Lecture 51: PTSD Flashcards
What are the 6 criteria for PTSD?
- Person experiences, witnessed, confronted with threatened death/serious injury
- the traumatic event is persistently RE-EXPERIENCED in one or more ways
- intrusive recollections of trauma, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional reactions to triggers
- Avoidance and Numbing
- Increased arousal
- Duration of more than 1 month
- Clinically significant distress or impairment in function
What is PTSD a risk factor for?
- high school drop out
- teenage childbearing
- marital insability
- unemployment
- loses an average 3.6 days/month of work
What is the prevelance of PTSD in the US?
About 7% of population suffers from PTSD
1/3 will have symptoms 10 years after trauma
How do you extinguish learned fear?
You do so through therapy?
PTSD represents impaired fear extinction
What is fear conditiong?
When a conditioned stimulus (like a sound) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (shock) that leasd to a conditioned response (freezing in your tracks in response to tone)
Can be studied in animals
What is an example of fear conditioning in PTSD?
Conditioned Stimulus = dark street
Unconditioned stimulus = mugging
Conditioned response = fear of dark streets
What is the prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD?
Using a conditioned stimulus and presenting NO unconditioned stimulus
(dark street with nothing bad things happening)
Also, you can have memory of trauma (CS) but no US which will lead to fear extinction
What are brain correlates of PTSD?
i. amygdala (cues)
ii. hippocampus (contextual)
iii. ventromedial PFC
- brain needs to RECALL fear extinction
What happens with hippocampal size with PTSD patients?
PTSD patients have SMALLER hippocampal volumeS
What happens during extinction recall in PTSD patients?
- ENHANCED amygdala
- Dampened vmPFC activation (means less recall of condition to dampen fear)
- impaired recall of extinction learning
- increased activity in dorsal ACC
What happens when you have no ventromedial prefrontal cortex in context of fear learning?
You LOSE recall of fear extinction…so the fear response remains
What are the associations between PTSD and fear extinguished?
Those with PTSD have IMPAIRED fear extinction
Cannot overcome fear
How can fear responses return?
- after passage of time
- In a specific context (contextual renewal)
- After unpaired US presentation
If you hear “that was easy” in staples, brian will probably not jump lol
What are the effects of SSRIs on hippocampal size?
INCREASES hippocampal size
-increases ability for fear extinction
Where are the neural bases of fear extinction recall: non-human animals?
ventromedial PFC
What is prolonged exposure for PTSD?
Consists of imaginary exposure (repeatedly revisiting trauma memory trauma in safe context
In vivo exposure: repeatedly and systematically approaching in real life situations that are feared even tough objectively they are safe
-discussing one’s reaction to retelling memory and to in vivo exposure exercises
What does PTSD treatment do for the brain?
- they INCREASE activity in ACC
2. DECREASE activity in amygdala