Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is a unimodal function?
What is the main idea behind Golden Section search?
What is the golden section search algorithm?
What is Newtons method (optimization)? What is its convergence rate?
What is the main idea behind Successive Parabolic Interpolation (optimization)? What is its rate of convergence?
How does the steepest decent algorithm work?
What is Newtons (multivariate) optimization method?
What is the algorithm of Newtons (multivariate) optimization method?
What is the BFGS algorithm?
How does BFGS compare to Newton?
For a (equality) constraint optimization problem, which formula needs to hold?
What is the is the Lagrangian function? What is its gradient? What is its Hessian?
What is the idea of the Lagrangian?
How can the Hessian help describe the type of critical point?
What is the idea of non-linear Least Squares?
What is the Gauss-Newton method?