Lecture 6: an introduction to a marxist political economy Flashcards
what is it?
production and accumulation of wealth and the distribution of the surplus so produced
permeates through much of contemporary human geography
capitalists use capital to employ labour- produce new commodities- which are worth more than the workers wages and surplus it extracts
capitalist control mode of production
the industrial revolution in britain
change in gender role
profits fall
impact on health - pollution
keep costs low- make profit- technology change- generate more profit- get more surplus value accumulation
classes- proletariat
working class
nothing to offer but labour power- do not own means of production
classes- bourgeoise
own means of production - buy labour power and exploit P
classes- petit bourgeoise
middle class- can afford to but little labour power- or own means of production
classes -lumpenproletariat
outcasts - criminals- beggars- rebels- vagabonds
limited stake in economy
historical important social class
retain some wealth and power
classes- peasantry and farmers
scattered class
some p some become landlords
M reading of economic d - primitive communism
primitive communal societies- hunter gathers slavery
M reading of economic d- feudalism
medival europe japan china
M reading of economic d - capitalism
home grown- w europe usa japan
imposed arrival- colonial territories and post colonial states
david harvey- never willingly surrender will have to be disposed
M reading of economic d- communism
marx saw communism an end stage of society
new reading of economic d
instead of communism
late capitalism or neoliberal capitalism - commodification f everything
commodity fetishism
consumers are distant from the social and environmental relations
isolated and detached