Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is UMTS?
What is CDMA?
What is FDMA?
What is TDMA?
What are the similarities of CDMA, FDMA, TDMA?
What are the differences between CDMA, FDMA, TDMA?
What are the advantages of CDMA, FDMA, TDMA?
What is the difference between shared channel and scheduled transmissions?
To what is Kelly’s product form analysis related?
UMTS performance, it is essentially the product form solution for loss networks.
What is the difference between UMTS and HSDPA (for multiple devices)?
What is HSDPA?
What is oppertunistic scheduling?
What are the five reasons that most advertised bandwidths are overly optimistic?
What is SINR?
What is multipath fading?
What is rate adaption?
What is packet scheduling? What are the three main forms?
What is the maximum SNR packet scheduling technique?
What is the Proportional Fair packet scheduling method?
What is the idea of the onion model for HSDPA?
What are the layers in the onion model for HSDPA?
The distance between the node and the station, where there is a finite number of zones, where the flow depends on the radius
What is meant by multi-user diversity gain?