Lecture 6: Plant Systematics II: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Flashcards
Spores vs Seeds
-Haploid: develop gametophytes
-Minimal food reserves
-Minimal protection
-Diploid: develop sporophytes
-Multicellular embryo
-heterosporous (micro+mega)
-abundant food reserves
-Seed coat+protective
Sporophytes of Ferns
Temporarily dependent on gametophyte (leaf+root grow from prothallus)
Evolutionary step: megagametophyte is retained inside the maternal sporophyte:
-plant releases spores which develop into the megagametophyte+sporophyte
-the megagametophyte is engulfed by the sporophyte and germination occurs inside
Sporophytes of Ferns: megasporangium
sperm cells from the gametophyte are released
-surrounded by an integument (tissue layer)
Sporophytes of Ferns: micropyle
opening in the integument that permits sperm cells to swim to the egg
-extinct group of woody spore-bearing plants (ancestor)
-Vascular cambium: secondary xylem+phloem
-Cork cambium produces bark
-Xylem: composed of tracheas but no vessel elements
-No seeds
Main divisions of gymnosperms: Cycadophyta (Cycads)
-Tropical and subtropical
-Leaves resemble palms/tree ferns
-Motile sperm cells
Main divisions of gymnosperms: Ginkophyta (Ginkgoes)
-Deciduous: lose leaves in winter
-Unprotected ovules (no cones)
-Lacks vessels
Main divisions of gymnosperms: Coniferophyta (Conifers)
1.) Pinaceae: needle-like leaves (pine, cedar, fir) suction cups
2.) Cupressaceae: scale-like leaves
3.) Taxaceae: flat leaves with feather-like arrangement
-found in boreal forests
-Needles (leaf)+ resin (sap)
(another main division of gymnosperms: Gnetophyta)