Lecture 7 - memory and the temporal lobe Flashcards
What was removed in HMs surgery
temporal lobe, hippocampus and adjacent cortex.
What functions did HM lose
He lost his declarative/explicit memory, but his unconscious procedural/implicit memory remained intact, as shown by the mirror drawing task.
Declarative and procedural memory
Declarative is memory and facts, whereas non-declarative is remembering skills and habits
Patient RB
Had an ischemic episode after surgery which resulted in anterograde and retrograde amnesia. This was a result of damage to the hippocampus circuit.
Rhinal cortex involvement in HMs deficits
Memory damage was exacerbated by damage to the rhinal cortex as shown in Rey-osterreith drawings
Patient NA
Damage to the mediodorsal thalamus and mammillary bodies. This caused diencephalic amnesia.
Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome
Occurs in heavy drinkers and is caused by a lack of thiamine. Causes memory deficits and damage is done to the mediodorsal thalamus and mamillary bodies.