lecture 7 Flashcards
Employee orientation
A procedure for providing new employees with basic background
information about the firm.
Purpose of orientation
1.Makes new employee feel at ease, and part of the team
2.Describes the organization – the big picture, past, present , future, vision , strategy
3.Explains basics background information
4.Defines expected work behavior
5.Rules and policies are often discussed
6.Socializes new employee in company’s ways, values
The orientation process(content)
- employee benefit info
2.personnel policies
3.daily routine
4.company organization and operations
5.safety measures and regulations
6.facilities tour
the training process meaning
1.The process of teaching new or present employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs, It could involve current job holder to explain the job to a new hire.
relationship between strategy and training
identifying the employee behaviors the firm will need in order to execute its strategy,
and then to deduce what skills and knowledge employees will need.
Then, put in place training goals and programs to instill these competencies.
The ADDIE Five-Step Training Process
A:Analyze the training needs
D:Design the overall training program.
D:Develop the course
I:Implement training
E:Evaluate the course’s effectiveness
analyze training needs
it Identifies specific performance skills needed
task analysis: to identify NEW EMPLOYEES training need
performance analysis: to identify CURRENT EMPLOYEES training need
task analysis meaning
is a detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills (like reading spreadsheets) the job requires.
how to make task analysis
1)job descriptions and job specifications
why? cause They list the job’s specific duties and skills… which are the basic reference points in determining the training required.
2)reviewing performance standards and questioning current jobholders and supervisors.
performance analysis meaning
is the process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether the employer should correct such deficiencies through training or some other means
how to do performance analysis
Performance analysis begins with comparing the person’s actual performance to what it should be. Doing so helps to confirm that there is a performance deficiency…now how to?
by collecting:
1.Performance appraisals
2.Job related data
-customer complains
4.Interviews with job holder or his supervisors
5.Job knowledge tests
6.Attitude survey
design the training program
Design means planning the overall training program including
.Training objectives,
.Delivery methods
.Program evaluation
The design should include summaries of how you plan to set a training environment that motivates your trainees both to learn and to transfer what they learn to the job.
how to design the training program(p.1)
-Provide why the material is important and provide an overview.
-Use familiar examples.
-Organize the information so you can present it logically.
-Use familiar terms and concepts.
-Use visual aids.
how to design the training program(p.2)
(Make it easy to transfer new skills and behavior gained from the training to the job site):
-Maximize the similarity between the training situation and the work situation.
-Provide adequate practice.
- Direct the trainees’ attention to important aspects of the job. (For example, if you’re training a customer service rep to handle calls, explain the different type of calls he or she will encounter)
develop the course
Program development means actually assembling the program’s training content and materials.
Choosing the
- specific content the program will present,
-specific instructional methods (lectures, cases, Web-based etc.)
Training equipment and materials include:
(iPads, workbooks, lectures, PowerPoint slides, course activities)
implement training
Implement means actually provide the training using one or more of the following:
1)On the job training (OJT)
2)Apprenticeship Training
3)Informal Learning
4)Job Instruction Training (JIT)
5)Effective Lectures
6)Programmed Learning
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Having a person learn a job by actually doing it
Types of On-the-Job Training
-Job rotation
-action learning
Advantages of On-the-Job Training
-Inexpensive, no need for class room facility
-Learn by doing facilitates learning
-Immediate feedback
Apprenticeship training
A structured process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.
Informal learning
The majority of what employees learn on the job they learn through informal means of performing their jobs on a daily basis.
Job instruction training (JIT)
-List all steps in the job
-Along each step list corresponding key points.
-What to be done , how to be done
Effective lectures
Quick and simple way to present knowledge to large number
Programmed Learning
Programmed learning is a step-by-step, self-learning method that consists of three parts:
- Presenting questions, facts, or problems to the learner
- Allowing the person to respond
- Providing feedback on the accuracy of answers, with instructions on what
to do next
evaluate effectiveness
Training Effects to Measure:
-Reaction of trainees to the program
-Learning that actually took place
-Behavior that changed on the job
-Results :final result that has achieved as a consequence of the training.
-If the program doesn’t produce measurable result then it has not achieved its goal
management development
Any attempt to improve current or future managerial performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills.
mngt development consists of
Assessing the company strategic needs
( (to fill future executives openings; Succession Planning )
Appraising the manager’s current performance
Developing the managers and future managers
on the job mngt development consists of
Job rotation
Coaching/Understudy approach
Action learning
on the job training
Job rotation
Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points.
on the job training
Coaching/Understudy approach
The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee’s coaching.
on the job training
Action learning
Management trainees are allowed to work full-time analyzing and solving problems in other departments.
of the job management training and development techniques
Case study method
Management game
Outside seminars
Behavior modeling
of the job mngt
case study method
Managers are presented with a written description of an organizational problem to diagnose and solve
off the job mngt
Management game
Trainees compete with one another in simulated market place
off the job mngt
Outside seminars
Many companies and universities offer internet-based and traditional management development seminars and conferences.
off the job mngt
Behavior modeling
Modeling: showing trainees the right way of doing something
*Role playing: having trainees practice that way
*Social reinforcement: giving feedback on the trainees’ performance.
*Transfer of learning: Encouraging trainees apply their skills on the job.
organizational change
Changes in organizational behaviors and employee attitudes to move from a current state to a desired future state based upon external stimuli triggering the event
what to change in organizational change ?
in managing org change.
the hr. role is?
overcoming resistance to change
organizing and leading organizational change
effectively using org. development techniques
how to overcome resistance to change ?
Lewins change process
2) moving
3) refreeze
Unfreezing Phase
Establish a sense of urgency regarding the need for change.
Moving Phase
Create a guiding coalition of influential people.
Develop and communicate a shared vision.
Help employees to make the change.
Refreezing Phase
Reinforce new ways of doing things with systemic changes. Monitor and assess progress using measurable milestones.
Example use new appraisal system