Lecture 6- Mechanosensory Transduction Flashcards
What needs to happen for an external or internal stimulus to be detected by the brain?
-To be detected by the brain, any external or internal stimulus must be converted to electrical signals in neurons
– Sensory transduction
– In mammals, signals must produce action potentials in neurons
– Without action potentials signal is unlikely to ultimately reach the brain
What are the types of sensory stimuli?
- chemical
- electromagnetic
- mechanoreceptors
What are the chemical types of sensory stimuli?
– Taste
– Olfaction
– Nutrients, in gastrointestinal tract
– Inflammation
– Pain
What are the electromagnetic types of sensory stimuli?
– Vision
– Electroreceptors
-in humans have a very limited range of what we perceive, the visible light and the heat via warmth receptors
What types of mechanoreceptor stimuli are there?
– Touch
– Pain – pinch, etc
– Proprioception, joint angle, position of limb in space
– audition
How does mechanotransduction work in touch?
- Cutaneous primary afferent – sensory neuron
- Has terminal inside a specialised sensory structure – Pacinian corpuscle
- Deformation of terminal membrane opens stretchsensitive cation channels and causes depolarization of terminal membrane – generator (receptor) potential
- cutaneous primary afferent= terminal within the skin, deformation of this sensory neurons changes the ion flow= depolarisation then fires an AP and coducts back into the spinal cord, activates the pathway
- the ion channels in the membrane are mechanosensitive= stretch= open, release= close, simple arrangement
What are the two types of skin?
- glabrous (soles of your feet and hands)
- hairy (the rest)
What are the types of nerve endings supplying the skin?
- Free nerve endings, Meissner corpuscle, Merkel cell neurite complex, Ruffini ending and Pacinian corpuscle (according to depth)
- in hairy skin there is an extra one supplying the hair
- at 44C warm detectors, at 55 you will activate cutaneous nociceptros= pain Meisner= right underneath epidemris, in the dermis, consist of one axon with lot of branches inside a sdack of connecting tissue filled with liquid Ruffini= nerve endings, in a sack -deepest= most sensitive= pacinian corspuscle
- pacinian normally detect vibration
- merkel and ruffini= respond throughout the stimulus, force is modified with the depth of the nerve
- meissner= sack around the nerve ending= buffers the force but they are at teh top, they also fire at the beginning and end = rapidly adapting
- all convey info to the spinal cord quickly (myelinated)
What do free nerve endings do?
pain, cool and warm receptors
What do Pacinian corpuscles detect?
Which of the skin mechanoreceptors are rapidly and slow adapting?
- Ruffini endings and Merkel cell complexes are slowly adapting receptors
- Meissner corpuscles are rapidly adapting, as are the Pacinian corpuscles
What is the role of the sensory structure in the mechanoreceptors (what the ending looks like)?
-Mechanical distortion depolarizes sensory nerve terminals to trigger action potentials
- Response shape depends on coupling between mechanical stimulus and stretch sensitive ion channels in terminal membrane
- Coupling determined by physical properties of the sensory structure (corpuscle, free ending, etc
What was the experiment with Pacinian corpuscles to show how important the ending is?
- Pacinian corpuscle= big enough to strip it and can compare the response the naked nerve ending
- when nerve terminal in pacinian sack thing= as you push it deformes the nerve ending= causes depolarisation if big enough= then AP, the force generated is dissipated into the pacinian sack, so the depol lasts very short time= only one AP! fires at the start and at the end of the deformation
- receptive potential= what is generated in the nerve look up
- when only a nerve ending= deform the terminal and the receptor potential look different, get potential, declines a bit and when the eliciting stimulus is removed no AP, as no pillow!
How is information coded in different types of cutaneous sensory neurons?
- Only the slowly adapting Merkel’s discs encode the Braille pattern
- Other types of afferent encode different aspects of the stimulus
- merkel give the pattern that is present
- merkel disks are incredibly important for this sort of info, the others will tell you about physical force and vibration
What is another form of mechanosensory behaviour?
- Three types of mechanoreceptor axon in skeletal muscle
- Muscle spindles (A) encode length using generator potentials similar to those of cutaneous afferents
- In parallel sensory system
- Golgi tendon organs (B) encode tension, again via generator potentials similar to those of cutaneous afferents
- In series sensory system • Muscle spindles can be tuned by activity in γ motor neurons
– Change rate of adaptation
- detect force and length of muscle
- muscle spindle afferents= supply modiffied muscle fibres, surrounded by a connective tissue structures, receive two classes of primary afferent endings= 1A primary afferent (high speed) those send nerve termineal into the muscle spindle central, when spindle is stretched then the afferent fires
- then group 2 /slower like cutaenous) parallel to the muscle fibres, so when the spindle is stretched= firing follows the stretch of the spindle itself -when muscle contract the spindle is unloaded, shortening and the 1A wouldn’t deform,
- muscle spindle= length detector
- second class of primary afferent also group 1= more rapid than 1A, these are 1B= supply Golgi tendon organs, thes elie within the tendon of every muscle
- when muscle lengthenes and tension goes then will stretch, if contracts still will stretch= so whatever happens the golgi will fire even during a contraction
- these let the brain know what happens in the muscle,important for proprioception
What determines the action potential profile?
-note, shape of generator potential determines action potential profile
the way a generator looks (receptor potential) will determine the action potential
- physical force applied to a terminal deforms it and opens cation channels, so Na and sometimes Ca go in= depol= AP
- depth within the skin etc, all matter, how the force from outside will be modified into the signa
l -density of nerve terminals= will determine how
How does mechanosensory transduction work in the ear?
- Two different sensations – Hearing – Balance
- Both involve detection of movement via hair cells in cochlea or semicircular canals
- Detectors are not neurons
- within the ear= two sensations detected= hearing, balance
- if move the head quickly then hard to balance
- the way the mechanorecpetors work here is practically the same
- cochlea= snail, that is where the hairs are
What is the system like in the ear?
- sound is transmitted from outside to the inside, structures bring sound in= pinna (doesn’t do much, gives some difference if sound is behind or at the front, but basically not that useful, in other animals it is very important as they can move their ears),
- outer ear= auditory canal, through the tympanic membrane (works as a drum) the vibration that hits it moves it around and transfers the energy onto (7:1 ration between size of the drum and the window that lets the energy into the cochlea, important to be able to detect something, the detection of this is not a nerve cell, it is a modified skin cell (inner hair cells),
- also outer hair cells= aren’t involved in detection of sound but tune the relationship betwene tune in the vibration detected
- at the tips of the hair cells, there are cillia, one is long= contact the tectorial membrane that moves back and forth with sound, the cilia= many and taller to smaller there are tip links between tips and those are stretched as the cell moves = critical to the process
How are APs generated in the ear?
- when vibration moves the cilia in that direction (right) it pulls the smaller cilia= open K+ channels
- the region where th ecells are then high K+ conc, and low Na+, so when K+ channel opens= it flows into the cell and causes depolarisation
- when the system goes in the other direction= the potassium channels close then K+ pumped and the cell back to rest slightly hyperpolarisation = here it is different with potassium as high conc of K+ in the region out the inner hair cells
- the tip links are critical= break them and will never work again, that means that any very large vibration is likely to damage the hair cells= tear the tip links= so then deaf -from the inner hair cell to thenerve terminal= epithelial cells relase neurotransmitter= to a synapse
- calcium increase upon the depol. and cause vesicles to release
- need mechanosensitive channels in the tips of teh cillia and chemical transmission at the base of the hair cell at the terminal
- have to have both
- Sensory transduction involves translation of external stimulus into membrane potential change in sensory neurons
- Transduction of mechanical stimuli involves deformation-sensitive ion channels
- Physical interaction between sense organ and nerve terminal determines shape of receptor potential in somatosensory system
- Some mechanosensitive channels are in non-neural cells that communicate with nerve terminals via release of chemical transmitters -mechanosensory transduction requires deformation of ion channels