Lecture 7: morphology Flashcards
ancestral condition
when the anatomy of one of the oldest dinosaurs (ex: Eoraptor) gave us an insight into what the first dinosaurs looked like
- Earliest dinosaurs had 5 fingers on their hands (tetrapods)
convergent evolution
when a similar morphological trait evolved independently in two or more clades
- Ex: evolving “bird hips”, Effigia
descendant with modification aka Darwinian evolution
- Scientific theory of common descent: all living things are connected through a series of common ancestors
- Variation w/n populations results in differential success => if variation is heritable then favorable traits (adaptations) spread through the population
- Population becomes more different from each other
- Differences in populations as they adapt to their local environment & with enough time, populations no longer reproduce with each other (become biological species)
around head area
from back to belly
illium, ischium, pubis
bones that make up the pelvis
- Acetabulum: a hole in the pelvis that allows the femur to lock in place and gave dinos an upright stance like birds and mammals
mandibular fenestra
socket in jaw
eye socket
tail end
front of the body
postorbital fenestrae
2 sockets behind the eye socket
lizard, hip joint
bird, hip joint
- & Saurischia’s hip joint is a synapomorphy that separates the 2 major clades of dinosaurs
theory of evolution
species can change over time, that new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor