Lecture 6 to 7: Clinical PK Flashcards
3 most important pharmacokinetic parameters are
- Volume of distribution: a measure of the apparent space in the body available to contain the drug
- Clearance: a measure of the body’s ability to eliminate the drug
- Bioavailability: the fraction of drug absorbed into the systemic circulation.
- volume that would be required to contain all of the drug in the body at the same concentration as it is in the blood.
- Drugs that are completely retained within the vascular compartment have a minimum Vd equal to the vascular compartment.
- Drugs that have much higher concentrations in the extravascular tissue than in the vascular compartment have a very high Vd, i.e. Higher Vd -> low in blood or very lipophilic
- volume of distribution allows us to convert concentrations to amounts.
- main use of the volume of distribution is to determine the loading dose to quickly achieve a target plasma concentration.
- A dose of a drug is injected IV.
- The plasma drug concentration is plotted vs time.
- Usually, the plot shows 2 phases.
- The rapid fall is the distribution phase (the α phase).
- The slower phase is the elimination phase (the β phase).
- Extrapolation of the elimination curve to they axis, yields the concentration that would have existed at the start if the dose had been instantly distributed.
two major sites of drug elimination are the kidneys and the liver.
1st order elimination
- For most drugs, CL is constant over the plasma concentrations used clinically.
- This occurs because the mechanisms of elimination are not saturated.
- Rate of elimination = CL x C
- When a drug follows first-order kinetics, a constant fraction of the drug is eliminated per unit of time.
- Css: It can be assumed that steady state is attained after about 4 half-lives.
- It can be assumed that the drug ha sbeen effectively eliminated after about 4 half-lives.
- Half-life is a constant for drugs eliminated by first-order kinetics
- Not a constant for drugs eliminated by zero-order kinetics.
- In most clinical situations it can be assumed that the drug has been effectively eliminated after about 4 half-lives.
- Note that increasing the rate of infusion does not influence the time required to reach Css.
- Note also that the half-life does not depend on the dose.
Factors affecting half-life
Note: Pathologic fluid -> Edema
- Drug metabolism and tubular secretion are saturable processes.
- When drug concentration exceeds Km, nonlinear kinetics is observed.
- The rate of elimination is maximal and independent of drug concentration.
- Elimination is zero-order.
- A constant amount of drug is eliminated per unit time.
- Recall that in first-order kinetics aconstant fraction of drug is eliminated per unit time.
- Zero order elimination is observed with a small number of drugs:
- Aspirin at high doses
- Ethanol
- Phenytoin
- Clearance is not constant.
- Clearance varies with the concentration of drug, i.e not constant
- CL = Dose/AUC
- Concept of 4 half-lives does not apply
Dosing plan is based on knowledge of
- Minimum therapeutic and minimum toxic concentrations for a given drug
- The minimum effective concentration determines the trough plasma concentration.
- The minimum toxic concentration determines the peak plasma concentration.
- Clearance of the drug
- Vd of the drug
- Bioavailability
- In most clinical situations drugs are administered to maintain a steady state of drug in the body:
- Just enough drug is given in each dose to replace the drug eliminated since the preceding dose.
- At steady state (SS) the dosing rate (“rate in”) must equal the rate of elimination (“rate out”)
- Thus, if the desired target concentration is known, the clearance in that patient will determine the dosing rate.
- If intermittent doses are given, the maintenance dose is calculated with:
Maintenance dose = dosing rate x dosing interval
When a drug is given repeatedly at regular intervals, the drug plasma concentration oscillates about a mean. Administering the drug at longer intervals increases the amplitude of the oscillations in the drug concentration, ie, the peak plasma level increases and the trough plasma level decreases. The steady-state level, the clearance, and the Vd remain unchanged.
- Whenever drug doses are repeated, the drug will accumulate in the body until dosing stops.
- Accumulation is inversely proportional to the fraction of the dose lost in each dosing interval.
Css = infusion rate/CL
Peak concentrations at Css
peak concentrations at steady-state will be equal to the peak concentration after the first dose multiplied by the AF.
PCss = PC1 x AF
- When intermittent doses are given,the loading dose calculated using the equation
LD=Vd xCss
- will only reach the steady-state plasma concentration.
- It will not match the steady-state peak concentration (PCss).
- To match the steady-state peak concentration the loading dose must be calculated using the equation:
LD = Maintenance Dose x Accumulation Factor
- Pharmacokinetics plus pharmacodynamics: drug effect vs time.
- called the time course of effect, i.e. PK/PD
Time course of drug effect: IMMEDIATE EFFECTS
- Enalapril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor.
- Used for hypertension and heart failure.
- T1/2 enalapril is about 3 h.
- Enalapril is given once a day
- 24 h after the previous dose, the plasma concentration of enalapril is only 0.5 ng/mL, but ACE is still 33% inhibited.
- Because the concentrations are still so high in relation to the EC50, the effect of the drug does not decrease too much. -> key factor is a high initial concentration in relation to the EC50.
Time course of drug effect: DELAYED EFFECTS
- action of warfarin occurs rapidly.
- Inhibition of the enzyme is closely related to plasma concentrations of warfarin
- therapeutic anticoagulant effect is usually apparent within 24 hours of warfarin administration.
- Peak anticoagulant effect may take 72 to 96 hours.