Lecture 8 - Exam Flashcards
What techniques were/are used to determine which proteins moved from organelle to organelle in the secretory pathway?
Pulse-chase labeling experiments, autoradiography, fluorescent microscopy of cells with GFP membrane tag (modern)
Are proteins released into the cytosol?
No, they are always associated with membrane-bound intermediates
How long does mammalian cell vesicle-mediated transport take from ER to PM?
30-60 min
What is VSVG and what is it used for?
Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein labeled with GFP is used to monitor protein transport in the secretory pathway
What is restrictive temperature VSVG?
A type of mutant at 40 degree C VSVG-GFP is retained in the ER
What is permissive temperature VSVG?
A type of mutant at 32 degree C VSVG-GFP is released for transport to golgi and plasma membrane
How can transport of a membrane glycoprotein from ER to golgi be assayed?
Sensitivity to cleavage by endoglycosidase D - can be run on SDS-PAGE
What do many secretory proteins leaving the ER have as side chains? And what cleaves them and what does it produce?
One or more copies of N-linked oligosaccharides (carbohydrates) -
Mannose N-acetyl glucosamine [Man8(GlcNAc)2] - cleaved by glycosidases on golgi cisternae that trim to [Man5(GlcNAc)2]
What identified the five stages in the secretory pathway?
Phenotypes of yeast sec mutants - organization and components is similar in all euk - temperature sensitive sec mutants are defective for secretion of proteins at non-permissive termperatures - 5 classes A-E showed sites where newly synthesized proteins accumulate when sec mutants are moved from permissive to non-permissive temperatures
What are the 5 stages in the secretory pathway?
Cytosol –> rough ER –> ER-Golgi transport vesicles –> golgi –> secretory vesicles
What demonstrates protein transport from one golgi cisternae to another? And how does it happen?
Cell-free assay - isolated golgi from VSV wildtype and mutant cells - WT contains N-acetylglucosamine transferase I enzyme that transfers to a mannose residue and mutant does not, if you mix the two extracts together the WT enzyme is still capable of transfering this n-acetyle glucosamine to the mutant by moving across cisternae
What initiates budding in the secretory pathway?
GTP-binding proteins
What gives the curvature of a vesicle bud in the secretory pathway?
Coat proteins - drive formation of structure
What interaction allows for secretory pathway vesicle bud fusion?
v-SNARE proteins on donor membrane that undergo a conformational change to interact with t-SNARE proteins
What do membrane cargo proteins do in secretory vesicles?
They have cytosolic sequences that determine what kind of coat should be made
What do membrane cargo-receptor proteins do in secretory vesicles?
Interact with soluble cargo proteins needed for vesicle formation
What is the most well known and widely distributed coat protein for vesicles
Clathrin and AP adapter protein complexes
What is the main GTPase associated with budding?
What are the different vesicle types and associated GTPase and coat proteins ?
COPII - Sar1, uses coat proteins sec
COPI - ARF, uses coatomers as coat proteins
Clathrin - ARF, uses APs and clathrin as coat proteins
Explain assembly and disassembly of COPII coats
Sec12 (GEF for Sar1) causes GDP-GTP exchange undergoing conformational change to bind to ER membrane, Sar1-GTP polymerizes Sec23/Sec24 COPII subunits to lead to vesicle budding, COPII vesicles are released, GTP hydrolyzed to GDP, COPII coat dissassembles
What prevents coats from not disassembling?
If GTP can not be hydrolyzed - using something like GTP-gamma-S - causes accumulation of coated vesicles
How do vesicles know where to go?
Cargo protein targeting sequences make specific contacts with coat proteins
Luminal sorting signals - necessary sorting signal since soluble proteins can not contact coat directly (KDEL and M6P are examples)
Cytoplasmic sorting signmals - are specific sequences in cytosolic portion of membrane cargo proteins that interact with coat (*KKXX, NPXY, LL are examples)
What is a model pathway for docking and fusion of transport vesicles?
Rab-GTP protein bound to secretory vesicle by lipid anchor binds effector protein on PM allowing docking –> v-SNARE (VAMP) interacts with t-SNARE (syntaxin, SNAP-25) to form stable complex to hold vesicle close to target membrane –> two membranes undergo fusion –> NSF and alpha-SNAP bind to SNARE complex and NSF (ATPase) hydrolyzes ATP to ADSP and drives dissociation of SNARE comples, Rab-GTP is hydrolyzed and dissociates from Rab effector
What type of vesicles mediate anterograde transport from ER to golgi?