Lecture 8 & 9 Flashcards
Understand the cellular mechanism of action of ACTH and cortisol and its pattern of secretion.
Identify the functional zones (one medullary and three cortical zones) of the adrenal glands and the principal hormones secreted from each zone, and significance of distribution of blood supply
Understand the differential regulation of cortisol versus aldosterone release, chemical nature, mechanism of actions and release of CRH &
Explain how cells obtain cholesterol to synthesize steroids and which step is common to steroid synthesis in all three zones of the adrenal cortex. Describe the biosynthesis of the adrenal steroid hormones
Describe the mechanism through which angiotensin II and high K+ stimulate aldosterone synthesis in the cells of the zona
List the major mineralocorticoids and identify their biological actions and target organs or tissues, and its role sodium and potassium excretion
Identify the causes and consequences of - over secretion and - under secretion of mineralocorticoids - deficiency of enzymes in the steroid synthesis pathway
Understand the cellular mechanism of action of ACTH and cortisol and its pattern of secretion.
Identify the major physiological actions and therapeutic uses of glucocorticoids.
Explain the transport of steroids and role of liver in metabolism of steroids
Describe the components of the neuroendocrine axis that control glucocorticoid secretion and adrenal androgens
Identify the causes
and consequences of
over secretion and under secretion of adrenal androgens
Identify the causes
and consequences of :
- under and over secretion of glucocorticoids
- deficiency of enzymes in adrenal steroid pathways