Lecture 7: EER Flashcards
EER Stands for
Enhanced ER
what does EER has that is not in ERD ?
subclasses and superclasss, specialization/generalization union types and attribute and relationship inheritance
The subclass member is considered ….. but in a …role
same entity but in a distinct role
(T or F) an entity cant be a subclass without being a member of a superclass
(T or F) a member of the superclass can only include one subclass
F, it can include as many subclasses as it wishes
(T or F) not every subclass has a superclass
F, every subclass must be a member of a superclass
(T or F) not every superclass has subclasses
An entity that is a member of subclass inherits…
inherits all attributes and all relationship of the superclass
Specialization is ….
defining a set of subclasses to a superclass (Meaning just giving a superclass some subclasses )
In Specialization the subclasses are based upon ….
some characteristics that they share
Attributes or relationship of the subclasses are called….
specific or local attributes
Generalization is….
the reverse of specialization
Specialization is called a …. process
top-down conceptual refinement process
Generalization is … process
bottom up conceptual synthesis process
Predicate defined or condition defined are called that because
if we can determine exactly those entities that will becomes members of each subclass by a condition the subclasses are called predicate defined