Lecture 6 - the cell cycle Flashcards
What checkpoint is present in G1
At the end of G1 - entrance to S is blocked if the genome is damaged.
What checkpoint is present in S phase?
DNA damage checkpoint - DNA replication halted if genome is damaged
What checkpoint is present in G2?
At the end of G2 - entrance into M is blocked if DNA replication is not complete.
What checkpoint is present in M phase?
Anaphase is blocked if all of the chromatids are not assembled on mitotic spindle.
How is confocal microscopy used to detect cells in S phase.
Look for the incorporation of halogenated derivatives of deoxyridine which is incorporated into DNA instead of thymidine. Different antibodies can detect different halogenated forms of deoxyridine. If cells incorporate the iodo/chlorodeoxyridine then they are visualised by confocal microscopy and are shown to be in S phase.
How are morphological markers used to detect cells undergoing mitosis.
Cells are stained with a fluorophore for DNA and for mitotic spindle (tubulin). The proportion of cells at each stage of mitosis can be detected and gives an idea of how long each phase takes (mitosis = around one hour)
What model system was used to understand how the cell cycle works?
the early embryo was used as it only contains S and M phases.
Embryos are stained with a dye and tubulin is replaced withGFP tubulin to allow investigstors to see how tubulin behaves.
It takes 15 minutes to complete the cell cycle in the early drosophila embryo.
What does analysis of DNA content tell us?
How many cells are in a particular phase of the cell cycle and how long that phase lasts in a particular cell type.
What is flow cytometry?
It allows cells to flow through a thin narrow capillary tube. Light is then shone at this tubing and how much light reflected back is determined.
How is flow cytometry used in determining the phase of the cell cycle.
The area under the curve is proportional to the number of cells in that phase. Most cells in this example are in G1.
What is univariate fluorescent activated cell sorting and why is it not as reliable as bivariate FACS?
It only measures one variable
Quite a lot of cells are in S phase are hidden as being in either G1 or G2.
What is Bivariate FACS?
The DNA is measured, but the y-axis is different as the cells have been incubated with BrdU for 15 mins. This means S phase cells will have rapidly incorporated BrdU. The graph shows the intensity of hallogonation - if there is high intensity then it is in S phase, if low then it is in G1/G2.
Why is bivariate FACS more useful?
If there is a single set of cells that appear to be stuck in G1 phase we would assume they are in G1 arrest. If however you perform bivariate FACS on these cells it may reveal that in fact a set of the cells are beginning to incorporate BrdU so are in fact just beginning to start S phase. Helps us work out which part of a phase a cell is in.
What advantages do studies of fission and budding yeats have
Both are easily tractible (Easy to make mutants)
Both are cheap
No sophiticated equiptment is needed to find out which stage of the cell cycle they are in - just a light microsope to work out the length of the cell which only grows longitudinally.
What are the differences between fission and budding yeast cells?
Budding yeast undergo an assymetric cell division and spend a lot of time in G1/ mitosis.
Fission yeast spends a lot of time in G2 phase.
How are cdc temp sensitive mutant yeast used
At the permissive temperature there will be cells at different stages of the cell cycle
At the restrictive temperature, Cdc mutant cells will pause at the execution point. The number of mutants found is proportional to the length of time spent in the specific cell cycle stage.
How do we know about cyclins?
They took cells in different stages of the cell cycle and fused them together using Sendai virus. They wanted to find out if one phase was biochimcally dominant then another. No matter where on the cell cycle cells are - mitotic cells always induced other phase cells into mitosis. i.e there is a biochemical entity which drives mitosis.
What other experiment gave an understanding of cyclins?
Using the xenopus oocyte system. If the cytoplasm from an egg was injected into an oocyte arrested in G2, it caused mitotic entry. Conclusion is that the biochemical entity that drives mitosis is present in the cytoplasm and was named maturation promoting factor (MPF)
What did purification of MPF discover?
Two bands seen on fractionating experiments. One of which appeared to be a kinase.
What did experiments in fission yeast schizosccharomyces pombe show?
Cdc2 identified - at a restrictive temp, Cdc mutants fail to enter into mitosis.
To genotype this - take a library of known genes from the yeast and reintroduce them into the mutant - look for the gene that rescues the phenotype, then this gene is sequenced.