Lecture #7 - Mouse Genetics 1 Flashcards
Ways that we can manipulate the mouse genome
There are a lot of ways that we can manipulate the genome of mice:
1. Random Mutogensis
2. Taregeted Approaches - Trangenic ise + KO mice + Conditional KO mice + Kockin Mice + Inducible expression
- Homologous Recombination = targeted transgenesis (put in specifc locus)
Random Mutigensis
Overall - Characterize mutations ( just by watching mice that have mutated genes in colonies of mice
- Random mutations have been well characterized
- Can include ENU mutagensis
Example 1 – Mouse found at Jackson library because of its change in body weight
- We know a lot about the genetics of body weight because when we have a random mutation in mice during breeding you can see differences in body weight in colony of mice
IMAGE – comparing obese/obese mouse to KO if 1 signaling on brain –> see the animals phenocopy one another
- Can understand the mutation and where the effect of the gene is
Example of Random Mutogensis
Mutations that have been mapped for coast color
- Easy to map coat color because you can see coat color
Shows natural mutation that are made and noticed in colonies of mice
Issue in random mutagensis
Issue – it used to be hard to know where the mutation is in the germ line and how to map the mutation back to the gene
Issue until positionally cloning the gene that the gene
NOW we use sequencing technology
ENU mutagensis
ENU mutigensis – take a male mouse and give a mutagen ENU and look for novel phenotypes
- Forward genetics
There have been large projects to mutate mice randomly using a mutagen
- Not done AS often in mice BUT has been done to find some interesting genes
Applied genetics
Applied genetics - how do we manipulate the genome in order to understand gene function + gene regulation
Transgenic Mouse
Over express genes
Manipulate the mouse genome by putting in exogenous genes
- Make transgenic mice by putting genes together and expressing in mouse
Usually done by injecting pronuclease
KO mouse
Use of KO mice - important for understanding the requirements of genes in processes
- Remove genes from mice
When have a gene of interested –> the first things we ask if what is the KO phenotype because we want to know the requirement of that gene for any phenotype you are interested in
Now have multiple methods to look at gene function by LOF throughout the mouse genome
Conditional KO Mouse
Conditional KO –> KO gene in specific tissue or under temporal conditions (only KO genes at certain times or place in mice)
- KO could be lethal or have non-cell autonomous effects
Ex. KO in the liver could lead to a nuerological defect
- Would not know for KO if this is autonomous or non-autonmous effect
Knock in mouse
Can humanize mice gene by replacing a mouse gene with a human gene
Example – make a point mutations see what 1 nucleotode is doing
Inducible Expression
Induce gene function to understand a graded effect of gene expression in some process we are interested in
Can make use of tet on/off inducible gene technologies to understand what the functions do
Mouse development - Full Process
Overall - Fertikzies mebryoe goes from 1 cell –> 2 cells –> get compaction
Paternal and maternal genes come together to make a Fertlized zygote –> Pronuclear stage zygote –> 2 cells –> 4 cells–> 8 cells –> Blastomerre strats making E-cadherin and strats producing a morula–> start to get adherence junctions between the cells–> 16 cells stage (start to pump water into the center of the morula to generate a blastocele)–> blastocele
- Zygote = 1 cell embryo
Compaction in mouse development
Compaction – indviual bastomere expresses cadherin and forms murula –> pumo in water In the center and make blastoeale (NOW have trophecatedemr vs. inner cell mass)
Zygote has a polar body has been extruded
Has 2 polar bodies – 1 poalr body has the entire diploid genome and 1 polar body has a haploid genome
Pronuclear stage zygote
Pronuclear stage zygote – has paternal and maternal pronucleai –> both contain the entire haploid genome
- Patrenal is larger than the maternal (Sperm pronucleas deondenses and forms a haploid structure )
Use of pronuclei - Can inject DNA directly into the pronucleai to make transgenic mouse –> The DNA injected will encorprotae randomly into the genome (usually inserts into break)
- Injection of DNA can form cancatomeres
Overall use of CRIPSR in mice
DNA injected in prouclei will insert randomly into the genome (DNA usually inserts into a break)
NOW have CRIPSR = make own breaks and put DNA here we want it to go = overcomes the randomness of DNA inserting into the genome
Blastomaere = totipotent –> has the ability to make an entire organism
All of the individual balstomeres will produce an organsims
Morula = compacted emryo
As morula progresses it starts to make adherence junctions between the cells
At morula stage we can’t seperate the cells anymore (they are no longer totipotent)
Blastcoele = small cavity
Make the blastocele is the 1 event that creates the inner cell mass and traphectaderm
- Inner cell mass (ESC)= all the epithelial cells that will make the organism
- Trophectaderm will make the placenta and extra embryonic tissue
Want to manipulate the inner cell mass because inner cell mass contributes to the germ line
- Don’t want to manipulate cells in the trophectaderm because won’t get germ line transmission
What cells in the blastoceoe are we interested in
Inner cell mass = the cells that we are intested in adding to/manipulating because they will make the next generation
- Inner mass = ESC –> make somatic tissue in mice
We can insert embryonic stem cells that we have manipulated outside of the mice and inject them into the blastocele cavity and SOME of those embryonic stem cells will generate tissue in the next generation and in the next germline
Culturing ESC
Uses Inner Cell mass (Inner cell mass cells = Embyronic stem cells)
We can remove the inner cell mass cells (ESC) and can culture them
Culture the ESC – Take the epiblast and culture it onto fibroblast layer and manipulate the genes there
- Done in Vitro = can select for puromuycin resistant cells
- Can do transgenic or Homologous recombination
END - Once you have cells you can take them from culture and inject to blastocyste –> now have cells form a different mouse injected into a donor embryo –> makes chimera
What can you do with ESC
Because we can culture the ESC in vitro we can manipulate hem
Example 1 – We can manipulate them by transfecting a gene in –> creates a transgenic mouse
Example 2 – Can replace a gene
How do you manipulate ESCs
To manipulate ESCs = need to have a construct that allows us to select for specifc Homologous recombination
Example - Want to delete a gene in a specific location in the genome –> need long homolopgous regions on either side of the construct AND need to have a resustence gene
Goal - Want the construct to find the gene in the non-editted In the genome and use the homology arms to direct HR of the gene
- THIS SHOULD replace the orginal gene with whatever we are intesrted In
Example – Add a Neomycin reistnt gene
Why do you need to add a neomycin resstnce gene
Need neomycin resistance because HR is a rare event = we want to select for this rare event
We can selevct for the rate event by selecting for neomycin reissnece
End - Have pure clones and then use the clone to inject into blastocytes –> NOW in the next generation we will have a deletion that we are interested in
Second method of selection in mnipulating ESCs
Use a thymidine kinase selection motif –> cells become sensitive to democlovere
Purpose - Selection of the construct with the selction motif incorporated
Why would we add HSTVK – IF a construct integeates randomly into the genome then it with have the HSTVK gene and therefore everything that is integrated non-homologously/randomly throughout the genome will have this gene and we can select against that
Have a minor effect of effincyeney of the process = not often used
Homologous Recombination Method (process)
Process – take blastocyte –> culture them –> Mnipulate the blastocyte in culture by injecting ESC iinto blastocyte
- Once select the population of ESC–> inject the ESC into blastocyte
- To cause homologous recombination of a gene we use HDR –> constuct has long arms on each side of DNA – replace what is in the center of that with what we want
- Usually have a marker that is addded when HR occurs that we can use to select for sucessfully manipulate blastocytes (important because HR is a rare event so it needs to be selected for)
Eventually want to remove the seltable marker so so that it does not interfere with what we are intersted in
Use of HR vs. CRIPSR
CRISPR = good inserting smaller things BUT if we want a larger manipulation then use Homologous recombination
- HR = used for large constructs
- CRIPSR = used for small mutations
What does injecting ESC create
Inject ESC into pseudeo-preganant mouse –> hope you get chimeric mouse
- Chimera = 4 parent mouse
- Hope some of he cells with go to the germline (germline compatent)
Skin of the mice show you if you have incorporation (Know you get chimeric mouse based on coat color)
Done in129 backgroun (129 agouti color in 129 vs. balc 6 have a clack coat color) –> 129 allows you to use coat color to select for chimeras
- Goal – want high chimeric (I think want a lot of Agouti)
- Doesn’t really care about coat color in F0 WHAT we really care about is if the mouse has the ESC DNA in the germline
Chimera mouse
Chimera of cell will often be used from 2 mouse strains
Example – cells are often from a mouse that has Agouti coat color are the cells are injected into a black 6 mouse (has a black coat color) ; ALSO Psudoepregant white mouse (foster mouse)
In offspring the coat color can be splotchy (some of the coat color is black and some are Augouti form the ESC)
GOAL- In the offspring you look for male mice that are highly chimeric (have a large proportion of coat color that is derived from the ESC injected cells)
- Issue - Can have chimerism but no pups that have chimerism because all of the ESC incorporated to he coat NOT the germline (bad because you want to carry over to the next generation ) x
Why do we want male chiemric mice?
- Useful for breeding because they can breed with multiple females
- Shows in the ESC incorporate into the germline
How do male chimeras show ESC incorporation in Germline
Male gives indictaion of chimerism in the germ line because if you inject male cells into the psudopregennat mouse THEN if the are signals in the germamline (menaing the injected DNA integrated into the germline) the you trun the mice male (XXY)
IF male ESC incorporate into the blastocyte and intergarte into a germline vesicle (repdouctive tissue) THEN it will turn the chimeric mouse male because it will now have a Y chrosmome that is expressing SRY (turns the mice male)
- If have enough SRY in the germ line = will turn the mouse from female to male = indicates that you have ESC that express SRY in the germline
- If the donaor is XX and the ESC gave an XY then all of the offspring should be male if you get good chimerism within the germline
What do you do with the chimeric mouse
Once have chimeric mice - breed the male mosaic mice to WT mice and get half of the genetics in the offspring derived from the KI (1 allele is WT and 1 allele is from manipulated ESC)
WHOLE process takes a long time + is laberous
Limitation of Blastocyte injection
- Obtaining chimeras –> Mutation may not allow for mouse development
- Chimeras going germline –> want to incorporate change to next generation
- The injected ESC may not contribute to sperm development- Female chimeras are generally not good
- Strain Choice
- Maintenance of normal chromosome numbers
- mES cell lines are prone to chromosome loss/gain –> in culture the chromsosmecan break or become annuploid (annuploid can’t make germline chimeras)
- Time and Money
Strain choice in Blastocyte injection
The most common lab mouse (C57Bl6/J) is notorious for poor yield of chimeras and low % chimeras.
For yeas they used 129 because they are germline compatent BUT the c57 were making chiemras but not germline compoenet
Now have Black6 that is germline competent –> easier because need fewer backcrosses that you have to maintain
Use of CRIPSR in Muce
Advent of CRISPR has made manipulating mice more straight forward and easier
WHY – cutting the DNA with cas9 has make HR more efficient
- Make a dsDNA break in a sequence specific manner
- Can also have a homology vector –> can incprotae a ssOligoo and a repair vector (DNA break facilitates the incorporation of new seqeucne)
NOW we can skip a lot of the selection with neomycin and can go directly to injecting components of CRIPSR into single cell zygotes