Lecture 6 - Human Evolution Flashcards
What does this model add to the Unified Growth Theory
The role of human capital and natural selection
beacuse of the positive association between income and fertility elites had higher reproductive success (higher fertility)
In Human evolution what was complementary to the growth process
Traits were complementary as they generated more income and reproductive success for elites in the Malthusian Epoch- these traits then became more prevelant in the population and so as a result the composition of the population affected technological progress
More of these traits in the popluation, the higher the rate of technological progress, and the higher the tech progress means more of these traits will spread because the higher differential fertilty
Why is this model not completely th same as the Unified Growth Theory
It exclusively focuses on the role of education and changes in the composition of the population however the scale of population does not matter anymore
Why does technological progress take place
because of education
gt+1 = ψ(et) and ψ(0) = 0
with et the average level of education and ψ(.) increasing concave
The model relaxes the assumption that there is technological progress and innovation as long as humans exist (g(0,Lt for Lt > 0) (no education here mean no technological progress)
What is the first Darwinian element
Variety in preferences over human capital which differs across individuals and intergenerational transmission of preferences
if you value human capital then your children will value human capital and if you dont’t then your children wont
What is the second Darwinian element
Natural selection and human evolution: revolutionary advantage for types who have preferenes over human capital: will have highest reproduction success
the share of people who value human capital more increases over time: 15-16th century renaissance or enlightenmnet in 18th century
Quantity and quality types utility preferences
Two types of individuals in population (i = quantity, quality) with different preferences (βi) ovr human capital (βquality > βquantity
uit = (nthβit+1)γ(ct)1-γ
However income now differs across individuals: if you have preferences for human capital you and your children will have higher human capital and as a result you will also have higher income
What is the subsistence constraint and budget constraint
subsistence level is the same as in the orginial unified growth theory and budget constraint is
nt(τ + eit+1)yt + ct ≤ yit ≡ wthit
In the Malthusian Epoch regardless of if you value education or not conusmption is the subsistence constraint: what you need to survive and the number of children you have is the share of your income thats left after consuming what you need to survive
how are preferences different to orginial unified growth theory
They will have different preferences over how to allocate γ (quantity or to quality) and different incomes (since yit = wthit)
What is differential fertility
since they value human capital differently, the quantity and quality types do not accumulate at the same rate and have different income and reproductive success
Quality types always have higher income since they are better educated
Quality types always have higher income since they are better educated and have higher human capital and therefore also have higher fertility during the Malthusian and Post-Malthusian Epoch and lower fertility during the Modern Epoch
Utility of preferences graph
because quality types have higher incomes and the subsistence level is the same for everyone, additonal time is invested in having more children and more educated children
What is the average level of education in the economy
a positive function of the fraction q of quality types
What is the composition of the population
The fraction q of quality types changes over time because of differential fertility
What is technological progress driven by
education, e and changes in the composition of the population, q
Overall the quality types acquire at least some education, tech progress takes place, the income of the quality types increase, they have more children (who also acquire education since they highly value human capital too), the average level of education increase
Until a point where quantity types start to invest in education too, pace of tech progress accelerates, take-off, growth is driven by average education and no long by the selective advantage of the quality type
Technological progress and education graphs
fraction of quality type q > 0
At the start quality types will raise the average level of education even without technological progress, there is some technological progress but the rate is too slow for quantity types to start investing in education - at this point only quality types invest in children