LECTURE 6 Flashcards
is the structure that supports the visual components of
an interface
The Layout
- it works opening the pads where the site can ship the
group around and make sense of the information
The Layout
it also helps the content to highlight what is the most
important data
The Layout
this is also reflected in more test accomplishment and
more time on the side or engagement
The Layout
relates to objectives reflected in a
good user experience that is why we can say that a
correct layout makes the user mind what he is looking for
a good layout design
- offers a different stance from both multi-channel and
Cross Channel UX
has argued that ‘the job
of the designer is now not just to design the device, the
software, and the way you interact with it, but to design
the whole experience of the service so it is coherent and
- Gillian Crampton-Smith (2004)
has moved from designing a website or an app to
do a single thing to designing a service.
concerned not just with the details of
the user interface or how a website works but with
providing a service
ux designers
is a sequence of
interactions that constitutes a whole or more abstract
important for service design.
time dimension
Elements of UX
- Strategy
- Scope
- Structure
- Skeleton
- Surface
conceptualized the
development of websites in terms of five elements
- Jesse James Garrett (Garrett, 2003)
This led to a famous figure that was widely adopted as
a guide to good web design
Elements of UX
the most abstract or hardest from implementation
Strategy Plane / Bottom Layer
concerned with understanding the overall objective of
the interactive system or service
Strategy Plane / Bottom Layer
the nature of the people who will be using it and what
their needs and desires are
Strategy Plane / Bottom Layer
the nature of the people who will be using it and what
their needs and desires are
Strategy Plane / Bottom Layer