Lecture 6 : Molecular Spectrometry Flashcards
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What are the 3 main ways that matter can interact with light?
- Absorption
- Emission – material glows and emits light when light is shined on it
- Diffraction – when light interacts with matter, it gets split and spread out (e.g. prism split 1 ray of white light into 7 different coloured rays)
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What are the 3 energy states that molecules can possess when interacting with light?
- Electronic energy
- Vibrational energy
- Rotational energy
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What is electronic energy? What does it mean when a molecule has higher electronic energy?
It is the energy stored as potential energy in excited electron configurations.
- Higher electronic energy : when the electron in a molecule jumps to a higher valence shell that is further away from the nucleus, causing the electronic energy of the molecule to be higher
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What is vibrational energy? What is meant by higher vibrational energy?
Vibrational energy is the back and forth movement in molecules, causing it to stretch and bend along covalent bonds (e.g. C=C stretch, O-H bend)
- Higher vibrational energy = molecule can stretch and bend more
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What is rotational energy? What is meant by higher rotational energy?
Rotational energy is amount of energy a molecule possesses due to it spinning around an axis.
- Higher rotational energy = molecule can spin faster
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What is the relationship between energy and wavelength?
Energy and wavelength is inversely proportional.
- At shorter wavelength, frequency is higher, thus energy level is higher
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
What are the 3 main steps for a molecule to emit fluorescence when it interacts with light?
- Absorption of light (excitation) : electrons in molecules get excited to a higher electronic state
- Relaxation : Non-radiative loss of energy as the electron relaxes to the lowest vibrational level of the excited state
- Non-radiative loss of energy means that energy is lost without light being emitted = no fluorescence - Emission : Fluorescence is emitted as the electron returns to the ground state.
6.1. . Basic principles of spectroscopy
In fluorescence spectroscopy, why is the wavelength of the emitted radiation longer than the wavelength of radiation used for excitation of analyte?
Energy is inversely proportional to wavelength. Excitation = energy gained = shorter wavelength ;; emission of light = energy lost = longer wavelength
More detailed explanation :
- When excited to higher energy state, e- will not stay in excited state for too long and quickly relaxes to lowest vibrational state. Thus some energy is lost due to non-radiative process
- When e- returns to ground state, energy is emitted in the form of light, but the energy emitted is less than the energy of absorbed light because some energy was already lost due to the non-radiative process
6.2. . UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis
What are the 2 equations for Beer Lambert’s law in calculating absorbance?
- A = acL ; where a = absorptivity, c = concentration, L = pathlength
- A = εcL, ε = molar extinction coefficient, c = concentration, L = pathlength
6.2. . UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis
What is transmittance?
What is the equation for calculating transmittance?
Transmittance measures the amount of light that passes through a material (unabsorbed).
- Transmittance = P/P_0, where P = power of exit beam (light going out) , P_0 = power of incident beam (light coming in)
6.2. . UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis
How do I convert transmittance (fraction form) into absorbance?
Absorbance = -log(transmittance)
6.2. . UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis
How do I convert transmittance (%) into absorbance?
Transmittance = 2-log (T%)
6.2. . UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis
In experiments, why can’t absorbance be more than 1?
If absorbance is more than 1: - the curve becomes non linear and there is high relative error (because the spectrophotometer cannot detect the transmitted light accurately since 90% of light is being absorbed)
- Beer Lambert’s law will not hold true, thus cannot calculate conc
6.2. . UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis
What does it mean when my sample gives me an absorbance of more than 1? What can I do to solve this?
It means the sample is too concentrated. I can dilute my sample to fit the linear range of the absorbance against concentration curve.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> sample prep
What are two important procedural considerations when preparing a sample for quantitative analysis by UV-Vis absorbance?
1) Dissolve sample in a solvent that is UV-transparent (does not absorb UV light)
- This ensures that absorbance readings is only due to analyte absorbing the UV light, and not due to other intefering compounds
2) Filter and remove a particulate matter, which can block path of light and absorb the light, affecting absorbance readings.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> ref solution
What is a reference solution? [2]
A reference solution is a solution that :
1. Is same as the solvent used to dissolve the sample
2. The solvent, but without target analyte in it (to set a baseline absorbance value)
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> cuvette solution
What 3 cuvette materials are commonly used, and which is the most common?
What property must cuvettes possess?
- Quartz
- Fused silica
- Plastic (most common)
- Cuvettes must be UV-transparent so that they dont intefere with absorbance readings
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> wavelength
Which wavelength should be chosen to measure absorbance and quantify concentration of an analyte? [2]
- Wavelength with the highest peak/absorbance = maximum sensitivity
<br></br> - Wavelength at which the difference between absorbance between target analyte and interfering compounds are the largest
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> cal curve
When costructing a calibration curve, you must have at least how many serial dilutions?
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> cal curve
Where should the expected concentration of the unknown sample fall in relation to the calibration curve?
The expected concentration of the unknown sample must fall within the range covered by the calibration curve.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> cal curve
Why is it ideal to prepare standard solutions at the same time as the unknown sample?
To ensure consistency in reagent preparation and minimize variation (=higher precision) between the standard and the unknown sample.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> intefering compound
What are the 3 types of intefering compounds in UV-Vis?
- Compounds that absorb at same wavelength as target analyte
- Compounds that intefere with absorbance of analyte (by chemically / physically reacting with analyte and enhance / reduce absorbance of analyte)
- Compounds that react with modifying agents that are supposed to be specific to the target analyte.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> intefering compound
What is the purpose of adding modifying agents to sample in UV-Vis?
Modifying agents are added to specifically react with analytes to produce a measurable change (e.g. colour change)
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> std addition
How to conduct a standard addition protocol? (e.g. target analyte : urea in urine)
- Take your urine sample with unknown urea concentration and measure absorbance
- To this sample, add a known concentration of urea (target analyte) and measure absorbance.
- Keep adding the same known concentration of urea to sample, until a minimum of 5 data points are obtained
- Plot standard curve of absorbance against added conc of urea, and extrapolate until where y-axis = 0 (absorbance = 0) and get x-intercept . This gives you the original concentration of target analyte in clean matrix
-bc tho u measure abs of yr sample, the conc of urea calc frm abs of sample cld b higheror lower than actual conc, due to interference. Thus std addition helps to account for matrix effect.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> std addition
What is the main purpose of using a standard addition protocol, rather than a external calibration method?
It helps to correct for matrix effects.
- More accurate because the known analyte is added to sample matrix (which may interfere with signal).
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> std addition
From standard additional protocol, absorbance against concentration of analyte is plotted. How to find the concentration of analyte in the absence of matrix?
Back-extrapolate the graph, and find the x-intercept. The absolute value is the actual concentration of analyte found in the sample, in the absence of matrix.
- because when measuring analyte concentration in a matrix, the absorbance could be higher due to inteference.
- by adding known amounts of the analyte and plotting the results, you can isolate and correct for these matrix effects. The x-intercept represents the analyte concentration as if the matrix was not present.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
What is indiscriminate insturment error and when can it be observed?
It is instrument noise, where there is random fluctations in the UV-Vis spectrophotometer.
- It can be observed when the absorbance of the same sample is measured a few times, a different absorbance value is obtained everytime due to random fluctuations. (Or when u open and close the door of the machine, the abs machine fluctuate etc)
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
Why is it important to ensure that absorbance does not exceed 1? (relative error & transmittance)
When absorbance does not exceeds 1, there is low relative error since there is intermediate transmittance that can be accurately detected by the UV-Vis spectrometer.
- At too high transmittance values (concentration too low = absorbs less = transmits a lot) OR too low transmittance values (concentration too high = absorbs more = transmits less), the detector in the uv-vis spectrometer cannot accurately detect absorbance
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
What does it mean by the UV-Vis spectrometer uses monochromatic light?
It means that the light only has 1 specific wavelength.
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
What is the difference between a single beam and double beam UV-Vis spectrometer ?
- Single beam : light passes through as 1 beam, can only measure absorbance of samples 1 by 1
<br></br> - Double beam : there is a light splitter that splits the monochromatic light into 2 beams, thus absorbance of 2 samples can be measured at the same time
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
In a double beam uv-vis spectrometer, the light gets split into 2 beams of different wavelengths. True or false?
False, the 2 beams of light are still at the same wavelength as UV-Vis spectrometers utilises monochromatic light
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
What is the main benefit of double beam uv-vis spectrometer over the single beam uv-vis spectrometer?
(Hint : random error)
Double beam less susceptible to random fluctations (random error) and drifts, leading to more reliable results.
- Because in double beam, can measure absorbance of 2 samples at once, won’t need to keep opening and closing the machine
- in single beam, assuming there is 1 compartment only (in lab, the UV-Vis spectrophotometer has like 6 compartments), samples have to put in 1 by 1 and measure absorbance 1 by 1. Thus, since machine is opened and closed more often, there will be more random fluctutations
6.3. Procedural considerations for UV-Vis abs> instrument
What is a disadvantage of double beam spectrometer over a single beam spectrometer?
Double beam spectrometer requires regular calibration and alignment, more costly. Also more complex.
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy
What is the difference between Near Infra-red (NIR), Mid Infra-red (MIR) and Far Infra Red (FIR)?
State any values if needed.
NIR : lowest wavelengths (highest energy) –> 780-2500 nm. Measures energy states of covalent bonds.
<br></br> -
MIR : intermediate wavelengths –> 2.5 to 25µm. Measures energy states of different functional groups
<br></br> - FIR : Highest wavelengths –> 25µm
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy
IR spectroscopy involves using light at only 1 specific wavelength. True or False?
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy
What is the idea behind Fourier Transformation?
- Light of all wavelengths arrive at inteferometer (intefere) (detector) simultaenously
<br></br> - The in teferometer consists of beam splitters and moving mirrors (left-right / up-down) to split light into different wavelengths –> the output is initially a complex inteferogram
- Fourier transformation (mathematical transformation) converts the results into an FTIR spectrum (transmittance against wavenumber, absorbance against wavenumber)
- At certain wavelengths, specific functional groups (found in carbs/proteins/fat/water) will absorb light. Thus, at these wavelengths, transmittance is low and absorbance is high (peaks). From the wavelengths where the absorbance peaks, you can tell what functional groups are there, and their vibrational and rotational states.
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
Transmission mode is used primarily for what kinds of samples?
How does transmission mode work?
- Liquid samples
- the sample is dispersed and mixed with chemically inert halide salt (to disperse the liquid bc liquid particles v closely packed tgt, resulting in v high absorbance and high relative errir)
- An IR beam (light) is passed through sample that is placed in between 2 IR transparent windows
- It measures transmittance
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
Why are cells of pathlength 0.1-1mm used in tranmission mode?
Absorptivity coefficients are high.
- Since A = acL, when a is high, L should be reduced to ensure absorbance does not exceed 1.
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
What kind of samples is Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) used for?
All kinds of samples
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance modes
How does ATR work?
- Samples are placed onto crystals with high refractive index.
- <br></br>
- Incident ray is passed through the crystals with high refractive index. As the ray passes through to the interface between sample and crystal, certain functional groups in food sample interacts with ray and absorbs certain wavelengths, and evanscent / standing waves are formed.
<br></br> - The attenuated ray then leaves the crystal, and attenuated ray gives unique info of functional groups present in sample. (degree of attenuation, i.e. reduction in energy of light** at specific wavelengths corresponds to the presence of those functional groups.)
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
What is the main benefit of Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR)?u
Minimal sample prep required. Since radiation is not passed through samples :
- dont need to dilute samples / samples dont have to be thin
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
What kind of food products is diffused reflection used for?
Powdered products, where there are many spaces in between and light gets reflected in all different directions.
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
What is meant by :
1. Specular reflected light
2. Diffuse reflected light
- Specular reflected light : light that exits at the same angle as incident ray
<br></br> - Diffuse reflected light : light that exits at different angle as incident ray
6.4. Infrared spectroscopy > Transmittance / reflection modes
How does diffused reflection mode work?
- Sample is placed in an integrating sphere, and light shines through the sphere. Due to the many spaces within the powdered products, light is reflected in all directions
- Detectors are put along the circumference of the integrating sphere to detect the diffuse reflected light (no detector put at the opening because not interested in measuring the specular reflected light).
- reflectance spectra obtained, convert into abs spectra, calc conc
6.5. Infrared spectroscopy in food analysis
In infrared spectroscopy, which wavelengths should I look at if I want to quantify :
1. Moisture content
2. Protein content
3. Fat content
4. Carbohydrate content
Wavelengths to look at :
1) Moisture content –> wavelengths where –OH absorb
2)** Protein content** –> wavelength where –NH absorb (because only protein has N)
3) Fat content –> wavelength where –CH absorb (fat is in triglyceride form, esters of alcohol + FA, no –OH. Even if there is –OH in fatty acid chain, inteference is negligible.
4) Carbohydrate content –> wavelength where –CH & –OH absorb
6.5. Infrared spectroscopy in food analysis
What are the general steps in quantifying (e.g.protein) using FTIR spectroscopy?
1) Put in standards with known protein concentrations through the FTIR machine → obtain spectral data [At least 5 different concentrations for calibration].
- Narrow down the spectral data to wavelengths where amide bonds primarily absorb light, so that it is more specific to protein (i.e. wavenumber of 1750 cm-1)
2) Use a statistical methods (by software) to correlate spectral data to concentration of the sample as a calibration curve.
3) Validate the model : test calibration model with additional samples to ensure accuracy
4) Adjust and finetune the model : add necessary adjustments to improve model’s accuracy and reliability
5) Put in your milk sample with unknown protein concentration. Obtain the spectral data
Spectral data of milk sample with unknown protein concentration is compared to the spectral data of milk sample with known protein concentration, and concentration of protein in milk sample is obtained through calibration curve.
6.5. Infrared spectroscopy in food analysis
In NIR, the beam of light is split into different wavelengths, and measurements are made across the whole NIR spetrum (many wavelengths). Why is it necessary to make measurements at more than 1 wavelength? [3]
1) Improved accuracy : diff wavelengths provide information on diff components of the sample, enhancing overall accuracy
2) Noise reduction : measuring at multiple wavelengths help average out noise, improve S/N ratio
3) **Component differentation **: - different components in a sample can absorb at the same wavelength (water and carbohydrates contain –OH groups, which can absorb light at similar wavelengths, leading to interference). By measuring at multiple wavelengths, it is possible to differentiate between overlapping signals and more accurately quantify specific components in the presence of others. This approach allows for better separation of signals and reduces the impact of interferences from other food components.
What is the units for molar extinction coefficient, ε?
ε = A/cL
- absorbance has no units
- Usually concentration,c, is given in mM so need to convert to M by x10-3!!