knowing if the alignment is ‘correct’.