Lecture 7A - Business Combination Flashcards
IFRS 10 - Control
The Four Scenarios of Control
- Control –> Consolidation (IFRS 3, 10)
- Joint Control –> Pro rata (IFRS 11)
- Significant Influence –> Equity Method (IFRS 28)
- No control or significant influence –> FV (IFRS 9)
IFRS 10 - Control
Extent of Influence by %
IFRS 10 - Control
Definition of Control
IFRS 10 - Control
Power Definition
An investor has power over an investee when he:
- has existing rights
- that give him the ability
- to direct
- the relevant activities of the investee
IFRS 10 - Control
Relevant Activities
= the activities of the investee that significantly affect the investee’s return
In many cases, a range of operating and financing activities significantly affects the returns
e.g. selling and purchasing, receivables management, R&D, asset management, budget decisions, appointment key management personnel
IFRS 10 - Control
Substantive Rights
Power is given by athe ability to exercise substantive rights
- exercisasble when decisions about the relvant activities are made
- holder needs to have the practical ability to exercise those rights
Factors to consider:
- Barriers to prevent exercise?
- Mechanism in place in case of disagreements?
- Holding party benefits from their exercise? (rights are in the money)
IFRS 10 - Control
Protective Rights
Protective rights are NOT relevant for the assessment of power
- they cannot give the holder power or prevent other from having power
- they are related to fundamental changes to the activities of an investee, or are right that apply in exceptional ciicumstances
IFRS 10 - Control
The Control Model - 5 Steps
- Identification of the potential subsidiary (entity or silo)
- Identification of the relvant activities
- Analysis, how decisions abour RA are made
- Assessment whether the investor has power over the RA
- Assessment whether the investor is exposed to variable return from its investment
- (4-5) assessemnt of linkafe between power and variable returns
Definition of a Business
Definition and Formula
= a business is an integrated set of activities and assets that is capable of being conducted and managed to provide G&S to customers for the purpose of trading a return (dividends, lower costs, or other conomic benefits) directly to investors and other owners, members, or participants
IFRS 10 - Control
Assessment based on 2 tests
Acquisition Model
7 Steps
- Identify the Acquirer
- Determine the date of acquisition
- Identify and measure the consideration transferred
- Recognition and measurment of the identifiable net assets
- Measurement of NCI
- Recognition and measurment of goowill
- Recognize any measurement period adjustement
Acquisition Model
Step 1: Identifying the Acquirer
Acquisition Model
Step 2: Determine the date of acquisition
Acquisition Model
Step 3: Identify and Measure the Consideration transferred
Acquisition Model
Step 4: Recognition and Measurment of the Identifiable Net Assets acquired