Lecture 71: Female Cyclicity Flashcards
What is the difference between estrUS and estrOUS?
EstrUS: behavioral heat
EstrOUS: The whole 28-day cycle in females
What is anestrus?
Period of time when the female is not cycling
What is estrual?
Used to identify a condition related to estrus
Name the three types of estrous cycles and give a brief description of each
1) Polyestrus: have a uniform distribution of estrous cycles throughout the entire year (Cattle, swine, rodents)
2) Seasonally Polyestrus: Have “clusters” of estrous cycles that occur only during a certain season of the year
- Short day breeders: breed as the day length is decreasing in the fall- sheep, goats, deer, elk
- Long-day breeders: breed as the day length is increasing- mares
3) Monestrus: Have one cycle per year- dogs, wolves, foxes, bears (dogs typically have three cycles per 2 years, but are classified as monestrus)
What are the two MAJOR phases of the estrous cycle? What are the dominating structures and hormones during each phase?
Follicular Phase: primary structure is a primary ovarian follicle, dominant hormone is Estradiol
- It is the period from CL regression to ovulaiton
Luteal phase: primary structure is the corpus luteum, dominant hormone is progesterone
- it is the period of time from ovulation to CL regression
Briefly describe the proestrus stage of the estrous cycle
Proestrus begins when progesterone declines as a result of luteolysis and ends at the onset of estrus
- 2-5 days depending on species
- characterized by major endocrine transition (progesterone to estradiol)
Describe the estrus stage of the estrous cycle
It is the period of female sexual receptivity (“standing heat”)
- characterized by visible behavioral symptoms so often the most recognizable stage
- peak estradiol secretion
Describe the metestrus phase of the estrous cycle
Period of corpus luteum formation (luteinization)
- beginning of progesterone secretion
- transition from estradiol dominance to progesterone dominance
Describe the diestrus phase of the estrous cycle
Sustained secretion of high levels of progesterone from the mature CL(s)
- longest stage of the estrous cycle (2/3 of the time)
- ends with luteolysis
What domestic species does not have a lactational anestrus?
What are some causes of anestrus
Lactation (not cats)
Presence of offspring
Season (photoperiod)
What is gestational anestrus?
Normal condition brought about by inhibition of GnRH by progesterone during pregnancy
** Should ALWAYS be on a differential list for anestrus
What does seasonal anestrus enable an animal to do?
- Carry the developing fetus during a favorable time
- Give birth during an advantageous time for newborn
Define folliculogenesis
Defined as the process whereby immature follicles develop into more advanced follicles and become candidates for ovulation
The follicular phase consists of which two phases?
Proestrus and Estrus
What are the four significant events of the follicular phase?
1) Gonadotropin released from the anterior lobe of the pituitary
2) Follicular preparation for ovulation
3) Sexual receptivity
4) Ovulation (LH)
Estrogen is the dominant hormone during the follicular phase of the cycle. What does it control?
Changes in the repro tract
Behavioral changes
Controls the onset of the preovulatory LH surge
What role does the tonic center of the hypothalamus play in the follicular phase?
Releases small amplitude pulses of GnRH that stimulate release of FSH (mostly) and LH (small amount) from the anterior pituitary
Gonadotropins cause the growth and development of follicles on the ovaries
The follicles produce estrogen
What role does the surge center of the hypothalamus play in the follicular phase?
Responds in a positive feedback fashion to the increasing levels of estrogen in the absence of progesterone
This positive feedback of estrogen on the hypothalamus causes a release of a LARGE quantity of GnRH
This large dumping of GnRH causes the release of the LH surge, resulting in ovulation
Describe the hormone profile of the follicular phase
Declining progesterone: regression of the previous CL
Increasing estrogen: growing follicles
Increased FSH: recruits the next wave of follicles
Surge release of LH: low progesterone and high estrogen