Lecture 8 Flashcards
What is a possible alternative to U for a nuclear reactor
- Liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR)
- Thorium (232Th) is not fissile in itself but can be bred to fissile 233U
Show how production of 233U is possible from 232Th
- 232Th + 1n –> 233Pa –> 233U (+beta)–> spontaneous fission
- 233Pa t1/2 - 27 days
- 233U t1/2 = 160000 years - relatively stable but won’t exist in nature as too short a half-life
What are advantages of LFTR
- Th is 100% 232Th, 4x as abundant as U and available in most countries - no need to enrich
- Almost only intermediate lived fission products are formed (234U)- thus radioactive waste storage of <500y
- Less nuclear waste- no Pu produced as in 238U
- Requires neutron flow: no risk of run-away accident
Why is LFTR hard to make atomic weapons with
- 233U is contaminated by highly gamma-active 232U- can’t work with
- Therefore isolation of 233 for weapons is very difficult/ expensive
- This reduced risk of proliferation
- Little use for atomic weapon production- good
- Fissile properties- 233U is poor compared to other U isotopes
Describe process of LFTR
- Technology exists best using liquid fluoride salts at 800 degrees with one plant in operation in India
- Pump material in molten salt solution - in centre have U233
- U233 does fission reaction - produces neutrons
- Neutrons picked up by Th-232 producing Pa - wait for decomposition (month)- then extract 233U
- Inject 233U into core
- withdraw heat from process into turbine
- Add new 232Th
- No need to enrich any isotopes- only need 6Kg of Th to produce same energy as 300kg of enriched U
Describe idea of nuclear fusion for energy
- More energy can be gained by fusion of hydrogen
- But, process can only occur by collision of positively charged nuclei - high energy particles required ( 1 million K)
What is nuclear fusion reaction with lowest ignition temperature and how could it be used
- 3H + 2H –> 4He + 1n + energy
- The neutron can be used to generate 3H (difficult to obtain) from much more available lithium
Show how 3H could be obtained
- 6Li + 1n –> 4He + 3H
- (Or 7 Li + 1n –> 4He + 3H + 1n)
What would overall reaction be and what is needed
- 6 Li + 2H –> 2 4He + 22.4MeV
What ratio of Li to D is needed
- 1:1
- Can be obtained by LiD
How does hydrogen bomb work
- Have 235U and TNT at one end
- Deuterium and triterium or LiD at other
- Detonation of TNT causes fission which generates heat to carry out fusion needs ignition at >10 million K to carry out fusion
- Energy yield is about 100 times greater than in U or Pu bombs
Could you have a fusion power station
- Once fusion has begun, high energy neutrons radiate from the reactive regions of the plasma, crossing magnetic field lines easily due to charge neutrality
- Since the neutrons receive the majority of the energy, they are the reactor’s primary source of energy output
- Beyond the inner wall of the containment vessel blanket modules of lithium slow and absorb neutrons in a reliable and efficient manner, breeding tritium for fuel.
- But not reaching break even point
What is ITER project
- international thermonuclear experimental reactor
- Based around a hydrogen plasma torus operating at over 100 million degrees and will produce 500 MW of fusion power
- Scaling up is more energy efficient
What is benefit of nuclear fusion
- Radiotoxicity (inhalation) of waste from fusion is less than fission and similar to that from coal after 100 years so very low
- Some radioactivity from neutrons which aren’t caught by Li
- Can have control over radioactivity - choose which materials you use to make reactor- which ones that will absorb neutrons and become radioactive as not all neutrons are absorbed by Li
What would be a better fusion fuel
- Aneutronic fusion- without generating neutrons- no radioactivity so no nuclear waste
- 3He + 2H –> 4He + 1H + 18.354 MeV
- But very low abundance pf 3He on earth - a few ppm of He- not part of typical fusion processes
- He in atm is very light so goes to space
- 4He comes from alpha decay of natural gas reservoirs- depends on rock formation- but 3He not produced by this
- Main source of 3He comes from lunar surface
- Also need very high temperature 100 million K
What is another type of aneutronic fusion
- 1H + 11B –> 8Be* + 4He + 8.6MeV - Protons heated up with cyclotron and hit plasma of 11B with proton beam
- 8Be* excited state which decays to produce 2 4He
- He fusion process insum- exothermic
- Generates 3x 4He - stable = good - no neutrons
- Requires 10x more energy than D-T fusion - 100 Million K
What are two alternatives to reduce ignition temperature
- Myon catalysts
- Cold fusion
Describe myon catalyst use
- Reduce fusion temp
- The high energy particle myon (mu-) can catalyse fusion
- 207x heavier than electron (basically heavy electron) thus nuclei in DT is closer to hydrogen - closer to fusion
- Costs 5000MeV to produce in accelerator
- Lifetime of only 2 microseconds, long enough to fuse 150DT at 1000K- Not energy neutral atm (need 250)
What is cold fusion
- Pons and Fleischman claimed to have been able to achieve cold fusion of deuterium by electrolysis of D2O on palladium electrodes
- Thought to be experimental error
- Similar claims of cold fusion using ultrasound could not be confirmed