Lecture 8: Analysis of Variance ANOVA Flashcards
ANOVA can be:
* One-Way
* Two-Way
* Repeated Measures
* Mixed Designs
How many means can a t test compare?
however, if you need to compare more than 2 means than you use an ANOVA
Anova can allow you to comapre 3+ means within the same group
* walking w/o a cane
* walking w/ a cane on R
* Walking w/ a cane on the L
So notice below were comparing the means all within 1 group
ANOVA can also allow you to compare 3+ group means in different groups
EX: - comparing means in 3 different groups
* Experimental group A = manual therapy
* Experimental group B = Manual therapy + EX
* Control group = standard care
Then we would compare the means and see if we can find a difference in them
Just like t-tests, ANOVAs assume data is parametric: Meaning
* Homogenetiy of variance (variance is about the same)
* Normal distribution - No skewing either direction
* Interval/ratio data - continuous data (equal distance between values) - like a MMT would not be one, it would be considered ordinal - something like gate speed would work (every second has an equal distance between it = continuous)
One-Way Anovia
* One factor being examined
The factor = the intervention
* We can have multiple levels of interventions, but the intervention itself is the only factor (that factor just has multiple levels)
In the example below we have 44 participants w/ elbow tendinits. They want to see out of these interventions, which one is the best. Is the best intervention Ice, Nsaids, Splint, or rest. Notice our factor here is intervention, and our levels are the 4 different kinds of interventions
Our outcome measure of pain free ROM was measured 10 days later to see which intervention was the best
Dependent variable = pain free ROM
Independent variable = intervention
H0 = u1 = u2 = u3 =4
* aka all the group means are the same, theres no difference between the means following the intervention
Ha = theres a significant difference between at least 2 of the groups
* any of these two groups are significant difference from the others, just saying something is not the same
The mean = the change from baseline following the intervention
* “On average the people who used ice improved roughly 44 degrees”
Standard deviation = the variability of that data
* all and all within 1 standard deviation people got better 44 degrees on average +/- 10 (ice group) - not the same as 95% confidence interval
* In an ANOVA our variability in the data should be fairly the same between tests (we did a special tests to make sure the variability in the data was not significantly different between the groups)
* 95% confidence interval means were 95% confident the true mean falls between those 2 points
On the right its plotting the means of the 4 different groups following the intervention (not over time) compared to the mean change in ROM. Can see that Nsaid performed best
* theres no order these are graphed its just showing the data
* visually speaking they look like theres a statistically significant difference (the most between Nsaid and rest)
For these we need to perform a test of homogeneity of variances (just like we did in t-tests) to make sure the variances between groups are the same
On the top chart we find a p value of .8 which is higher than our a of .05 meaning that it is not satistically significant, meaning the we equal variances between the group means.
* This tells us we can do our ANOVA
* This is the chart at the bottom
If there is a significant difference between the variance of the groups performing an ANVOA is not appropriate
So she would expect us to be able to say that they found a significant difference between groups (p < a) with a power of .999 (meaning theres a 99% chance that we correctly idientied a difference between groups) and we have a large effect size
So this is graphing the mean change (post intervention of each group), and what the variance is assumed to be (were assuming = variance, meaning the humps of roughly the same width)
Test of homogeneity of variances is done to see if the variances are the same. If its statsitically significant than the variance is different, however, if theres no signficiant difference than the variability between data sets is roughly =
This is still looking at the effect of different interventions on pain-free ROM
The first line wants to see if there is a differnce between groups.
* ignore the within groups line
F = a number that needs to be compared to something
p = 0.000, meaning that between the 4 intervention groups theres a difference somewhere
Observerd power
* the chance of correctly identifying a change between groups (there was a change and we correctly identified it) - the proabibility that we correclty identify a difference. It backs up our p value
* B = chance of type II error
* power = .9999 = great
Partial Eta Squared
* Represents our effect size
* .475 = large
Partial Eta Squared is the same thing as effect size (d) except its used in ANOVAs
* it also has a slightly different scale than the effect size used in t tests
**Small effect size (eta squared) =
Medium effect size (eta squared) =
Large effect size (eta squared) = **
Small = 0.01-0.06
Medium = 0.06-0.14
Large = 0.14+
A one-way ANOVA was run to compare the effect of ice, NSAIDs
A one way ANOVA was run to compare the effect of ice, NSAIDs, splint, or rest on change in pain-free ROM. There was a significant difference among the four modality groups (F (3,40 - these are df) = 12.06, p < 0.001, f = .951)
* One-way ANOVA = 1 factor being examined (intervention), however it has 4 levels
* p < 0.001 = significant difference between at least one of the group means from the others
* Independent variables = intervention
* Dependent variable = pain free ROM
* “there was a significnt difference among the four modaility groups” - means between 1 or more of the groups theres a significant difference in group means.
F (3,40) = 12.06
* these are df
* 3 represents the # of groups (n-1 = 4-1 =3)
* 40 = # of participants - # of groups = 44-4 =40
* based on these two variables our F = 12.06 - however, w/o a critical value to compare it to it means nothing
* through this f they ran the ANOVA and found the p value = 0.001, meaning there is a significant difference somewhere between at least one and another groups group mean
* f = 0.951 is not super useful to us. Its a way to document the effect size, but shes going to be giving us partial eta squared (it would be a different # once converted into partial eta squared), it would actaully = .475 (grabbed from example above)
So we now know theres a significant difference between 1 or more of the group means. However, how is this useful? it doesnt tell me where that siginifcant difference is.
If we want to figure out where the difference lies, we need to do a multiple comparesion test, it tells us where that exact difference between those group means lies
So the question would be why don’t we just run the multiple comparsion test right off that bat instead of doing the ANOVA at all? Well the Anova is much easier to run and more simple, its a good screening test, if we don’t find a difference in group means w/ the ANOVA than theres no point in running the multiple comparison test, however, if we find a difference in group means w/ our ANOVA analysis then we can implement this more time consuming multiple comparsion test to find where that exact difference in group means lies.
The ANOVA is an efficient way to determine if the null hypothesis should not be rejected
* basically if we find no difference in group means we keep the null hypothesis and theres no point in running the multiple comparison test
2-Way ANOVA means theres two factors
Factor 1 = Medication Intervention
Factor 2 = Conservative Intervention
Here there is 6 possible treatment combination (3x2)
2 factprs
Conservative Interventions (3 levels)
* Ice
* Splint
* Rest
Medication (2 levels)
* Nsaids
* No Nsaids
This would be considered a 3x2
In the picture below the top 3 are combinaing the conservative intervention w/ Nsaids. The bottom 3 are combining the 3 conserative treatment itnervention w/ no Nsaids (they just didnt state no nsaids, they just left that part off)
We want to see if theres any difference between the groups.
We also can find an interaction effect, meaning some magic combination of groups changes the outcome more
* some magic combination over the other 5 scenarios
Askign 3 main questions
1) What is the effect of the modality, indepependent of medication?
* Main effect of modality (comparing between the different modalities independent of medication)
2) What is the effect of medication independent of modality
* Main effect of medication (comparing between medication vs no medication independent of modalities)
3) What is the combined effect/interaction of modality and medications
* Is there an interaction effect? - one combination different from the rest - aka 1 of these groups (or more) is statistically significant from 1 of the other groups
Make sure to know the difference between main effect (effect of one 1 factor independet of the other) and interaction effect (some combined magic effect)
So to find if there is a statsitically significant difference in the main effect of modality (independent of medication) you have to compare the group means between the 3 modality interventions (they’re all independent of medication)
In this example there are 60 people w/ elbow tendinitis and were looking at the effects of ice, splint, rest, and then those 3 combined w/ nsaids (6 total groups)
Below in the white chart were looking at their average improvement. For example for the people that used Ice+Nsaids they improved 45 degrees
* EX: The group that utilized both splint and NSAIDs improved pain free ROM 33 degrees
Marginal Means = the average independent of the other factor
* EX: On average those who utilized Nsaids improved 33.33 degrees
* Those who used ice (independent of medication) improved 40.50 degrees
The graphs are basically saying the exact same thing. on the first one you can see Ice+Nsaid = best combination (same thing on the second one)
* The trend seems to be that adding in medication increases pain free ROM more
You can see that the pattern of response is similar, but there is no magic combination
Main effect of medication would be that Nsaids always did better than no medication
Main effect of modality says regardless of Meds/No meds ice was always the best
Modality line: tells us the main effect of the modality
* is there a significant difference between the groups, based on modality. Based on the marginal means, is there a difference between modalities
* This is independent of medication
* we found p = 0.000 = significant meaning that there is a difference between at least one modality from another modality
* partial eta squared = .896 (greater than .14) = large - most people will have a difference in their ROM depending on if they used one of those modalities - not a percentage
* Power = 1 - we are very confident in our p value (were 100% sure that we correctly identified a difference between groups)
Medication is looking to see if theres a difference between nsaids and not using naids
* This is independent of modality
* The main effect is significant
* large effect size
* Confident that there is a significant difference that will be shown in most people
Modality * Medication: This line is out itneraction effect. This is saying between these 6 groups is there at least a difference between one and another one in that group (not identifying where the difference is)
* Not significant = no special group
* small effect size
* power = low
Main effect vs Marginal means
The main effect examins the impact of one independent variable (factor) on the dependent variable, averaging over the levels of the other independet variable. For example, if you’re looking at the main effect of conservative interventions, you’re evaluating how these interventions affect the outcome w/o considering the medication interventions
Marginal means are the average values of the dependent variable for each level of an independent variable, calculated by averaging across the levels of the other factor. For instance, if you calculate the marginal mean for conservative interventions, it will reflect the average outcome for each conserative intervention, averaging over all medication internventions
* Main effect: Focuses on the impact of one factor, ignoring the other
* Marginal means: Provides the average outcome for each level of a factor, considering all levels of the other factor
This is showing a big interaction effect between Ice and Nsaids. Meaning there was a special combination
* This is the exact same experiment ran above except showing that interaction effect
Modality line: This is the main effect of modality
* p 0.005 = significant
* So theres a significant main effect of modality. = regardless of medication theres a significant difference between the modalitites - regardless of if we use medication or no medication theres a difference between the 3 modalities = main effect of modality. Out of people who used ice, splint, or rest regardless of medication there was a signficiant difference somewhere between these modalities.
* partial eta squared = 0.181 = large = seen in most people
* power = .867 = were 86% sure that we correctly identified a difference (backs up our p value)
Medication line: This is the main effect of medication.
* P = 0.020 = significant
* So theres a signfiicant difference between using medication and not using medication regardless of modality
* partial eta swuared = 0.097 = medium = happens in some people
* Power = .65 = not great = were 65% sure that we correctly identified a difference (backs up p value)
Modality * Medication (interaction effect): This is looking to see if 1 of the 6 groups is signfiicantly different from the others (really looking to see if any 1 group is signficiantly different from any of the other groups)
* p = 0.005 = signfiicant
* So were saying that were almost 100% sure that one of the 6 combinations is significantly different from one of the other combinations.
* partial eta squared = 0.177 = large = happens in most people
* Power = 0.851 = were 85% sure that we correctly identified a difference (backs up p value)
She said that the person should do modality over medication because the main effect of modality was higher (I think she got thise from the partial eta squared)
Shes specifically concerned about the 9 circled effect