Lecture 8: Aquatic Systems Flashcards
T/F: Stress responses are complicated in nature
* Rarely exposed to just 1 stressor…
* Cumulative stressors and interactions!
in what decade was there a groundbreaking study in the Experimental Lakes area?
late 60s
Showed the impact of phosphorus on algal blooms!
what are all the pollutants we see in municipal wastewater effluent? (7)
- Pharmaceuticals
- Hormones
- Personal care products
- Microplastics
- Bisphenol A
- Illicit drugs
- Caffeine
______ designed to remove phosphorus, not most
of the other contaminants
WWTP, wastewater treatment plants
whats an example of pharmaceuticals we may find in our municipal wastewater?
birth control pills!
synthetic estrogen in the env. can have catastrophic effects on fish!
17β-Estradiol, estrone, estrial, Testosterone are all examples of ________ found in our municipal wastewater
hormones (humans and animals excrete them!)
what can be found in personal care products that ends up in our wastewater?
synthetic musks (chemicals that smell good!)
T/F: microplastics are found EVERYWHERE
true!! now even found in human blood!!
BPA and BPS can be found where…
bisphenol A can be found in our wastewater!!
how do sewage plants work to remove pollutants from our water?
Primary treatment: a screen
Secondary treatment: + a settling pond
Tertiary treatment: + phosphorous removal
Quaternary treatment: + UV treatment
do we measure how much sewage goes into our rivers and water systems?
yes! City of Winnipeg tracks it, maybe not most accurate
______s interfere with normal hormone function, are usually estrogen mimics
endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs)
Compounds in sewage effluent act like estrogen (EDCs) in
organisms living _______
when EDCs are found in our water, what can they do to fish?
feminize male fish, causing them to become intersex!
what does intersex mean in fish?
development of eggs in testes
“________” is a nickname for a 500 km2 area northwest of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, known for its high concentration of intensive livestock operations, particularly cattle, and is a major beef-producing region
Feedlot Alley
_______: Impairs adrenal function and cortisol secretion in fish
_______: Disrupts lipid metabolism to induce lipid
accumulation and weight gain
__________: Focuses on understanding specific physiological,
biochemical and molecular mechanisms by which toxicants
have their effects.
mechanistic toxicology
what do mechanistic toxicologists use to evaluate toxicants?
AOPs (adverse outcome pathways)
very few good examples of complete AOPs (hard to do!)