Lecture 6 Harvest Under the D-D model Flashcards
Estimating # from a harvested Population
-Estimate total harvest (Ĥ)
→By hunter surveys, restrations, check stations, etc
-Estimate harest rate (ĥ)
→By band returns, reward tags, etc
-Estimate pre-hunt populations using canonical formule
Harvesting and the Logisstic Model
-Goal: produicing a sustainable “offtake”
→Often we want this offtake maximized over some period, ie, Maximum Sustained Yield (MSY)
-Two main approached
→Quota (fixed)
→Effort (fixed)
-Improvements prevent harvest until a minimum “threshold” is met
→Constant Escapement (w/Quota systems)
→Fixed Effort w/ threshold
What do we need to know to make D-D Harvest work well?
-Good Data
→N,K,h and H need to be monitored and measured precisely
→This is ofthen very difficult
-Good biological understanding of out species
→Form of densitydependence (θ)
→How harvest influence population response
-Keep assumptions of the underlying modle in mind
Biological Considerations for the D-D model for harvest
- Hunters are predators
→There are notavle difference to consider
-DD harvest Managment
→Assumes that DD responses are altered
⇒Mortality: compensatory/Additive
-Rule of thumb
→Fast life histories can sustain higher hunign rates
-How does harves influence population cital rates
→Mortality: compensatory/Additive
Look at PowerPoint slide 5
Fixed quota harvest strategy
Look at PowerPoint Slide 1
Fixed Effort Harvesting
Look at PowerPoint Slide 2
Fixed-effort harcesting w/theshold
Look at PowerPoint Slide 3
Who do we harvest?
- Many harvest, esp. large game are male-focused
- This is justifiable, but think about the assumptions of the D-D model
- Other condideration of taking males
→Low effective population size
→Alteration of social interactions
→Genetic Changes
Key points fot D-D harvest
- Logistic growht modles are commonlu used to guide harvest managment
- Sustainable harvest under theses models:
→Good date ( K, form of density dependence, encironmental effects)
→Ability to modify harvest effort or efficiency based on the about data